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Archive for the Victoria’s Secret Category




Victoria’s Secret’s Got No More Angels But the Do Have Demons of the Day

So I wasn’t going to bother writing this, because I don’t care, but it’s too funny to not put up, even if I only spend about 3-4 minutes on it, as I do with all my well thought out, well researched, commentary…

Basically VS has decided to can the Angels because HOT CHICKS selling panties is BAD…and un-relatable…and what I guess what the EPSTEIN funding brand felt bit them in the ass in the era of the WOKE and relatable…

So in the most insane turn of events, they’ve dabbled with tranny models, who could almost pass as lingerie models, so I could stomach that weirdness wokeness, thinking “they have to do this to survive cuz they are dying”….but I didn’t realize they’d go full throttle woke and drop the angels all together, in the name of progress, or whatever the fuck this is…

So they cast, along with other idiots, this Megan Rapione soccer star, who may play soccer like a star, but who sure as fuck doesn’t need to be a fucking VS model.

Obviously, there are better ways to be a hot brand that dropping the hot chicks, when everyone on the internet is faking it or trying to be hot chicks, why the fuck would cancelling the concept of hot chicks be a progressive move, so that the normals can fell better about themselves and buy their made in china crap….

They are losing out to Rihanna’s brand, which does some level of wokeness, but the spokespeople I see her using are big titty Sweeney, this Madison Pettis chick who has a great body, Jojo and Milian…I mean all hot chicks in their own right….sure they’re probably some fat chicks in the mix, they’re everywhere…and if VS went with a fatty or two, who fucking cares, so long as it is an excuse to use the hotties…

Instead they went with this 35 year old who looks 75 athletic star lesbian…it is Pride month after all…all pretending to be awesome and relevant and current…without remembering they’re an evil corporation who uses slave labor to make their products in China….and they funded Epstein..

It’s obviously some terrible ill-advised strategy, but is is hilarious…and so is this tweet from someone who also think this soccer dyke is disgusting

With the follow-up.

Not to mention, since the news of this, the Soccer Dyke’s old racist tweets are surfacing, and it is ASIAN racism too…which is always hilarious to see…you know one massive backfire..amazing.

She won’t get cancelled, they can’t cancel a Lesbian, it’d be like reverse cancelling, it’s one of those hypocrisies these attention seeking idiots are inconsistent about…well we can’t cancel a lesbian for being racist, that would make us anti-lesbian…

Ultimately, the pink hair lesbian lingerie model of the future in her mid 30s is a terrible casting….a terrible idea…unless it was by design so that they could JUSTIFY the ANGELS…

We were fine with them using Stella Maxwell and Cara Delevingne as their lesbians….we didn’t need this athlete shit….talented athlete or not…we’re here to jerk off to bitches in panties bro….

BUT maybe the SUPERMODEL is dead, because everyone has turned themselves into tranny looking, instagram filter, face filler faced, Kardashians….hot chicks be out there killing their hotness…for clout to launch an only fans…and yes, we know that OnlyFans girl are the scum licking off the bathroom floor bottom feeding scammers manipulating dudes to pay for bad smut….and yes supermodels or VS models can be equally “slutty”…but they do it in such a better way, and they look so good doing it, it’d be horrible to ruin that kind of aspirational, high rent, classy whoring….to replace all the angels with fucking demons….my 3-4 minutes on this are up.

Posted in:Victoria's Secret




Victoria’s Secret Lame WOKE Campaign of the Day

This is hilarious. The brand is so disconnected from the current climate of the world that they were facing potential bankruptcy. The founder and head of the company was too busy funnelling money to EPSTEIN to stay on top of what must be a joke of a business to him. I mean the whole selling shitty 30 cent panties to idiot Americans in a mall setting for 30 dollars just because you pay these hot chicks, who FUCK YOU FOR THE JOB, to promote it….making billions of dollars…can make a dude lose touch a bit.

But in a knee jerk reaction, they are like “we need to change the image, since society doesn’t like hot chicks anymore, and put some normals in the mix”….even though society STILL likes hot chicks, it’s just the loud mouth loser trans people, who make up 10 percent of the world, you know the weirdo outspoken nerd fuck in your high school class who never shuts up on their quest for EQUITY…and fairness…is not the mindset of the norm.

Totally missing the mark that society just find your brand tired and boring and would rather buy panties from some instagram whore….

But in a knee jerk reaction they are like “put in a fat chick, an old chick, three ethnically obscure chicks, and a tranny, who is the only hot one that looks like an actual model”….becuase that’s how companies think…they don’t think big picture strategy they just follow the bullshit mold all to try to save their asses and their stores….so stupid…

Fuck Victoria’s Secret and the fat old tranny asian or black they rode in on…..

No this is not a collab with Marvel’s newest super heroes.

Posted in:Victoria's Secret




Victoria’s Secret Models Show Their Ass to the Paparazzi of the Day

I Don’t know which model is which, I just see Victoria’s Secret models and their skinny asses…

They had an informercial last night that we’ve already posted all the pics from. It was possibly a media blitz, at least in all the trailer park communities that still have cable because it comes free with your spot you rent and it’s way more simple for your simple minds to figure out than that internet thing….

I can’t imagine that ANYONE watched the VS fashion show, it’s a dated concept, dated era, when we live in a time when everyone, everyday people get nude…we should focus on them, not these expensive day rate flat ass bitches…but at least they haven’t started using fat chicks yet…they will…but they haven’t…so I can’t say support them and buy their overpriced made in china shit..but I can say give their overpaid models some love cuz they are hot…and hot is important in an era of mediocre being treated like they are hot…


Posted in:SFW|Victoria's Secret




The 2018 Victoria’s Secret Infomercial So You Don’t Have to Watch it Because TV is Dead of the Day

The 2018 Victoria’s Secret Infomercial So You Don’t Have to Watch it Because TV is Dead of the Day is probably the most hyped up and important post of the day because the brand was clever enough to hit the people from every angle, to hype up some bullshit that really doesn’t make any difference in our shit lives, and whether we have their made in China bra on or not, we’re not any hotter, any healthier, any fitter, any better, any richer…it’s just a shitty mall brand with a solid marketing plan and they are all very rich because of it.

That said, all the girls are fucking hot, they still don’t use fat chicks and that is something worth celebrating in a world of fat chicks trying to move in on hot chick turf…in the gang war the fat chicks can probably outweigh and suffocate the hot chicks through, while social Justice Warriors scream at the skinny chicks that they are too skinny, because you can’t body shame a skinny girl apparently – even when you throw burgers at her…but you can body shame a fat girl just by saying “I think the size large is a bit tight”….because life is unfair…and these women are the proof.

So don’t take this as Victria’s Secret hype, take it as seeing skinny half naked bitches, some of the hottest bitches out there, half naked…like the sluts that they are…because they got naked to get ahead and here’s the proof…while society for some reason celebrates the whole thing….like it’s an American phenomenom…when really it’s just one giant over-hyped ad.

TAKE IT IN….so you don’t have to bother buying a digital antennae to watch it on TV now that no one watches TV…even though it’ll probably be streaming on Netflix, HULU and Prime, because when it’s an AD – put it everywhere…

Now the vagina involved…that all the other half naked vagina on the internet dreams of being involved with even though it is a shitty mall brand…

Elsa Hosk from Volleyball Player….turned Underwear Slut…

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Barbara Palvin is Back cuz she lost weight….

Kendall is really not not, she looks like Bruce hard…you know before the dick was chopped…

Adriana Lima is Old as Fuck and Still Doing It…

Gigi Hadid is Another Rich Kid living her Dreams thanks to Daddy Buying them….looking fucking horrible


Stella Maxwell the Lesbian to the Stars

Behati Prinsloo Some Adam Levine Maroon Five Fucking Trash…

Hairy Sara Sampaio the Portuguse Fisherman’s Daughter has Gone So Far

Josephine Skriver the AI created in a Lab through Genetic Modification by a Queer Marine Biologist Tits…


Alexina Graham Some Ginger in some Underwear

Kelly Gale – Whoever the Fuck That Is…..

Georgia Fowler….whoever that is…

Bella Hadid Inspiring girls to starve themselves

Grace Elizabeth…. wait who?

Candice Swanepoel Looking older than she is

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Victorias Secret Runway Models Kendall Jenner Barbra Palvin Grace Elizabeth


Posted in:SFW|Victoria's Secret|Victoria's Secret Fashion Show




Victoria’s Secret Models Naked and Wet of the day

Victorias Secret Angels Book Stella Maxwell and Sara Sampaio Lesbian Naked Nipples Pussy on Pussy

Victoria’s Secret’s secret is one of the largest smut producers, like PORNO companies before them, they consistently put out content on a daily basis of women in various states of undress, cockteasing, in efforts to get perverts like you to buy your fat wive’s the lingerie in hopes that you can close your eyes and re-live the fantasy of fucking one of their promo models.

It’s their marketing strategy, and it probably wouldn’t fly with a company today, since everyone is so fucking uptight about the sexualizing of women to sell product, but that have been strong enough to not fold to the demands of the lesbians protesting hot chicks.

They also produce glamour Boudoir nude shoots with their models, and put it in a book they put out, to pull the lie that they are “art”…when clearly it’s just shameless tits for hits..and we like it.

I don’t know which model is which…but they are in various states of naked…..

Victorias Secret Angels Book Candice Swanpole Naked Wet


Posted in:Victoria's Secret




Victoria’s Secret Naked Models of the Day

victorias secret naked models

Victoria’s Secret tries to be high brow, or high end, or maybe strategically try to do anything to perpetuate their “brand” being more than low hanging fruit and their campaigns being more than smut for perverts that still use hot chicks in an era where ugly chicks get to be models too.

It’s the era of inclusivity, but VS is still trying to be exclusive, and I’ll support that knowing that there will be a day when all models are fat ugly trolls and the hot models will be shunned and forgotten.

I don’t know why a panty brand, that is a billion dollar a year brand, and really just manufactures panties overseas for dirt cheap and resells it to mall shopping idiots, would have an “art” book…but i guess it’s like every pervert on social media…they do it for the tits…

Any excuse to get a bitch naked, and art is the best excuse…make them feel they are part of something more than being a promo model….and here’s that art! It’s black and white…I mean how could it not be art…

Basic clickbait wearing a disguise so no one knows it…


Posted in:Kendall Jenner|Victoria's Secret




Boring Victoria’s Secret Girls of the Day

VS Crew Bra and Panties

The nice thing about Victoria’s Secret is that with all the social pressure from the media and the social media….

They still haven’t caved into that pressure…and cast fat chicks..

And I think that today, and every day, that needs to be celebrated.

Keep the hot girls half naked…and the fat girls in their fucking snow suits, wheel chairs, tarps, tents, whatever just not half naked.

Stick to what you know, stick to what you do…because we live in an era where you can’t even have a wet t-shirt content, we can’t can’t even have JELLO wrestling, despite women being bigger whores than they’ve ever been….but we can have fat chicks considered models…

So Victoria’s Secret – as evil as they are…at least they don’t use fat chicks…

That’s all I have to say about that.

Some Romee Strijid and her Ass…

Some Catalog Pics:

More Josephine Skriver HERE

More Lais Ribeiro HERE

More of Victoria’s Secret token black girl to prove they are inclusive HERE

Posted in:SFW|Victoria's Secret




Slutty Behind The Scenes at Victoria’s Secret of the Day

BTS Victoria's Secret

I hate participating in the Victoria’s Secret fashion show hype, because I find it fucking boring…I find it ridiculous…and ultimately, in a world filled with these very girls getting naked in photoshoots all the fucking time, it’s obsolete, out dated…

I hate knowing it’s an infomercial, for a mall brand, that tries to be over the top and exciting, in a televised fiasco of clickbait on paid timeslot from NBC or whoever they buy it from, because it makes serious fucking money for the brand…and we are all just fucking suckers..

These impractical and uninteresting underwear creations on promo models who are all hot, no doubt, but so many people are hot…are not worth our time…

I guess other people are catching onto that as they make their way to China to sell bootleg shit produced in their sweatshops back to them…


Posted in:SFW|Victoria's Secret




Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show is Going On or Happened of the Day

Victoria's Secret Fashion Show

It amazes me that people get excited about a brand, a commercial fucking brand, paying a bunch of girls to walk a bullshit runway they created in an overhyped marketing event…that they have strategically taken to China, so Monday Morning social media feed is all Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, perfect for Black Friday, you know a week of hype until Friday…then they air the bullshit in a few weeks for the Christmas shoppers…it’s so calculated…so contrived…but the simple minded people who just see model tit in underwear can’t ignore…

It is an infomercial, trolling social media, using as many well followed girls they can to get the most views, and at the end of this all the execs in their circle jerk of marketing strategy will have champagne because it works…

Humans are that bored, that basic, that a brand selling us panties can lure us in and seduce us into buying their garbage..

If you’re not on social media, here’s a bunch of the girls posting pics of themselves from the show…

Bella Hadid is so fucking overrated it’s ridiculous…

Josephine Skriver,

Alessandra Ambrosio,

Candice Swanepoel,

Adriana Lima..Den Mother Granny….

Elsa Hosk

Lais Ribeiro…Single Mom..

Sara Sampaio…the average…at best Portuguese queen.

Just a bunch of promo girls being slutty….selling product for evil corporations…

There are others….and here are ome Social Media Videos…I don’t know who is who…


MORE after the jump…


Posted in:SFW|Victoria's Secret




Victoria’s Secret Bralette Commercial of the Day

Victoria’s Secret is so fucking cheesy.

The girls in Victoria’s Secret are so fucking cheesy.

They are just some mall brand bullshit quality nonsense that the mainstream buy into – and really that everyone buys into – because it’s functional, affordable, and stylish, despite raping China cheap later – to save money they can put into this shit like their team of models…the cheesiest fucking models.

Yes, they are hot, but fuck they are lame…they marry people like Adam Levine and shit…they go to all the parties and are famous and know they are hot…and people want to associate with them because they are famous and hot…and it’s this weird cycle of garbage..supporting garbage…

I like my models edgier and more interesting, but I guess when you’re offered a million dollars to stand around – you take it…But at least they are half naked when they do it…and naked in other work they do to remain edgy, but they are still just promo models to me…really hot promo models.

Posted in:SFW|Victoria's Secret|Videos