I'll Make You Famous…




Elsa Hosk Nipple Dress of the Day


Victoria’s Secret model Elsa Hosk, who was cast to play Candice Swanepoel during Candice’s maternity leave, because she’s got the most Candice look, and she’s even the same age as Candice, just far less successful because before sleeping with the guy who books the VS models, you know for their mall brand content, she was just a Titty Model out of Sweden….

Well, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks as she walks around nipples out in public…because you can take the stripper out of the strip club, but you can’t take the stripclub out of the stripper…or something….she is just programmed to show her nipples…no matter how corporate or mainstream she goes…it’s all she knows..

Posted in:Elsa Hosk




Barbara Palvin Ass of the Day


Barbara Palvin’s ass is in some calendar or some photoshoot for some porn shit – that has polarized the porn shit and pretended it is FASHION ART SHIT – which in and of itself is a Brilliant play….because no one wants to work with porn shit – everyone wants to work with fashion and art shit….

SO they cast good photographers and good high end – actual models – instead of gutter bitches trying to get naked to get ahead….Instead they got girls who are already ahead getting naked to try to give themselves some substance or soul or value or authenticity after years of being tainted by corporations that own them….

Her name is Barbara Palvin, she’s a big Hungarian model who was recruited by VS at a young age…and she’s in lingerie not looking big, not showing nipples, but still sleazier than usual…and it’s a good look for her…really it’s a good look for any woman willing to be seen like this…

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Rat Cow Does Love Magazine – Obviously – of the Day

She’s got monster tits on a skinny frame…and that’s done well for her…

I will never quite understand how a talentless set of tits – who just shamelessly shows off her tits – every chance she has to say “look at my tits” gets the million dollar campaigns she gets..from brands who normally fear tits…

I will never quite appreciate her hustle, the obsessive compulsive narcissism that went into making her tits seen by the world..even if the tits are great….

I will never buy into her being a feminist, anything more than naked for likes, addicted to likes…

I will never respect or believe in anything she does in her career is more than just a vapid use of her tits…

I will never believe her tits or lips are real….

I will always think she’s bullshit….like Love Magazine who panders to all these idiots – so they get content that they think is relevant – for likes and follows – that’s all this world is….likes and follows…using the same unispiring people, with the same uninspiring videos…

I’d rather see obese 80 year olds doing what Em Rat Cow is doing…but the media doesn’t feed me that…they just feed me this garbage…

But I’ll still look…I mean…check out those tits…BIG…BIG…and when her bird face is cropped out…GOOD GOOD….

Posted in:SFW|Videos




Courtney Stodden Christmas Miracle of the Day


I think the fact that Courtney Stodden is still getting invited to events…is a Christmas Miracle…his miscarriage…probably also a Christmas miracle, maybe not to her…assuming it was a miscarriage and not just an abortion….but whatever it was it she was great at leveraging it into some weird fucking content….and here she is doing Christmas the only way Christmas should be done…all Mrs Claus stripper / themed hooker – something she’s good a doing, which isn’t saying much because most sex workers are, it doesn’t really take all that much effort to find the sluttiest Santa outfit for the one event you’ve been asked to attend…that shows off your clown tits you spent good money on….

She’s ridiculous, and for some reason, the real obvious shameless bitches are the more honest ones, it’s the fakes who pretend they aren’t being shameless but instead rationalizing it in their minds as being fabulous and desirable…making her a better experience…than an Em Rat Cow…

Posted in:Courtney Stodden|SFW




Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show Behind the Scenes Polaroids of the Day


Instagram, Victoria’s Secret, the Internet, Social Media…killed the concept of models, it killed the concept of “art”…and now it’s killed the hipster move to ANALOG to prove that they can create images using film and polaroid….like real photographers of the 60s and 70s they are channeling or that they’ve convinced themselves they are channeling…

I actually had an instagram photographer write “My world is the 60s/70s counter culture. Nudity in my pictures is a byproduct of mood/trust/chance”….

What the fuck is that bullshit? I guess the commercial bullshit at Victoria’s Secret is on the same fucking train…

Here are the polaroids…so much artistry…mainstream mall brand bullshit trying to have substance but remaining fast food which I guess is good for them since AMERICA Loves fast food….featuring a bunch of assholes I’d definitely lick.

Posted in:SFW|Victoria's Secret




Lady Gaga’s Post Traumatic Stress Disorder of the Day


In 2009 maybe it was 2010, Lady Gaga was in Canada for an event. She was in the VIP booth at some after party with Perez Hilton – surrounded by security…not wearing pants…and I moved into their booth area, I was fucking wasted and I ended up reaching around her security…and violating her ass…grabbing it, originally to get noticed so I could say something obnoxious, but when she didn’t react I just kept going at it…grabbing her ass like I had never grabbed a stranger’s ass before..she didn’t even fucking notice…so trigger my ass…

I am really not the kind of dude who just grabs random chicks, but she’s not random, she was just starting out, and it just sort of happened….I can’t remember grabbing any ass before or after hers, not uninvited anyway….and the entire time I was GRABBING that ass, hard…she didn’t fucking flinch, notice, react..

So when I read about her PTSD that she posted on her charity site – like a fucking soldier in combat who has seen some shit……I have a hard time believing her bullshit…Celebs are liars…they are babies…they are crazy people…

She posted this to her scam charity site…

I have wrestled for some time about when, how and if I should reveal my diagnosis of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). After five years of searching for the answers to my chronic pain and the change I have felt in my brain, I am finally well enough to tell you. There is a lot of shame attached to mental illness, but it’s important that you know that there is hope and a chance for recovery.

It is a daily effort for me, even during this album cycle, to regulate my nervous system so that I don’t panic over circumstances that to many would seem like normal life situations. Examples are leaving the house or being touched by strangers who simply want to share their enthusiasm for my music.

I also struggle with triggers from the memories I carry from my feelings of past years on tour when my needs and requests for balance were being ignored. I was overworked and not taken seriously when I shared my pain and concern that something was wrong. I ultimately ended up injured on the Born This Way Ball. That moment and the memory of it has changed my life forever. The experience of performing night after night in mental and physical pain ingrained in me a trauma that I relive when I see or hear things that remind me of those days.

I also experience something called dissociation which means that my mind doesn’t want to relive the pain so “I look off and I stare” in a glazed over state. As my doctors have taught me, I cannot express my feelings because my pre-frontal cortex (the part of the brain that controls logical, orderly thought) is overridden by the amygdala (which stores emotional memory) and sends me into a fight or flight response. My body is in one place and my mind in another. It’s like the panic accelerator in my mind gets stuck and I am paralyzed with fear.

When this happens I can’t talk. When this happens repeatedly, it makes me have a common PTSD reaction which is that I feel depressed and unable to function like I used to. It’s harder to do my job. It’s harder to do simple things like take a shower. Everything has become harder. Additionally, when I am unable to regulate my anxiety, it can result in somatization, which is pain in the body caused by an inability to express my emotional pain in words.

But I am a strong and powerful woman who is aware of the love I have around me from my team, my family and friends, my doctors and from my incredible fans who I know will never give up on me. I will never give up on my dreams of art and music. I am continuing to learn how to transcend this because I know I can. If you relate to what I am sharing, please know that you can too.

Traditionally, many associate PTSD as a condition faced by brave men and women that serve countries all over the world. While this is true, I seek to raise awareness that this mental illness affects all kinds of people, including our youth. I pledge not only to help our youth not feel ashamed of their own conditions, but also to lend support to those servicemen and women who suffer from PTSD. No one’s invisible pain should go unnoticed.

I am doing various modalities of psychotherapy and am on medicine prescribed by my psychiatrist. However, I believe that the most inexpensive and perhaps the best medicine in the world is words. Kind words…positive words…words that help people who feel ashamed of an invisible illness to overcome their shame and feel free. This is how I and we can begin to heal. I am starting today, because secrets keep you sick. And I don’t want to keep this secret anymore.

A note from my psychologist, drnancy;

If you think you might have PTSD, please seek professional help. There is so much hope for recovery. Many people think that the event that stimulated PTSD needs to be the focus. Yet often, people will experience the same event and have completely different reactions to it. It is my opinion that trauma occurs in an environment where your feelings and emotional experience are not valued, heard and understood. The specific event is not the cause of traumatic experience. This lack of a “relational home” for feelings is the true cause of traumatic experience. Finding support is key.

So dramatic – poor little rich and famous self involved twat…

Remember this was posted to a Charity that in 2012 took in 2.6 million – but paid out only $5000 because she’s a fucking scammer…a lie…a rip off…a hack…manipulative – especially to fat and ugly people who think she’s one of them…and now she’s delving into mental health..

Here are some pics of her ass – the most famous ass – I’ve grabbed

Posted in:Lady Gaga|SFW




Kate Moss on Roller Coasters of the Day

Kate Moss is the best, I would even say she’s a fetish, and she’s on some roller coaster that brings me joy…not because it represents the ups and downs of her career and life…her relationships or any of that poetic shit…it’s not even that this is some christmas spirit bullshit…at some winter wonderland bullshit in the UK….it just reminds me that her old haggard coke whore yet glamorous coke whore face is plastic…shit doesn’t move…but more importantly…this is the most motherly we’ve seen her, despite being a mother of some tween, and as she is doing childish or mom type things, she’s not with her kid, she’s never with her kid, does she even have a kid, or is she more into being on yachts topless and luxurious…all long nippled and Kate Moss…like she should be…

I guess ultimately, who fucking cares besides me….probably….not many people…


Here’s a bunch of pictures of her….because I like Kate Moss.

Posted in:Kate Moss




Lea Michele Booty of the Day

The Hollywood Reporter's 25th Annual Women In Entertainment Breakfast - Arrivals

I used to think Lea Michele was a dude…who dressed like a girl – and had some angelic voice that her parents beat into her before selling her off to Broadway – and then GLEE…but it turns out that after staring at her ass – as she awkwardly pops it out…

I realize it doesn’t really matter if she’s got a dick, she’s done this girl thing enough, she’s got fame and money and despite not being all that hot…is widely accepted as a girl…and if you talk to any tranny sex workers – they’ll tell you that it’s not even gay to fuck a tranny, as they are “women” with dicks, and most of their clients are straight men….we call closet cases with weird sexual issues thanks to trying to find things that turn them on….

She’s at some event…who cares….


Posted in:Lea Michele|SFW




Baywatch Trailer of the Day

Baywatch proves that not all 20 year old things are good…

I get that Hollywood is running out of ideas. I get that Hollywood likes to play off nostalgia, it worked in the past, let’s try it again, for a new market – that doesn’t even go to the movies….by making it into a movie…

I think it was a shitty TV show, obviously I used to watch it in a pre-porn era – to see Pam Anderson’s clown tits but now they are putting it together with new pussy…that isn’t really that eventful, but that has a trailer…

I guess they don’t realize that tits can be found everywhere, it is called instagram…we don’t need shitty storylines to go along with our tits….even the bitches in this are naked all over the place…garbage..but the Rock is in it so people are probably pumped on that…40 year old people…because anyone under 40 DOESN’T Give a fuck about this garbage…unless they want to be reminded that Hollywood is pretty fucking dead…

They didn’t pay me for this – but they should have…

Posted in:SFW|Trailer




Man Kicks a Girl Down the Stairs and Other Videos of the Day

Wheel Barrel Fail

Terrible – Driver Falls Asleep and Drifts into a Truck…

Crane Falls in Korea…

Nevada High School Student Gets Shot in the Shoulder…

Woman with Breast Cancer – Humiliated by TSA

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos