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Big Cleavage and High as Fuck Chick of the Day

If this video doesn’t change your fucking life…or make your fucking day…or give you a serious boner…because girls who are losing their shit this hard…as their big old titties hang out of their shirt are as scary as they are erotic…not because you like fat girls…but because you like crazy girls at least when it comes to sex…since they are the most fucking fun…so seeing them in their element, rolling on the ground with shit all over their faces is exciting because you know it’s just the kind of crazy your penis needs….my kind of woman…

Posted in:Videos




Philosophical Question of the Day

If questions asked by attention seeking fat girls pretending to be hot by doing a cheap halloween Barbie costume everyday of her trashy, tacky, attention seeking life…rocking too much make-up…busting out of their shirt…with fake hair, fake tans and probably a belly…to go with her big stupid tits…inspires you…and makes you think “Hmmmmm…I never looked at the world from that perspective, maybe this is some higher level shit”….even though I think it’s all strategic performance for views…like a character for the internet she invented to mock real idiots…because real idiots don’t know how to make youtube pages or get followers…this is all lies…

Posted in:Videos




Today in Videos of the Day

The internet is built on videos…and here’s the best I found in 3 minutes of looking today had to offer…there are probably many more relevant ones out there…but this is the best you get from me….

Trolling in the 80s….

Bar Fight…

Woman Freaking Out on the Plant

Train VS Truck

Some Police Brutality…

Posted in:Videos




Coffee Mug Smack Cam of the Day

I don’t know if this is some hip hop Smack Cam video…you know the shit that’s become an internet sensation…or just a couple of hick kids who don’t like to fuck around with fists when they can just throw down with massive coffee mugs…I just know it’s funny…

Posted in:Videos




Dude Opening Doors With his Head of the Day

This is probably the video that best describes me on any given day, when faced with the bullshit that is the world that we live in…from government…to celebrity…to fame whores and money grubbers…only unlike the Russian…I don’t actually smash my head or light myself on fire…I just prefer drinking until it either goes away or doesn’t really matter…you see I’m not a revolutionary out to change the world…and I’m to lazy to be phased by the nonsense everyone buys into…but I am into watching idiots be idiots..and that’s why we’re starting the day with this hustle…cuz suicide ruins all the fun.

Here’s a guy burning himself on a statue…

Posted in:Videos




Classy Mom in her Classy House Acting Classy of the Day

Here’s a video of a disgusting house…I mean unless you like ghetto drop ceilings like shit was a mental institution and feel it is the future of luxury living…because it is all your ghetto welfare check can afford…

Featuring some disgusting woman with a very lovely tone to her voice and classiness in her vocabulary…that may make you wonder if this is just performing art part of her master’s thesis in poetry….as she loses her shit…like she was at Walmart and they just ran out of Ramen noodles she feeds her family with….

I mean, if you can focus on what she’s saying, and not be distracted by her impeccable housekeeping… garbage everywhere….

The scary thing is that this is how the majority of people live…and act…the American Dream….reminds me of a 1950s sitcom family…gone horribly horribly wrong….

Posted in:Videos




Fan Gets Tasered of the Day

I don’t watch sports, unless it involves girls grunting in skimpy outfits from beach volleyball to tennis….because I am more into girls sweaty and being intensely competitive, showing off their fitness and skills they have spent their entire life mastering…skills I couldn’t ever relate to because I’ve never committed my life to anything and have no marketable skill…but that I appreciate especially when it’s sweaty and in skimpy outfits…

But I do know that sports fans, even for insignificant sports, like at the college or even high school level, are some of the most insane fans out there, I’m talking more insane that Star Trek fans, because sports fans are booze soaked, often angry at their shitty lives, and most importantly, dumb as shit and ready to throw the fuck down…

So it is nice to see them get in the face of security and the police aggressive enough to get tasered…it actually makes me laugh that anyone would care about anything this much….I mean I don’t even thing I’d fight this hard if my wife was being abducted by criminals…but I guess that’s a horrible argument, since I was probably the one who hired those criminals to take her away….

Posted in:SFW|Videos




The New Carrie Made a Solid Viral Video of the Day

You’ve probably already seen this video of the Telekinetic Coffee Shop surprise prank…they have been promoting it on the main page of Youtube and there’s 4,000,000 views in a day….

The people at the new Carrie movie put this together to generate some buzz about a movie that’s already been made a few times and that I am sure will be shit…and that no one really cared about, at least not until today….thanks to this marketing stunt that all horror movies should stage going forward, but with more actual death…you know make the experience real and bring it to the people in their everyday life…you sick fucks…

I find this clever….normally I would hate promoting some multi million dollar marketing budget movie for free…but sometimes my appreciation of fucking with the public…gets the best of me…

Posted in:SFW|Videos




Russian Model Eats Chinese Food While Wakeboarding of the Day

This is just some weirdness…I mean I don’t really understand why anyone would want to eat chinese food while being towed behind a boat, but she’s in a bikini, and it happened, and I guess that makes it worth watching, because I guess seeing a girl on a board on water in a bikini…eating Chinese food…in Russia…is officially now a fetish…and for some reason I can’t help buy wonder what she’s eating….or more importantly why she did this….but I guess I shouldn’t really care…

Posted in:Videos




The Most Horrible Tragedy of the Day

Three days ago…the most unthinkable thing happened somewhere in America…and we have the security footage of it. I am going to warn you it is gory and possibly the worst thing you will see all year…because it involves something we hold so dear to us, getting murdered in the most violet of ways…making me wish I was there to either try to superhero these motherfuckers, and try to save them all with my mouth, or at least be there to help clean up the horrible wreckage…preferably…with my mouth…

If you don’t like that…here’s a Russian Wedding party….that you will like because Russia is amazing

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