I'll Make You Famous…




Funny Girl Whitney Cummings Slutty in a Funny Bathing Suit of the Day

Whitney Cummings is probably best known for being a “Hot” comedian….now that it is not accepted to apply a gender to a person like back in the day when she was seen as a “hot” Female Comedienne….oh how the world has changed in the dumbest fucking way…

I was never overly impressed with her crass sense of humor because it is easy for girls to make vulgar jokes and seem more shocking or interesting than if a dude was to do it.

I just figured if I was a hot woman, and I may be, you’d never know, this is the internet and that would be my best fucking troll…breaking into comedy would be easy.

Comedians are losers who practice being funny, which means they likely didn’t get laid before they got famous from practicing being funny, which means that a girl like CUMMINGS who even has an appropriate name for the gig moved in and the world was her oyster…a hot chick amongst nerds trying to be funny…easy target, easy pickings…etc.

If you have a dream, it’s easy to make it happen, when you look good.

That said, she took her sex, dick sucking, comedy, made some hit TV shows, and is set for fucking life, so it worked out nicely for her.

I have said that I hate girl comedians, but it’s never been about whether they can be funny or not. I like girls, I prefer girls to guys, and girls can be funny.

I just thought it was reducing themselves to clickbait, when there are far better things they can be doing to reduce themselves to get attention, like getting half naked.

As it turns out, women are a versatile species capable of both kinds of clickbait…

So here’s rich as fuck CUMMINGS to CUM to.

Posted in:SFW|Whitney Cummings




Josephine Skriver Topless of the Day

Josephine Skriver Topless

I like to say genetically modified Josephine Skriver….created in a lab by her biologist father…in what I would call a reverse Abortion…you know TWO HEARTS / TWO SOULS / TWO LIVES only instead of ripping the parasite out of you, they create the parasite in a test tube….place it in a surrogate….the way you GOD intended it…but not really.

It’s some designer baby shit, that in and of itself is crazy as a concept, but people clone their dogs so it’s not all that crazy….

I assume her dad’s research was funded by some rich pervert like Epstein or the guy who runs Victoria’s Secret, because if you create your woman in a lab is she even a woman, or a sex doll with human attributes and biology, who doesn’t deserve the same human rights because she is a possession, something that works for rich perverts…

What I am saying is that she looks good, even in boring as fuck photoshoots.

Josephine Skriver Topless


Posted in:Josephine Skriver|SFW




Demi Lovato Overdose Anniversary of the Day

Demi Lovato Big Tits in a Black Tight Bikini

I don’t travel in the right circles, so I have never seen the opiate epidemic first hand in America, even though I know it’s a thing, cuz opiates are so good…

But I have seen a bunch of heroin addict opiate celebrities have overdoses the last few years, and Demi Lovato’s was probably the most hyped…even though she didn’t die from it.

The world came forward with the “Get Well Soon” without the ” YOU Rich as fuck entitled brat with everything to live for”….or the “you’re just a coddled baby and not an actual addict”….with no “we have no sympathy for you fuck, there are real addicts out there on the streets with addiction”….no one got time for this idiot’s nonsense cry for attention

The thing that offended me the most besides the sympathy as she sent herself to million dollar rehab she didn’t even notice cutting the check to cuz she has so much money…is that none of her brand partners dropped her.

In the real world, opiate addiction gets you fired, you end up on the street, doing fucked up things for a hit..

While this bitch in her mansion is out there trying to steal the sympathy from the people who need it.

I don’t know if this self involved pig has done any outreach to other addicts or done anything good with herself, she seems more like a “poor me” victim type.

I do know it’s been a year since her overdose and the overdose is the most interesting thing she’s ever done career wise…everything else is vanilla bullshit, that is manipulative marketing tactics full of insincere shit….the overdose was the one legit thing she did.

The real issue is that after the overdose – how many kids hoped on the opiate train in a “if Demi does heroin, I should too”….cuz they buy her shitty merch, tickets to her shit show, a fucking opiate seems like a logical thing to get into.

So thanks for taking opiates to the Disney Generation. Good job. Idol.

Here she is celebrating last night..


Posted in:Demi Lovato|SFW




Emma Roberts Fitness Tits of the Day

I am a big fan Emma Roberts…I think she’s hot, skinny, stylish and a good time…

I like that she is crazy or passionate when getting arrested for beating her boyfriend in Montreal…

I like that she’s got daddy issues, because there is no way anyone raised by Eric Roberts from A-List to F-List cokehead doesn’t have daddy issues, not that he even raised her but you know what I mean….that she is a survivor from a broken home…a broken rich person home with an Aunt who was Julia Roberts…but a broken home nevertheless….

Plus, she could have easily turned to party girl crackhead instagram whore…instead she got work, even if it was easy to get work, it’s easier to bee a n instagram whore who does nothing all day – when you’ve got ROBERTS as a last name….

So…here she is working out.


Posted in:Emma Roberts|SFW




Vanessa Hudgens Hard Nipples of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens Hard Nipples

I have this theory that I just made up a few days ago – involving Vanessa Hudgens and her pregnancy to the guy that they just cast to play Elvis in an already hyped story…because everyone fucking loves Elvis….and that theory is that Vanessa Hudgens is pregnant.

I am not TMZ, I don’t have the person working the lab at the hopsital or even the GYNO leaking the story…I am just a pervert and can sense when a bitch is knocked up…knowing their age, their overall bloated cunt region and that they have this small window of being able to cum in them without knocking them up since they are already knocked up…Science.

I call it African Tribal VooDoo Shit….

Now she’s out there with her hard nipple, as her tits start producing milk, and we’re all staring like perverts without remeembering that tits are nature’s buffet for babies and there’s nothing sexual in that…it’s survival of our species man…so stop cumming to / on tits….

She is best known for being early to the leaked nude selfie, showcasing her bush to the world while still working on Disney Musicals…and for that…I am a forever fan.


Posted in:SFW|Vanessa Hudgens




Bella Thorne is Topless of the Day

Bella Thorne Topless

Long gone are the days of boring, stuffy, book tours…where old crotchety authors who are educated, experienced, and have a passion or pride for the written word come out to share a chapter of their book with their literary fans…you know when people cared about substance, intellect and story….

It has been replaced with basically smeared ejaculate hardening on the pages of a magazine quality literature…where best selling books are just a product of digital marketing from people who are famous, who are high school drop outs, who have very little to say, who aren’t thought provoking, who are fake news clickbait Disney pop shit…..

Literature isn’t dead, it’s just been repurposed into being something of very low quality to sell books to idiots.

Bella Thorne, the illiterate, on the NY Times best seller list…doing it…promoting her book…the right way…this way…the everything is gutter porn way.

Bella Thorne Topless


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Ashley Benson TIts Out For Fashion of the Day

Ashley Benson Tits Out

If you’re looking for chubby girls who made it in America by being on an insanely popular TV show…where she amassed a huge audience and following on Social Media, which at the time I am sure they didn’t think would translate to be the single most important part of their business…who has transitioned to lesbianism because her lesbian fiance Cara Delevingne pressured her into it, showing some tit….YOU’VE COMEE TO THE RIGHT PLACE. Even though it is definitely the wrong place.

Ashley Benson Tits Out


Posted in:Ashley Benson|SFW




Robbing Baker Goes Wrong and Other Videos of the Day

Idiot Biker

Gas Station Clerk Shoots Chip Thief

Dog in Florida Won’t Let Go of New Adopters…

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I guess I should do the morning hangover dump….

Even though I feel like no one sees this…

Much like the fecal art love notes I used to leave to girls I had one night stands with.

I never heard from them again.

So I assume it was all a figment of my imagination….the fecal art…and the one night stand…

Like the morning dump….all a simulation…

Here are some stepLINKS….

Big Tits on the Beach Making Sand Castles

Fat Ass Lady Thinks Tazer is a Vibrator

Trevor Noah on the ASAP Rocky + TRump THing

Lou Pearlman – The Man Who Fucked the Boy Bands – Biopic in the Works

Nicole Murphy Is Sorry for Kissing Married Director…

Jamie Foxx Doing a Bang On Chappelle Impression

Dr Dre Selling Enormous LA Mansion

ASAP Rocky Finally Got Charged..

Jacked Youtuber on Area 51


Posted in:stepLINKS




Guess the Celeb in the Masturbation Video of the Day

This video has been doing the rounds….it is rumored to be a celebrity.

Guess the CELEB.

I don’t believe it…but any excuse to show some girl spreading her asshole like it is news works for me.

I have spent the last 15 years doing the site…with the belief I am not a porn site.

I guess when insertion videos happen and I post them – it’s hard to say I am not a porn site.

But everyday girls produce this shit on the regular and if it is a celebrity in it – then doesn’t that make it a reflection of society rather than porn….maybe the line between porn and mainstream is blurred since porn is mainstream and everyone is an exhibitionist pervert competing with each other to be jerked off to.

Who knows…it’s like the old teach a man to fish he will never go hungry storyline, only it’s a give a girl a camera and she’ll be filming herself masturbating within the week….

Posted in:NSFW|Videos