I'll Make You Famous…




Rihanna’s Sleazy for Esquire of the Day

I guess in her falling into irrelevance, Rihanna has decided to do media as well as she can, because here she is bringing it for Esquire, oiled up, and sleazy, like a bottom feeding attention seeker, only with millions of dollars…and I dig it…because the more famous and thirsty the better….especially when lubed up….that’s it.

Posted in:Rihanna




Iggy Azalea’s Vagina Slip at a Bar Mitzvah of the Day

Iggy Azalea is the worst kind of white girl, pretending to be hood, by banging all kinds of black dudes, because that’s what girls with fat asses do….you know because complaints are annoying to listen to…

She’s also the girl who wants fame so bad by when she gets it pretends she doesn’t want it like a little whore…and that it is her inante talent’s fault for people caring…

That said, she has a fat ass she is flashing on stage at a bar mitzvah like a real star…

Posted in:Iggy Azalea




Rihanna for Elle of the Day

Rihanna may be falling off the radar, she may be getting replaced by people like Rita Ora who have been waiting in line to replace her for a long fucking time, she may be have a rugged face and she may be really into drugs thanks to being from a small island that the population of locals collectively makes what she makes in a year…you know worse than throwing a million dollar lottery win at a white trash trailer park meth head…it’s going to go fast and someone will have a premature death because of it…

But she’s still rich and famous and Rihanna…and hot enough for me…I mean, sure, she’s better when naked…and she likes getting naked, but sometimes a corset, push up bra and pantyhose for a fashion magazine is a good enough change of pace..

Here are the pics.

Posted in:Rihanna




Hilary Duff Stuff Photoshopped for Elle of the Day

I wonder if Hilary Duff is photoshopped in these pictures of Elle or not. I mean she looks like a fucking robot, or maybe even some computer generated art project, but maybe she is a fucking robot, built by Disney, in some Peter Pan lab, who will never die….but who will instead keep gracing the world with Lizzie Maguire the Old and Washed Up Divorced Mom years….it was one of the earlier kids shows pervert dudes jerked off to because she was jailbait and America loves Jailbait and makes Jailbait billionaires like the Olsen twins…

Doesn’t matter…because this rendition of Hilary Duff, looks fit and good, even like a stripper or sex doll, which I guess is something I know too well, because those are the only girls I get…so this speaks to me….but it’s not saying much, or anything relevant, if anything I just want it to shut the fuck up…

Posted in:Hilary Duff




Lily Aldridge for GQ UK of the Day

Lily Aldridge bores me. She’s hardly got a body, but is still an alleged lingerie supermodel because the general public gets sucked into the whole Victoria’s Secret marketing campaign that this brat is a part of…

She’s essentially been a scenester who fucks guys in bands, and in doing that, she’s met the key people in her “circle”…and pulled a massive scam…where she went from doing tampax commercials to this….

That’s not to say she’s a horrible person just because she’s connected, even if she’s probably are horrible person…it’s just to say that she’s not that great, despite what we can assume she thinks about herself and now she’s in GQ UK….half naked…like her mom…who was in Playboy…only without the vagina lips…

Posted in:Lily Aldridge




Hannah Davis Possible Nudes of the Day

Apparently, this is Virgin Island Virgin who is probably not a Virgin because no one is, especially when she’s working in the modelling industry and models are never virgins, it’s almost a prerequisite that they have herpes that they landed from really rich dudes, or clients who they essentially “escort”, even when they are rich on their own….

That’s not to say that this is model has herpes, or escorts men to events, I don’t even know if this is an actual model, even if it is HANNAH DAVIS …from Sports Illustrated fame….that is hardly even fame…

But it could be….some nude selfies that are less skimpy than the bathing suits she’s paid, or asked to wear for photographers…so there’s no scandal here, but we love selfies…so here they are….

She’s 23 and looks 40….When the NUDES are PG-13 – we can assume they are fully staged by the agents…

Here’s Hannah…

Posted in:Hannah Davis




Sarah Shahi Possible Nudes of the Day

She’s 32, She’s American depsite her ethnic looking face and name, cuz her dad is Iranian, and thus she is something you racist Americans hate….because they blow shit up with their Oil money….despite how good his daughter is….cuz racism doesn’t get blinded by hot pussy, because all you see is red and tainted womn to your puritan freaks….

I’m from the school of fuck anything worth fucking….even if it gives you HIV….and even if she’s not worth fucking…but I guess that’s cuz I am a lover not a hater….

She was a cheerleader for the Dallas Cowboys who became an actor who was in such revolutionary roles like Farah in Sleeper Cell, Dani in Life and now she’s in a show called Fairly Legal….she’s a mom…..this post has been brought to you by her Wikipedia page….and here is her possibly rockin’ PG-13 Nude Selfies her team made her do…to get more noticed..

Posted in:Sarah Shahi




Hailey Baldwin for Revolve of the Day

Hotter and more Brazilian cousin of Ireland…daughter of Stephen and some Brazilian he probably imported when she was 16 and he was addicted to drugs not Jesus, Hailey Baldwin, is doing some campaign as a model, because when you’re connected and raised in the right scene, it’s a pretty easy thing to pull off, it takes one text message to the brand and they jump because even with budgets, a celebrity daughter, even Stephen Baldwin’s daughter, who is barely a celebrity daughter, can power through and get noticed…it’s the it thing to do when you’re a bi-coastal 18 year old…they are all doing it…because when daddy can buy you anything you want, what you end up wanting is fans of your fucking own I guess and the good thing is she doesn’t look as doughy and Ogre-y as her lesbian cousin….shes’ actually kinda hot…so keep the pics comin’…and collectively we’ll make the dudes comin to her…no homo….

Posted in:Hailey Baldwin




Ana Beatriz Barros for Madame Figaro of the Day

Ana Beatriz Barros did some pretty awesome shoot for Madeame Figaro, which I guess is a magazine, that involved her being out and about in her lingerie and sneakers, which I guess isn’t a big deal, because she’s a fucking model and that’s what models do…fascinating….observation by me…

It’s like I’ve seen so many half naked girls in photos, from quality to shit, that they all kind of blend into each other in some uninspired pile of shit that still has half naked models…and I guess that makes the whole thing good enough for me, which isn’t saying much, since I have no standards, and if you saw some of the thigns that are good enough for me…you would probably throw-up, or in the very least be totally uncomfortable…

Posted in:Ana Beatriz Barros




Gigi Paris for Acacia Swimwear of the Day

Gigi Paris did a topless jeans campaign a few months ago. She’s not famous, she’s a low end model, the discount bargain basement bin model, just trying to make it, that’s what she gave herself such a silly fucking name, and I guess she booked some catalog work, which although pays well enough to pay your rent pretty consistently, and if you’re good you’re in once a week, but that is boring, low grade, work…that if it wasn’t half naked in picture, I’d suggest you don’t bother looking at it…but since it is half naked, and her ass is this good, I would suggest…staring at it…because why the fuck not…I mean lets be real, what the fuck else are you doing today…


Posted in:Gigi Paris