I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Uncategorized Category




I am – Throwback Demi Moore Erotica

This is Demi Moore in the late ’70’s posing for Oui Magazine. I guess this was when she was launching her acting career and needed money. She did what any self-respecting girl would do, and that’s take off her clothes. The benefit of doing something like this is that it follows you around for life. The problem with this is that nowadays, being a topless celeb means shit, the only way something like this surfacing would embarass her is if she was taking it up the ass by 2 black guys at the same time while sucking off someone with AIDS. Everyone is embarassed from having sex with black men, except for blond girls with fat asses. But they have such low self esteem that they are too sad to be embarassed of anything.

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I am – Carmen Electra on Leno

These are old, at least that’s what someone told me. They said Carmen Electra hasn’t been on Leno since December. So they are from December. It’s April. I am hungover and don’t give a fuck. If you are wondering what she’s doing in these pics, she’s demonstrating what she does on the trapeze she just installed in her bedroom. The reason she installed a trapeze in her bedroom, is because she’s a slut. She has too much money for her own good, and everything she does has to do with cockteasing the public. Look at her stipper-aerobics videos. Everyone knows that strippers aren’t thin because of the intense work out of their dances. In fact 95% of strippers I’ve seen are fucking lazy. That is why they are strippers, easy fucking money. They just let strange men grab their tits and pretend to like it. They are thin because they do speed, meth, coke, etc. They are trashy drug rats that nobody cares about, we just throw 10 dollars at them when we want to grab a tit and it works for me….

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I am – Jennifer Ellison’s Publc Service Announcement

I thought this would be appropriate for all the perverts who read this site, or used to read the site, but got turned off when they saw too many words. The reason this shit reminded me of you is because you have a problem, you masturbate too much. You spend too much time at home, and whenever your mom’s out doing groceries, or in the other room, or you have 5 minutes of privacy the first thing you think of is jerking off. You are a sexual predator, and Jennifer Ellison, a 23 year old pop singer from the UK thinks you should stop. Unless her PDA is about polluting/littering, in which case my whole post is a complete waste of time. It wouldn’t be the first time. I suck at life.

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I am – Jennifer Ellison's Publc Service Announcement

I thought this would be appropriate for all the perverts who read this site, or used to read the site, but got turned off when they saw too many words. The reason this shit reminded me of you is because you have a problem, you masturbate too much. You spend too much time at home, and whenever your mom’s out doing groceries, or in the other room, or you have 5 minutes of privacy the first thing you think of is jerking off. You are a sexual predator, and Jennifer Ellison, a 23 year old pop singer from the UK thinks you should stop. Unless her PDA is about polluting/littering, in which case my whole post is a complete waste of time. It wouldn’t be the first time. I suck at life.

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I am – Hilary Swank’s Nipples


I did the celebrity blog tour today, actually I visited 2 sites, one of which I wrote for for a week and I noticed that the European cocksucking piece of shit took me off his links to visit on the right side of his page….it’s been an on going theme the last 6 months. Other bloggers hate me.

Those celebrity blog motherfuckers won’t let me in their club….now I have always had trouble getting into certain clubs. For example, a couple of years ago I made some decent money and I would always get harassed by bouncers of gino clubs because either my pants were too baggy/low or my shoes were too cool for the lame bouncer to understand that my running shoes cost more than his generic black leather shoes. I always stayed away from those places cuz I knew you can’t convince a bunch of gino’s that Stussy is a hype brand, or that Denim and sneakers will one day be worn by executives and billionaires and people you want in your club.

Another club I couldn’t get into was the SciFi club at the college a friend of mine went to. I thought those geek virgin motherfuckers were too busy building weapons to use in simulated battle and the weekend sleepover, reading comics, talking star wars/geek trivia to notice me, but the second their virgin noses smelled the pussy on my face from earlier that morning, they freaked out and called security….

I am sure there are other clubs I wasn’t a part of, but in all reality they were clubs I didn’t want to be a part of. This celebrity blogger network is obviously some next level geek shit that people like me are supposed to make fun of and throw things at. It’s the geek heirarchy, and just because we are on the internet, and not in a high school classroom/locker room, doesn’t mean we can’t laugh at how lame they are.

In the meantime – here’s Hilary Swank in a see-through dress. People are complaining that I write too much… I guess I have a lot to say… if it annoys you… I will miss your visits…

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I am – Hilary Swank's Nipples


I did the celebrity blog tour today, actually I visited 2 sites, one of which I wrote for for a week and I noticed that the European cocksucking piece of shit took me off his links to visit on the right side of his page….it’s been an on going theme the last 6 months. Other bloggers hate me.

Those celebrity blog motherfuckers won’t let me in their club….now I have always had trouble getting into certain clubs. For example, a couple of years ago I made some decent money and I would always get harassed by bouncers of gino clubs because either my pants were too baggy/low or my shoes were too cool for the lame bouncer to understand that my running shoes cost more than his generic black leather shoes. I always stayed away from those places cuz I knew you can’t convince a bunch of gino’s that Stussy is a hype brand, or that Denim and sneakers will one day be worn by executives and billionaires and people you want in your club.

Another club I couldn’t get into was the SciFi club at the college a friend of mine went to. I thought those geek virgin motherfuckers were too busy building weapons to use in simulated battle and the weekend sleepover, reading comics, talking star wars/geek trivia to notice me, but the second their virgin noses smelled the pussy on my face from earlier that morning, they freaked out and called security….

I am sure there are other clubs I wasn’t a part of, but in all reality they were clubs I didn’t want to be a part of. This celebrity blogger network is obviously some next level geek shit that people like me are supposed to make fun of and throw things at. It’s the geek heirarchy, and just because we are on the internet, and not in a high school classroom/locker room, doesn’t mean we can’t laugh at how lame they are.

In the meantime – here’s Hilary Swank in a see-through dress. People are complaining that I write too much… I guess I have a lot to say… if it annoys you… I will miss your visits…

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I am – Buckcherry Ticket Giveaway Contest


We are doing a BuckCherry ticket giveaway, so if you want to go to a show, send in an email telling me why and what concert you want tickets to….the most creative entry wins, just email it in here

We have 2 tickets for every date listed and Step TV will be at the Toronto show to personally give away 2 tickets to crazy people in line, so look out for Steve and the camera crew.

4/7-Toronto, ONT
4/8-Detroit, MI
4/9-Cleveland, OH
4/11-New York, NY
4/12-Townson, MD
4/15-West Springfield, VA
4/18-Cambridge, MA
4/19-Sayreville, NJ
4/20-Hartford, CT
4/22-Beford, NH
4/23-Atlantic City, NJ
4/25-Jacksonville, NC
4/26-Nashville, TN
4/28-Chattanooga, TN
4/29-Atlanta, GA
5/2-Hollywood, FL
5/4-Seattle, WA
5/6-Ft. Walton Beach, FL
6/2-Vancouver, BC
6/10-Kansas City, MO

People will do anything to be famous…so don’t disappoint.

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I am – Rapping for Mayor: StepTV of the Day


I was just told by some people that StepTV sucks and that we shouldn’t bother showing the clips on this site, even thought I like it. They think the clips just aren’t funny. I think they have no sense of humor, but I am not here to dictate what is funny or not, because I hate everything and I never laugh, so what the fuck do I know about what’s funny and what isn’t. So I keep my fucking mouth shut. I would love for you cocksuckers to do the same here, because honestly, you aren’t an authority to decide if what Steve does is good or not…he sends in little clips, you watch them cuz your bored, we’re all fucking happy. I think that’s the way we should keep it. Here’s Steve’s email about this submission:

Yo Dick,

I am sending you a clip of an interview i did with a guy named Kevyn Clarke. Kevyn is a crazy guy that is running for Mayor in Toronto. He is a fucking nutcase, but funny as hell. I found him rollerblading around the city, dressed as a wizard, rapping for change. Seriously.

The actual interview is about 20 minutes long. He goes on to tell me about how he is the cities most arrested man, has hepititas A through C, lets homeless ppl sleep in his apartment…then shows me pictures of people on his cellphone (yeah, his cellphone……). Anyways, most of it is pretty funny, minus some religious outbursts and crazy ranting. I think he may of spit on me, so i may die within the week. In which case, i want to be burried butt naked with a boner.

Talk to you later,



Now watch the clip.

Click on the PLAY button. Or, RIGHT CLICK here and SAVE AS to your computer, and then OPEN after the download completes.

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I am – Rapping for Mayor

Click on the PLAY button. Or, RIGHT CLICK here and SAVE AS to your computer, and then OPEN after the download completes.

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I am – never giving this bitch coke.


I am not here to write about fat bitches and how disgusting they are. One reason is because I am married to a really fat bitch, and I know all too well why they fucking suck, but the main reason I don’t want to write about this fat bitch is because it’s mean. I don’t feel like I am any authority on healthy living and if this bitch wants to spend her life emotionally eating because she hates herself and going fucking nuts on the bucket of fried chicken night after night at her black drug dealing boyfriend’s house, I say let her. I don’t think cocaine is the drug for her to be fucking for, maybe her shirt should read “will fuck for an exercise bike” or “will fuck for diet pills” or “can’t really fuck, I am too fat, but I will suck dick for a personal trainer, but I may fall asleep halfway through it, cuz I am fat and fucking lazy”. I guess the last one was too long and the real issue is that we all know some poor drunken fool ended up gaving this bitch coke for sex, all while his friends coordinated it on the sidelines, and he was too drunk to turn it down. I can guarantee this slob would have put out for free. Fat girls are lonely and they use sex as a means to feel some level of selfworth. That’s why they are easy…but nothing in life is easy, fucking a fat chick takes good physical condition, it’s like swimming in mash potatoes, but if it was really mash potatoes, bitch would have already eaten herself…she’s that hungry. All the fucking time. Fat Bitch.

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