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Archive for the Videos Category




Twerking to Beethoven of the Day

Over one year ago a Burlesque dancer put up this video of her doing an ass dance to Beethoven…that has been repackaged as a twerk….even though if you ask anyone who isn’t a 15 year old Miley Cyrus fan, who has been to a strip club at least once in the last 20 years….they will say “Oh that’s how the black girls and a few white girls dancing to hip hop do their thing”…it’s old news to any pervert into asses and the ability for asses to jiggle while they work….

Today, this video is going viral, and I know this because it has been emailed to me at least once and that usually means we’re in too deep…

So I figure let’s give this girl more attention because sometimes you’re ahead of your time and it takes Miley Cyrus to make a word trend, only for your video to get picked up…good times…cuz I am all about the ass jiggle, even if I think Burlesque is the fucking worst shit fat girls have ever done to us…

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Arnold Schwarznegger Vs Downs Syndrome of the Day

This is hands down the video of the day…even though it is a year old…turn the volume on….it’s gold.

If you don’t like that – maybe you like some Obama staged fainting to make himself look like a hero for votes…I know I do..

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Sports Fan of the Day

The only tragedy in this sports fan video-bombing ESPN is that he’s not a girl…because if he was a girl his silly little antics that may make you laugh a little as the sportscaster tries to block him out of the frame…would be a lot better if he was rocking’ a set of DDs…not because I like men with tits, or men with really big tits, but because, call me crazy, I prefer my topless stunts to involve chicks…but it’s still silly enough to watch.

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Best Chinese Gossip of the Day

This is a pretty funny story that involves a Chinese business man, a Chinese model, 16,000 dollars and breast milk…

I mean I’m not too up to speed on Chinese, but from what the article says, this dude paid some mom model to breast feed him for 16,000 dollars, and the pictures went viral, because I guess that’s a weird thing to want to do, but in Asian countries, it seems pretty normal…but then again I am the kind of guy who tries to convince all my friends with kids to let me breast feed off their baby mommas because I am intrigued with what breast milk tastes like, it’s nutritional value, and most importantly, sucking tits pretending it is for science and not to get off…

Posted in:Videos




2 Drunk Australians, 1 Taser of the Day

As an alcoholic, I think I’ve realized that being drunk doesn’t necessarily make life more fun, it just makes the boring times more tolerable because your judgement is clouded and you do things your sober self would think is idiotic, like playing with a low level taser, or more importantly, bringing home fat dirty chicks and having unprotected sex with them, even cumming inside them, getting them pregnant enough to guilt you into marrying them and never leaving their side, because that’s what a good dude does…when if you were sober, you’d just go home and jerk off…

These Australians, are ridiculous, but this video made me laugh…and it will make you laugh too…

Or maybe you like weird Brazilan bike thief videos….

Or maybe you like Russians slapping up Americans on a train videos…

Posted in:SFW|Videos




The Tumpet Wars of the Day

I don’t really know what’s going on here, but there seems to be some trumpet war going on, where some dude loses his mind when a dude plays his trumpet on the street corner…I kinda like his rant calling a dude a mediocre, talentless piece of shit who is self involved and ruining the silence…and the dude doesn’t back down, but you know what..it’s actually kind of genius, why should some asshole who can’t book a gig be on the side of the road polluting our lives with his shit busking, because it’s a free world? Fuck that…motherfucker needs to be told, making this dude awesome.

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Motorboating for Breast Cancer of the Day

This Motorboating for breast cancer is a funny concept, especially when starring harmless nerds, but a fail on my end..because I should be the one doing this shit in a mask….cuz masking perversion with Charity is pretty much how the entire world works…and something I should take part in…

Because from Corporate world to pretty much anything, the big money offices are filled with fucking perverts, who know how to play their pervert shit so much smarter than me…and make real stupid money with it…Make it work for you motherfuckers…smart hustle…

Posted in:SFW|Videos




Today in Videos of the Day

Dancing Gas Man….

Chinese Mom Beating Her Daughter in Public….

Girl Gets Robbed…

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Girl Getting Restrained of the Day

This is an off-duty Marine arresting a female soldier at the bar…and they are off-duty…so he ended up getting arrested because apparently you’re not allowed to handcuff and manhandle a bitch in a bar while wasted…even if this is your weird PTSD mental issues from deployment foreplay…

I am just into this because citizen arresting random girls for no reason is gonna be my new picking up girls hustle…it effective when they can’t claw their way out of it.

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7 Amish Girls – 1 Bike Erotica of the Day

Call me sick and twisted, but I’ve always been into Amish girls…

Partially, because they have no access to modern technology and after spending anytime with anyone under 80 years old, you’ll see just how fucking annoying modern technology is as the bitches google themselves, selfie and even get hit up by other dudes while you’re with them, instead of them giving you their undivided attention that they are supposed to…

Partially, because growing up Amish, must be some fucking crazy psychological trip…that makes a bitch far crazier in bed and in life when you get at her because she’s been missing out on so much and when not distracted by TV and other bullshit, but rather forced to milk cows and do that kind of bullshit…I feel like sexually, magic happens…or at least magic can happen because their naive selves can easily be tricked…

Here are 7 Amish Girls on 1 Bike…hotness…just wish I could sniff that dairy off those seats….

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