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The Black Aryan of the Day

Here’s a black dude with a Swastika on his hand….who claims he is an Aryan, because he is first breed white, because first breed white is extremely dark, and he’s eating some kind of fruit that’s all over his face, and clearly insane…but totally fucking hysterical…if you aren’t offended by Black Aryans…who make weird noises…I don’t know what he’s selling but I’d love to make him my sidekick at least to any formal events I need to attend…or at least give this dude his own TV show…

If you didn’t like that, here’s Some new Rub and Tug Technology….

Despite rub and tugs being a legal loophole to prostitution and because of that there is one on every corner of every city….I have still never had one…because either I am too drunk to bother or just uninspired by old Asian ladies despite their firm grip.

I have walked into a few over the years and made the manager/pimp bring the girls out for me to interview to see which one was worthy of my hundred dollars, only to be kicked out after trying to get an insurance receipt to claim the massage so I don’t have to pay for the massage…

This is a dude working on some new rub and tug technology…hammer and chisel motherfucker….

Posted in:Videos




Dude who Eats Paleo of the Day

This dude is way more entertaining than listening to cross fit cheese dicks when it comes to clean eating and Paleo diet…I mean he’s also more hardcore, creepy and likely the kind of guy who has killed at least 4 hookers they haven’t reported missing yet because they don’t have a family…and no one notices they’re gone….

Posted in:Videos




Prank Gone Wrong of the Day

Every once in a while I’ll see a youtube Prank video shot in Southern California by dudes who clearly want to be famous and are taking to Youtube to make it happen.

THe majority of the time I hate the dudes doing the pranks, and just hope that the prank backfires…it makes the prank so much better…

So here’s one of those frat boy mentality idiots doing a phone stealing prank and getting punched in the face…

It would have been better if he was shot, that’s how prank fail videos should end, but I’ll take this as a win….for us prank video haters…

Posted in:SFW|Videos




Russian Party of the Day

Partying in Russia seems fun, I am sure it is even more fun if you’re gay…because I hear they love partying with gays…

Posted in:Videos




Failed Suicide Attempt of the Day

I don’t know if it is because I have no soul, or because I find death worth laughing at since we all die…or if it is because I hate suicidal people and all their throwing their life away because it sucks, even though life sucks for everyone, even people with everything, it’s just human nature to be miserable, but some of us are better at laughing it off…

So there’s something very funny about idiots who try to kill themselves and totally fail, you know end up surviving, because they suck at everything they do…

But in this case, dude was saved by a pedestrian who was just chilling, only to be landed on by some asshole suicidal prick…and apparently…the pedestrian died…proving that this Suicidal idiot….is now a murderer…that’s gonna real

If you don’t like seeing an idiot sucidal murderer fleeing the scene…here’s a video of a smoking’ hot fiery date…

Posted in:Videos




Horrible Creeper Video of the Day

This is a video of some creeper who puts on a mask, a lot like I do, and films unsuspecting girls hiking, which I don’t think is all that bad, if anything it’s just funny and could have been done way better, I mean, maybe more camel toe, hard nipples, sweaty asses, kidnapping, offering them money for sex, even masturbating on them without them knowing, I mean if anything this guy has failed at being a creeper….this is the worst creeper video ever done…

Apparently, the authorities are looking into this shit, and beefing up security in their Montana park, because now you’re not allowed to take scenic pics of your surroundings, it sets off alarms…I mean what a waste of money and time, obviously this idiot is just an idiot and the video isn’t even that good….

Also, the internet is based on pics and videos of random people doing random things, don’t blame some pervert, blame technology…he is the victim here…

Here’s a funny news report on the video…

Posted in:Videos




Jungle Music Scam and Other Videos of the Day

Some Australian sounding back-packers, because if you’ve ever traveled you’ll know they are all fucking Australians, were traveling deep in the jungles of Guadalcanal….wherever the fuck that is…and they came across a man with a UKULELE who wasn’t a hipster girl on her way to the park….which is so strange in and of itself…since that’s what I thought UKULELE’s were invented for…

These Australians asked him to play them a song, in a Dance Monkey Dance kinda way, and he did his on the shoulder stunt that all the tourists freak out for, thinking they just met a man untouched by society with natural talent, when really dude learned how to play this shit on Youtube…

They ended up throwing 50 dollars at him, reminding the jungle man why he and his UKULELE do this scam in the first place….and the whole story makes me laugh…that’s why I am posting it…

Stupid Australians…

If you don’t like that…here’s a kid fucking with a cat…until the cat attacks him and it is the best LOLCat video of ever

Posted in:Videos




Willie Nelson Concert Dancer of the Day

This guy may not give a fuck, if he posted this to his social media he’d write something clever like #zerofucksgiven or whatever it is every girl on my instagram is posting with pictures of themselves that make me think they actually give a fuck and telling me they don’t is just their way of trying to trick me….

But I am sure his kids give a fuck now that this has gone viral…because he’s old, and has clearly lost his fucking mind, or maybe, this is just what people need to do, feel the Willie Nelson music like it was EDM…

Either way, this guy won at the internet today…

Posted in:Videos




Claudia Romani Hates DrunkenStepfather.com of the Day

In life, you can’t please everyone…

Here’s bikini model, paparazzi queen who seems to be shot by the paparazzi while in a bikini everyday…telling me how much she cares about me…

I feel the love in her voice, I think she’s just playing hard to get….

Follow me CLICK HERE

Posted in:Claudia Romani|stepEXCLUSIVE|Videos




Hot Granny Dance of the Day

Here’s a gyrating old lady doing the Miley Cyrus…and I know you’ll like it…because she’s still got a heart beat, even if she’s only got a heart bit for a few more months, because she’s old as fuck, cuz a heart beat is all you really need, you sicko…who isn’t quite as sick as the guy who doesn’t need a heartbeat…this is the kind of thing that should make you want to volunteer at the Old Folks home for sexual reasons…

Posted in:Videos