I'll Make You Famous…




Bella Thorne is Good Times of the Day


Incest is the best, at least in 70s porn, something I grew up on, there’s just something magical about girls and their sisters having sex with each other amd I guess Bella Thorne knows that….because she’s got her finger on the pulse of what makes dudes jerk off without actually being overly slutty about it – even though the intention is overly slutty….

So here she is posing, for snapchat in what I consider hot, because sisters half naked looking rough as fuck, is what dreams are made of…

This is a thanksgiving miracle, families coming together, many where family memebers have been inappropriately sexually together but try to see past that because family bond is strong….and I like it….

Bella Thorne is so fun….and was wearing a white dress….


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Alicia Silverstone’s Old Lady Activist Ass of the Day


Alicia Silverstone would rather go naked than wear wool…at least that’s what she claims in this ad for PETA that we should call bullshit on….It’s more a “I’m a mom who would bird feed my child by chewing for him, who still has an ass people want to fuck, even though when I was at my most famous, I wasn’t even that hot, I blame my crooked face”…

I mean, I don’t know if that last part is true, but I never felt she was hot or someone I’d want to bang or jerk off to, I mean sure she’s famous and all – but it never spoke to my soul or my penis….she was just around more than anything…

And now the activist – will flash her ass to prevent you from wearing wool…and here is a gallery of pictures I’ve pulled from GOOGLE IMAGES of her wearing what could be wool…throughout her career…because she’s a fucking liar…she just wants to go naked with purpose…

EVEn better – here she is in LEATHER LOL


Posted in:Alicia Silverstone|SFW




Kendal Schuler Topless on the Beach of the Day


I don’t know who Kendal Schuler is…but she’s on the instagram model program, where she posts pictures of herself, ususally from low level photoshoots because it seems less vain and more a showcase of her work – that isn’t actual work….all while trying to get famous because they think they are hot…it’s a weird world we live in – but social media is addictive so we can’t blame them for their attempt to be the next Em Rat Cow…

And why would we blame any bitch who is willing to get naked for attention, for the paparazzi, low level hooking themselves, while claiming it is empowering, when we all know that’s just code for “I like being naked it gets me likes”…exhibitionsm from some narcissist who feels having 75k people follow her is the single most important thing and more importantly – on the right track to be famous…

Which is awesome…because 10 years ago..convincing girls to get naked for photoshoots required a lot of money….or a gay fashion editor that was non threatening and really convincing in his “this is for fashion”….it was fucking hard…

Now girls are just like “so do you want me to insert this in my asshole and spread – it’s art right?”..

That’s a win for humanity…and here’s Kendal Schuler topless on the beach.

Posted in:Kendal Schuler




Barbara Palvin for Maxim by Gilles Bensimon of the Day


Barbara Palvin, the big girl from Victoria’s Secret who no one really understands why or how she got booked by Victoria’s Secret, because she is not that hot…but more importantly, she was barely 18 and from Hungary when it happened…This alone should send some Red Flags or Sirens off at the offices of all the organizations trying to prevent Human Trafficking….it should be investigated…because why the fuck would the people at Victoria’s Secret even know of this barely 18 year old from Hungary….and why would they cast her…and why would she happen…when she’s really not even that hot…there’s a weird story behind this girl and her career and I think it’s a dark one…

She’s in Maxim, which has rebranded and uses fashion photographers like Gilles Bensimon to take more nude pics than Playboy – and I like the vibe….even if I want to know who recruited this girl when she was still a kid…because I know the model industry is a fucking scam….so close to escorting…but not quite escorting….

Side note, I’ve heard she only fucks black athletes..which upsets all your white nationalists who support Trump and Tila Tequila…and I guess the more casual racists – because most white dudes will hate finding out their wife or girlfriend previously fucked black guys…I don’t know why – but it always makes me laugh…

Now… here are those pics…

Posted in:Barbara Palvin|SFW




Yulia Terentieva in Lingerie of the Day


Yulia Terentieva is a model….who is represented by some pretty major people…and who has walked a lot of fashion shows….some major ones as recent as Paris Fashion week last week….She’s tall…she’s skinny and she’s not afraid to show titties for a photographer…which in turn makes her pretty fucking perfect…

I guess, she’s just a good Russian who knows this is a direct line to the rich life, the rich husband life, far better than trying to escape through the mountains of Siberia….so you do what you’re told, Communist Work Camp work ethic, Russian Spy calculated sneakiness, Russian hooker sex skills…all bundled up into one pile of near perfect. perfect.

Posted in:SFW|Yulia Terentieva




Emma Roberts is Good of the Day


Emma Roberts is a lovely mainly because she’s skinny, Hollywood starlet raised by Hollywood people who were likely very fucked up people who shouldn’t be raising anything – assuming that her dad had any time for her – while he was self destructing after his oscar… I guess, when you peak…it’s ok to throw in the towel, do B movies all while trying to get as much cocaine and booze in you as possible…

That said, we can assume that there are as many many deep rooted issues that come with being raised in LA, and a whole bunch more issues when you’re raised by famous people, then even more issues when you’re thrown into acting….just a weird as fuck reality…and those things make Emma Roberts all the more exciting….while she wears a dress that you can cum on and wipe off without it staining….Convenient…

I like her.


Posted in:Emma Roberts|SFW




Angelique “Frenchy” Morgan’s Asshole of the Day


I don’t really have any idea what these pictures of Angelique “Frenchy” Morgan are of…they are just so fucking disturbing – I felt obligated to post them….

From what I know about Angelique “Frenchy” Morgan, she’s a prostitute in LA, who at one point in time, and maybe even to this day, turns tricks. She was clever enough to follow the lead of other low level fame whores, who pre- social media – would make silly spectacles of themselves at the paparazzi hot sports – and because of the ridiculousness of their publicity stunts and cries for attention – whether naked or in bikinis – the photo agencies would run the images and blogs would post the images mocking these people – but with Donald Trump school of all press is good press – they’d think it was an achievement – keep it going, as long as they could, and who knows, maybe it got them higher payouts when escorting – or maybe it got them enough attention for them to think they actually mattered…

Now, they still do the same bullshit tactics, but are really fucking old and weathered and this shoot of her cooking cereal in a mesh outfit – is just so twisted…weird…like where did this idea come from, what kind of drugs are they on, and why are these getting released for anything more than weird fetish pictures of a monster – that they are….

So fucking weird…and you can see her asshole…

Posted in:Angelique "Frenchy" Morgan




Kate Beckinsale on a Yoga Ball of the Day


Kate Beckinsale is loved by everyone who can see past the fact that she’s 40 years old…which happens to be all of Kate Beckinsale’s creepy fans who are so committed to her and would be committed to her even if her fitness, starvation, probable good plastic surgery had melted away with disgusting like most 40 year old women…because that’s what happens…

Here she is riding a YOGA Ball….which is a fetish to me, someone who went to a gym once and saw a hot chick riding the YOGA ball just like this….so I just patiently awaited her to get off it – so I could sniff the sweaty rubber amazingness…

Posted in:Kate Beckinsale|SFW




Rebecca Romijn Stamos Armpit for Old Times of the Day

Rebecca Romijn Attends BUILD Series

Here’s a little Rebecca Romijn Stamos who is no longer a Stamos – but rather a Jerry O’Connell…the fat kid from Stand By Me….At one point, back when this site was relevant, she was one of the hot model chicks who barely did anything of substance, but who didn’t need to do anything of substance because she had big tits….

Well, she’s a mom, she still exists because of her tits….and here is her armpit for my creepy friend with an armpit fetish – and who actually convinces girls off tinder to let him fuck their armpits – because it’s not like actual sex and when you have the chance to get your armpit fucked – you gotta just go for it…..and weirdly enough, the fat chicks always go for it….

In Stupid Rebecca Romijn Stamos news, she’s currently fighting with Gigi Hadid’s mom because she made a statement about social media models killing the concept of Super Models, because the fashion industry uses these people due to followers, rather than leading the trends by deciding or finding the next look or model, which is true, these social media girls who don’t deserve to be making money – are making stupid money – because brands like followers….and I guess when you’re a busty and amazing despite being old mom – who hates social media chicks – who is fighting with social media chicks’ reality show moms…you’re cooler to me…possibly a dream mom.


Posted in:Rebecca Romijn Stamos|SFW




Mom Christina Ricci for Old Times of the Day


After this morning’s queef round-up – I think we should tone down the sexy with some pics of a mom named Christina Ricci, who at one point in time was one of the hottest child stars you creepily jerked off to as she hit puberty on the Addams family…

She eventually grew silly massive tits like the Ariel Winter of her generation – only way darker, creepily damaged, and way cooler because her rebellion was being dark and in indy movies after protesting her parents for making her a child star….and like Ariel Winter chopped the tits off, before losing her mind, becoming anorexic and doing shitty TV shows…and now this…a mom…

She was up there and now she’s not…Life..


Posted in:Christina Ricci|SFW