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Alicia Arden’s Amazing Christmas Shoot of the Day

Alicia Arden is a virtual unknown to me, but apparently she’s on the Phoebe Price, Maitland Ward, Frenchy Morgan hustle of doing themed shoots on their low level tabloid celebrity, hoping to get picked up by random low level media – that either loves all Xmas content – feels sorry for them and wants to […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

The world is a spread pussy – and my impotence makes it impossible for me to cum on it….so I’ll just angrily stare…. That’s all I have to say about that….I call comments like that – the reason I don’t have success… Here are some stepLINKS…. This Picture is More Interesting Than Anything Else Going […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I spent the last hour talking to a girl I met in tinder – who told me I was disgusting because she’s a feminist and I’m apparently a monster – that I convinced to meet me at a bar – where she showed me her period art – or pictures of her period art – […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I walk the fine line of where sexual harassment becomes sexual assault. You know just enough creepy inappropriateness in my communication and/or gaze to make someone feel awkward…not not quite enough for them to feel violated, raped, assaulted…. You keep out of prison that way…. It’s a new post American Thanksgiving world, also knows as […]




stepLINKS of the Day

So we’ve established that asking a girl to show you her Turkey Wattle in her panties is a fail and her outty pussy will never be exposed to you. Well it turns out that fisting a Turkey while talking about how this is the last Thanksgiving for America as a country and how the fall […]




Juliana Herz VS Turkey for Thanksgiving of the Day

I have no idea whether Juliana Herz is an instagram model, you know the fame whore kind who get naked and hashtag the fuck out of everything, when they are not doing nude shoots with trendy photographers for fake publications….or if she’s an actual model…because really they are one in the fucking same these days, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The amount of women who blindly offer me sex over the internet is amazing. I am always confused, blown away and I almost believe them because kids these days are perverts and easy as fuck…so I always entertain the idea for a minute, even though I don’t trust them, and assume they are out for […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I was on a walk last night, not to get healthy, but to get some cocaine from a friend….and I saw this really hot girl walk into a house…on my walk back I looked at the house she walked into and saw that the window on the ground floor was open…and I thought…”she’s lucky I’m […]




stepLINKS of the Day

You haven’t been robbed of your life, I mean other than by yourself, because that’s how it works when you’re an apathetic loser with no real interest in living a great life…so I’m hear to coach you with my even MORE pathetic, apathetic, pathetic existence on ways to make things better. From not caring, to […]




stepLINKs of the Day

Is it me – or do you think the full moon and passover have anything to do with the death of Prince…#illuminati…the Jewish Sacrifice… Is it me – or are Prince’s fans as pretentious as Prince was…talking about his gender fluidity, and artistry, when he was a commodity and all that bullshit… Is it me […]