I'll Make You Famous…




Ashley Benson Gets Restrained by Abusive Boyfriend at Disneyland of the Day


Ashley Benson was at Disney with her crew…

I thought Disney was the happiest place on Earth? Not the place to abuse your wife, girlfriend or kids…Disney like to save that for their executives on Casting day…you know “cast the girl with the sluttiest mom”…hustle…

I mean that or…maybe…white trash husbands were forced into debt for the shitty trip, for the shitty rides, to listen to their shitty wife and kids whine all shitty day, as they spend their money on Micky Mouse bullshit..

But it looks like Ashley BEnson’s boyfriend is getting physical with her, you know “bitch, you’re too famous on instagram for my awkward looking cock, I saw how you were eying that dude who is dressed like Peter Pan, you know I’m the only faggot in your life, now let me fuck up the ass to show you I’m an alpha”…

Unless this is just new wave, tinder caliber, romance…where girls tell me how they want to be choked, spat on, and beat up to cum..making it a glimpse into Benson’s actual happy place.


Who fucking cares…not her friends, they’re too busy checking their instagram…


Posted in:Ashley Benson|SFW




Juergen Teller’s Picture of Kim Kardashian’s Ass of the Day



Juergen Teller is one of the best photographers in the world. Definitely in the top 20 and I guess it only makes sense that he’d be hired to shoot the Kim Kardashian idiots for some magazine called “System”…that is supposed to be a racy as fuck shoot, but that I guess is only this picture for now, which as far as I’m concerned is racy as fuck, because this big is disgusting and this is teetering on obscene….

Posted in:Juergen Teller|Kim Kardashian|SFW




J.Lo Not Bailing Out Puerto Rico of the Day

EXCLUSIVE: Jennifer Lopez flaunts her washboard abs in a tied up tank and leopard print leggings

Puerto Rico is trying to get bankruptcy protection…They are something like $200 billion dollars in debt and I figure if J.Lo is as Puerto Rican as she claims to be in her marketing campaign around her fat ass, she’ll do something about it…

You see, we know she’s born in the USA and struggles with spanish when she tries to speak it, and we know her hood rat hispanic twang, is just a bullshit angle to get the hispanic listener to buy her shit…and we know it worked…

They still encourage her to get naked, half naked, at 50 and a mom..because hisanics do this into their 80s…it’s a cultural thing …that J.Lo is so far removed from, unless in interviews to get more album sales and lock in that loyal crowd…

Well, at least she’s not helping Puerto Rico…in tight pants showing off that fat video vixen caliber ass…because it’s better than her not helping Puerto Rico naked….you see the pants squeeze her into place…


Posted in:J.Lo|SFW




Izabel Goulart’s Naked in Bed of the Day

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Izabel Goulart posted this laying in a bed…under a sheet..professional photograph to her instagram because instagram is not about selfies, or about taking a picture of things you’ve seen or are seeing, but rather about showing a portfolio of you in pictures you self absorbed, self loving, and not in the right way, you know masturbating when you cry, kind of way…

But I’ll still look…she’s a tall, lean, brazilian and amazing model…why the fuck wouldn’t I look…

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Posted in:Izabel Goulart|SFW




Krysten Ritter Period Pants of the Day


I assume there is a fetish in seeing Krysten Ritter, an actress you’ve heard of before, but can’t place, because she average at best in level of hotness, and her career is equally lacklustre, but what do I know, maybe she’s been in a lot of things, maybe she’s been in the right nerd thing, that generated a solid audience for her, I don’t watch TV, or movies, and I have no idea what is going on…

I just look at random pictures from set that look like she either had a miscarriage or her period, and I know there’s a fetish in that….

That’s the extent of my pop culture analysis ability…


Posted in:Krysten Ritter|SFW




Miley Cyrus Topless Pasties for Instagram of the Day


Miley Cyrus continues to exist. She is like the court jester, with less importance historically, maybe she’s more the Ronald McDonald clown, used as a ridiculous front to sell whatever corporation she works for and gets paid by, because you know this isn’t a DIY crowdfunded art project some TUMBLR chick coordinated because she built a following of weirdos who like her dyed armpit hair….

She continues her novelty act in the carnival that is Miley Cyrus…of gender issues, sexuality issues, in her misguided glory, spreading the word of her uneducated nonsense, that allows her to be relevant, because her audience loves this shit…as they are morons that are easy to manipulate…

Who cares about Miley’s taped up tits “feminism” lie…or her silly, look how silly she is, or even her paparazzi videos of her finger banging a model…we’re so desensitized, she’s over-exposed…we’ve seen this 10 or more times before, from her and other girls like her…so who cares…why am I posting it…because I don’t know what else to do with myself, and clearly neither does the rest of society who blindly buy into this bullshit.

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Emily Ratajkowski’s Bikini Body of the Day


Emily Ratajkowski, the tits from the blurred lines video, who really played the media amazingly, and who has managed to make what I assume is a lot of money, or at least taken herself to a pretty powerful place in social media, where casting directors for movies like Entourage, and the movie she was rumored to have had sex with Ben Affleck to get, because I guess he saw the music video too…book her because they think she matters..

I think we’re a society that doesn’t spend more than 1 minute on any story, or any person, we don’t even dig deeper into the story to see what is real and what isn’t, we just blindly accept things…which will probably help Emily Ratajkowski continue to exist as the amazing body she is…it’s like cast her, she’s relevant…but the fact is that she’s not actually relevant, no one actually cares, here she is in a bikini in Europe looking better than ever, but still whatever, another chick in a bikini…

I guess what I am saying is that I don’t believe she’ll even Alba level of bad actor…and I don’t think she’s be Jennifer Lawrence level of celebrated actor…but I do believe she’ll use her tits until she doesn’t have tits anymore…typical hustle that would be interesting to see how sustainable it is…but that no one will bother waiting around to see…we’re already onto the next set of tits…our brains like the tabs in our browsers…

Posted in:Emily Ratajkowski|SFW




Charlotte McKinney for Instagram of the Day


Charlotte McKinney is the Cart Before the Horse kind of girl, and not just because she looks like a horse…at least her face looks like a horse…because that’s what happens when you’re just huge natural tits that manipulate their way into the media…

But what I mean by “Cart Before the Horse”…is that she got on TV, before doing anything in her career other than one campaign, at least when Joanna Krupa did it, she was 10 years into the struggle of being the titty model in men’s magazines…

It’s like some miracle happened for this girl, everything moved so fast and she never worked hard enough to really matter more than her tits…and I guess that realization has happened and she’s trying to figure out how to stay in the media…because tits are easily replaced…just ask Kate Upton, who she replaced..for 5 minutes that her career has lasted.

Well, it turns out that her instagram was “hacked”…and this is some of what happened…to make a move, so people will talk about her, and wonder if the pussy pic is hers or not, I don’t think it is, I just think this is making noise…to get noticed..or remembered..even though she just started and ended, a lot like everytime I have sex.

Posted in:Charlotte McKinney




Amelia Arnau Topless Enough by Katja Kremenic of the Day


I am always in the mood for relatively unknown to me models from either Spain or Brazil, who are presumably actually women, but you never know, because Brazil, like Thailand and Philippines, has a lot of fucking trannies, who are actually hotter than their native girls, and I am not even into trannies, it’s just the way it is…

Her name is Amelia Arnau, I’ve never heard of her, but that doesn’t mean she’s not famous, or doesn’t exist, because I have seen her tits and I think that is part of existing…at least as an instagram model, or even a real model, because if you don’t show your tits..no one bothers googling your stupid Amelia Arnau name.

This is for a bikini or bathing suit brand…that is see through..because nipples are trendy…thank god…show them off….

Posted in:Amelia Arnau|NSFW




Sound Shark Advice and Other Videos of the Day

Homeless Guy Puts His Dick on Some SLeeping Girl’s Face

MDMA Cops at a Music Fest

Dude Get Slammed by Dirt Bike

Drug Addict of the Day

Concert Goers VS Bouncers…

Bull with Flaming Horns Gets Motherfucker Who Deserve To Be Killed for Fucking with Bull

Girl Gets Hit By Car During a St Louis Fight

Panera Bread Manager VS Employee

Drunk Couple Have Sex in a Restaurant

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos