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Archive for the Workout Category




Workout Wednesday of the Day

I am too fat to workout, shit’s too much effort when we’re all going to die anyway….and why not be the fat fuck who dies first in the horror movie, because is life really worth living, maybe it’s the gateway to a better place and every day here is one you’re not in that better place…right….deep…I know…

Obviously, dying sucks, living sucks, everything sucks, even working out sucks….but girls working out, staying fit, knowing fit is hotter than fat, wearing their slutty fitness clothes and doing their slutty fitness poses and moves….doesn’t suck….

It’s actually the only thing that would get me into a gym, or at least it was when I wasn’t too fat to workout…because spending hours hiding in the girl’s locker room, was the best workout ever…plus you can assume that fit girls can fuck….

Point is, get fitness inspired, you’ll live better, healthier…or at least hopefully the fat girls out there will….saving lives man, that’s what we do here.


Posted in:Workout




Workout Wednesday of the Day

What I’ve learned the last year is that a lot of unhealthy people pretend to be health obsessed as they fear catching a made in CHINA virus, despite loving everything ever made in china that graces the walks of their shitty suburban lives….

But none of these whiners who are scared of covid are into getting to the bottom of the problem, instead they just like to try to police the healthy people from being able to continue going to the gym to speak to some LAZY lie they’ve decided to believe, because it’s easier..

This is nothing new, I mean fat people have been pre-diabetic for generations and none say “maybe I’ll stop eating the cake”…instead they just wait to get full diabetic until they are “GIVING THEMSELVES A JAB” every fucking day or multiple times a day until their foot falls off….thanks to some gangrenous sore reminiscent of Weinstein’s mutated diabetic herpes dick…

Point being….WORKING out is critical to a healthy mind, body soul, and quality of life…but since I am lazy and fat and not some health guru, but rather someone who accepts my fate of dying from cormodial obesity related illness….unlike all these other mask-tard-wearing-assholes you see….because you can’t cry “HEALTH” while looking like you only eat hot dogs and baked goods…but yet they all do…if you’re fat, like me, just deal with dying prematurely and look at girls working out or girls who workout showing off their fitness cuz you can’t….it’s the thing to do.

Posted in:Workout




Workout Wednesday of the Day

I know with all the Body Positive, FAT LIVES MATTER, bullshit propaganda designed to make fat people who you know hate themselves buy products that were traditionally for skinny people, because the market is now 50% fat people thanks to shitty diet and exercise habbits…those cakes tastes so good and sitting feels awesome in front of a screen…when actual exercise is hard, takes effort, and really has no actual purpose now that FAT LIVES MATTER….

It’s clearly another religious chapter in the WOKE cult that is based on lies not science, since we also know that fat people have more chronic illness and premature death than healthy people…and then they ever found out during COVID that something like 90 percent of the deaths were fat people, old people, sick people…shocking to no one but fat people who are in denial about being fat because we’re a society of babies who can’t look in the mirror, or at their XXL tag in their pants and think maybe they’re fucking disgusting lazy slobs who ultimately don’t care about themselves…

I used to get called an asshole when the site still existed…for calling fat girls fat…what a bad person pointing out the obvious…that no one else is pointing out..cuz they are nice, decent, inclusive people who clearly don’t like helping people live better lives….ask anyone who has lost 100 pounds if they miss being fat…none will say they do….because fat is just a product of lifestyle, maybe some mental issues or blocks, that you should WORK THROUGH if you want a better life..

Now I am a fat person with a fat wife, so I can call other fat people fat from experience, it’s the whole reclaiming the word FAT and fighting for the rights of the fat fucks out there….and in doing that…I like to watch girls who do fitness, or who claim to be fit from fitness, in their nude fit body content, cuz it’s positive, it’s uplifting, the endorphins exciting…and whether you’re fat like me or into fitness, the best thing about excerise is the bitches who do it on the regular to not end up fat like you….and those are the real heroes and motivators…maybe it’ll inspire you to hit the track where the hot fit girls in slutty fitness clothing in your neiborhood congregate…maybe taking on fitness will get you healthier, happier and fucked….or if you’ve given up like me, at least it’s better than looking at fat chicks trying to convince you that fat is beautiful….when fat is the easiest thing a person can accomplish…and it’s hardly an accomplishment….


Posted in:Workout




Workout Wednesday of the Day

I will say that whether you are fit or not, you can benefit from working out and eating well, it’s just basic logic that if you fuel your body with shit, you’ll feel like shit, if you atrophy on the couch, you’ll also feel like shit…

I am not saying I am a fitness influencer, I am a fat fuck who is married to a fatter fuck, but even she knows that eating garbage and not moving is fucking terrible for her, but when you want to die…you do these things…

I will say that anyone who think calling a fat person disgusting is insensitive, or evil, or a bully…or a “FAT SHAMER”…you know marketing terms to divert from the point…which is that calling a fat fuck a fat fuck is actually helpful..if you let them know they are disgusting and there are options and ways to not be disgusting…maybe it’ll inspire them to get healthy…which is always a good thing…

If you just pretend that fat is beautiful, even though we all know it’s not, and not because of social constructs of beauty, but because it’s unhealthy fuck…as your sore knees help you waddle to the bathroom where you shit blood thanks to your hemorrhoids…you know there are micro bikinis in your size…and not just because all bikinis are micro bikinis at your size…but because they found NEW MARKET, NEW REVENUE….so the meida…LIES TO YOU…to SELL YOU..

The one thing you should know from this COVID shit is that being healthy, fit and ready for hand to hadn combat…is probably the way to take your life…the whole fat sloth who will die of COVID thanks to dying of Diabetes at the same time is not the way to take your life….

This isn’t about unrealistic body goals, you don’t need a six-pack, you just should be in a place where you can survive, run, defend yourself against evil and not be hooked on pharma to keep your fat ass alive…plus you’ll probably connect with yourself in doing fitness rather than connecting with strangers you’re too fat to fuck on the internet…

So here are some fit people…being fit….or claiming to be fit cuz these are workout, post workout, pre-wworkout nudes….FUN right…


Posted in:Workout




Workout Wednesday of the Day

They say that if you’re fit, eat well, healthy, your immune system probably won’t shut down and kill you if you catch the COVID…the death rate is low and I know at least two 300 pounders in their 50s who managed to survive COVID…so even if you’re a fat fuck…you’re probably survive COVID too….but if you’re fit…you’ll look better when surviving it….because no one likes fat people…so here are some WORKING OUT GIRLS to inspire you to either work out, or jerk off to girls who workout, the two aren’t mutually exclusive…

I am a fat fuck and the times I have spent at the gym, including some community service bullshit I had to do by volunteering at the YMCA, only to be escorted out and banned, thanks to my eagerness to spend my shift in the girl’s lockerroom, it was early internet days when you had to hide in a locker to watch girls change in person…no hidden cam things…no girls volunteering that shit cuz it could get them clout…

Anyway, fit girls are better than not fit girl, fitness makes life better, even when you’re not fit, cuz you can always jerk off to fit girls…important life lessons.


Posted in:Workout




Workout Wednesdays of the Day

You may not know this but it’s true, working out and eating well will help you survive COVID…being a fat fuck with a shitty diet will work against you when it comes to COVID..not that everything is about COVID…or that COVID is even the biggest RISK out there for the people…there are other things like Diabetes, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Cancer, uncomfortable pants, uncomfortable chairs, challenges standing up or walking up stairs…that all come from being a fat, lazy, unhealthy, shitty food eating fuck…

So use these girls, who are into fitness, to motivate you, to get into fitness, or at least to start conditioning yourself to no give sloppy lazy bitches the attention they want, because Body Positivity is a fucking lie that fat girls tell you…now that fat girls are confident cuz fat girls can be on TV, in Movies, Models, fucked by randoms like the hot girl at the bar and not the “last call” closing time table scrabs….ALWAYS choose fitness….and the funny thing with fit girls is that some are still thick, some are still busty….they just have more stamina to fuck you better…and inspire you to get off your ass to fuck them better…

Health is wealth or some shit…as I sit here in my XXXL soiled sweatpants that don’t fit….I’m a commentator not an example to live by…dummies…


Posted in:Workout




Workout Wednesday of the Day

Workout Wednesday is less about the workout and more about the bodies of girls who workout…and I am ok with that…so long as they aren’t fat…

Last week, they finally published a study that healthy and fit people were less likely to get sick and die of COVID…meaning that all the fat Americans, which has been a punchline for what must be 30 years by now…because 50% of 350 million people didn’t get morbidly obese overnight…that took years of the government and big business feeding you unhealthy shit..all those sugary treats to give you that dopamine hit before you found it in chronically masturbating your testosterone away….you see, they want you sick and they want you fat, they want you medicated, lazy, and complicit…and obesity is the way to do that….

I just don’t know why it took a year of COVID to say, you know “Being fat is actually bad for you”….I know you all believe in Body Positivity cuz Demi Lovato is triggered by FROYO stores having DIET options when WE SHOULDN’T DIET PEOPLE…but she’s a heroin addict (who smokes weed) that claims to be bi-polar so anything she says is by definition CRAZY…

So stop pretending fat is OK, it’s not, and start appreciating musculature on fit women, even when it is a little TOO fit…for it to be considered hetero…which probably won’t bother you since everyone’s queer now…or into trannies…you know probably cuz of that chronic masturbating thing…


Posted in:Workout




Workout Wednesday of the Day

I just read this riveting article that people who workout are less likely to die of COVID….which made me laugh…because obviously…you dumb fucks…

Empowering fat chicks and letting them play model like they were at a sex club you walked into thinking to yourself “damn all the chicks are fat bitches, which is what I expected cuz only fat chicks who can’t fuck end up at sex clubs, this fucking sucks”…..you know living their best lives that aren’t that great because they are morbidly obese but trying….only for other virgin weirdos to hype them up…because virgin losers are just excited for the opportunity to be near a vagina…but instead they get magazine covers and Sports Illustrated because brands are fucking political and pander….is totally irresponsible..

FITNESS is the fucking answer to survival, to best lives, to feeling good and looking good and if anyone tells you otherwise, they are likely a fat chick…just waiting for the pre-diabetes to be full diabetes so they can be on pills the rest of their life…

If you want health, be fit…if you want to stare at girls who get naked…choose the fits ones…they are healthier and thus better unless you’re doing what I planned which was thinking bitch would die and I’d get her pension…yet bitch hasn’t died yet…

CHOOSE FIT…here are fit girls working out….or who work out…with fit bodies from working out….

It’s how you CURE and BEAT COVID you dumb fucks…


Posted in:Workout




Workout Wednesday of the Day

Not enough of these girls, who are uploading their nudes to show off their fitness or their gains, are doing traditional fitness body building posing, and I find that disappointing, I figure if you’re going to pretend to be fit, or show off that you are fit, do it like a Mr Universe content.

Not enough of these girls, who are uploading their nudes to show off their fitness and their gains, are doing their fitness shoots while working out….at the gym or even at home…I don’t care….I just know the whole point of this is for me to feel like I’m jerking off to a bitch while she’s on the treadmill next to me at the gym, or the treadmill in front of me, basically I want this gym nudity to be gym nudity…not just girls who are fit being nude….

But we take what we can get…and this is what we got.


Posted in:Workout




Workout Wednesday of the Day

This is supposed to be a series of pics of girls who workout showing off their fitness to inspire us to either get fit or jerk off to fit girls because this fat girls being normalized is criminal, or should be criminal, it’s premature death man….

Unfortunately, the kind of fitness pics I want are girls being naked at the gym, you know sneaky flashing inappropriate behavior, because girls who work out are hornier than girls who don’t, maybe it’s a hormone thing, I don’t know….maybe these girls are modest in life and naughty on the internet…I am no them…I do not know their motivation….

But I do like seeing fitness in action, it gives me a taste of it while being a sloth lazy fuck on the verge of death….like this girl on the pole for fitness…

The reality is, girls who workout, who feel fit, who are horny after they get their pump on and feel the need to take nudes are pretty awesome too, so here’s a bunch of fit girls, girls who workout, girls showing their gains, in hopes of giving you gains, so that you track them down and give them financial gains probably, they just don’t all tag their names on their pics, but should….

Stay fit, or stare at fit…


Posted in:Workout