I'll Make You Famous…




Rihanna in a Bikini in Rio of the Day

Rihanna is in Rio for the World Cup, and along with posting anti Israel statements, because Rihanna is well versed and educated on political situations that she keeps on top of while on the road smoking tons of weed and partying. You know taking a stance on something people on both sides of the fence are overly sensitive about….

She’s taken some time out of her political life to show her ass in a bikini…because that’s what you do when you’re fighting war using your celebrity on twitter…you strip down and get wet in some dirty sewer water…

You know to really put yourself out there….which I think is far better look for her that trying to pretend to be intelligent. She dropped out school at 14 to be a vapid pop star puppet…maybe she should stick to that life choice…not because what she said was right or wrong..but because people should focus on what they are good at…or what they get paid for. There’s nothing worse that an entitled bitch being entitled because she is confusing people like her songs and dance with liking her or anything she’s about…

I guess, Rihanna is the shit stain on the music industry…a shit stain I’d like to lick off….


Posted in:Rihanna




Lindsay Lohan Bikini Pics of the Day

Lindsay Lohan is my kind of drug addicted Hollywood starlet. She just reminds us all that Hollywood is a pretty shitty place for a kid to grow up, or really for anyone to live. It’s one of those horribly unethical, pile of shit, money grubbing, soulless idiots who produce garbage fucking content but throw tons of money at it…so retard America buys into the whole shit…making idiots who don’t deserve to be rich…richer…

You know the kind of place that leaves Lohan on the floor, like she was a afterbirth, in the dumpster like she was a prom birth, in the toilet like she was a food poisoning shit…But she’s still Lindsay Lohan, a person I can assume is actually crazy, is actually a horrible and self involved wreck, because that’s how she was brought up…

The reality of it is, people shouldn’t feel sorry for her. She’s still rich, even if people have no interest in working with her, she still lives the good celebrity life…and she still hangs on yachts in bikinis, while her gut hangs over her bikini bottoms…

Do we care about Lohan, no. DO we wish the Lohan happened to everyone in Hollywood. Yes. Earthquake needs to happen sooner than later. I mean Hollywood is one of the many reasons why I know there is no god, because if there was a God…shit would not exist. They have too much power.



Posted in:Lindsay Lohan




Anastasia Ashley for Revlove Clothing of the Day

It’s no secret that Anastasia Ashley is amazing. She’s a pro surfer who consistently brings her hot fit ass to the internet.

I’ve met her at least once and she’s been consistently pleasant, hard working, respectful, sweet, and friendly. She’s smart, she’s funny, she’s amazing and she’s living a pretty awesome and fun life. She has such a positive attitude throughout it, that when I see her making moves, and modelling for companies like REVOLVE CLOTHING , I fully support, encourage and even celebrate. She is hands down the best person I know.

You see, the world is filled with vapid, self absorbed useless, people….who don’t really grasp what’s important. Those people who get in front of the camera, who work in Hollywood or Entertainment…are just opportunists like Emily Rat-Cow. They suck your dick until they get what they want…then they disappear…as they climb the shitty ladder to a place they don’t realize isn’t even that special or important.

I don’t know if Anastasia’s level of amazing is because she isn’t a model, and doesn’t pretend to be. It’s not her goal in life, she just does it as part of being a pro surfer, yet she’s done work for all the “top tier” publications….She’s out to be a Hollywood starlet, she doesn’t even live in LA rocking’ the party scene to get noticed.. She’s just living life and people are drawn to her as they should be…because she’s not a sour bitch out to walk all over anyone.

She’s just one of the last few good people alive….in this morally bleak, depressing, self involved world.

I am a fan. She is a friend. So keep on bringing that ass to the internet. I’m totally down with looking’ at it, but not fucking it, because she’s one of the only girl’s I actually respect and I would never want to taint that. I’m more into sex with girls I hate or who hate me…not girls I consider my family…if you know what I mean.

Here are the pics…she’s lovely.

Posted in:Anastasia Ashley




Trew Mullen by Trever Hoehne of the Day

Trew Mullen is some model I follow on instagram…I saw one of these pics by TREVOR HOEHNE …and liked the vibe of her ass on an inflatable in a pool…I could stare at that shit for hours…it’s like I’ve already written three love poems about it…even though poems are gay…even when the are just haikus about eating her ass…

I like her look, I like these pics, I don’t know what they are promoting or what this is all about, I just know that I just had anal sex with them because we didn’t have condoms and she’s not on the pill…I don’t know what that means, but I am going to assume it means that Trew makes me a little too excited…..

Here are the pics.

Posted in:Trew Mullen




Scarlett Johansson’s Not So Hot Ready To Drop Porn of the Day

I am not into pregnant chicks. I remember the first time one of the drug addicts I used to hang with busted out a ready to drop porn magazine that he stole from some magazine store and thinking to myself a few things…the first being “how desperate does a bitch need to be to be spreading her vagina so wide you can see the baby crowning”…knowing she probably made less than 1,000 dollars to put herself out there…then I thought what would happen if the kid found the magazine lying around when he was old enough to realize what the fuck his mom was doing…but based on his mom’s crackhead look, I assume the kid wouldn’t make it to that age alive, or knowing who his crackhead mother was….then I wondered…who the fuck gets off to pregnant women. I mean to me it’s the ultimate “off the market”…”I’m taken, used, beat up, broken, ready for the dumpster like this was prom” thing…The only person who could be into this, is some lonely fuck who can’t get a chick, and knows no chick will even let him knock her up. It’s loneliness and sadness that fuels him being into this.


I’m sure the same goes for Scarlett Johansson. Her committed fans hate this. Her lonely and sad fans who dreamed of knocking her up love it….and I just think the whole thing is gross…Pregnancy is very rarely a beautiful thing to look at…even when it’s your own pregnancy….but I guess you can’t lock yourself in a basement for 9 months, even if you should.

Here’ Scarlett.



Posted in:Scarlett Johansson




Hipster Model Jessica for C-Heads by Antonio Andrade of the Day

The model’s name is Jessica. That’s all I have to go off. Based on her look, I am going to assume that she’s not a real model, but rather just a cute girl who likes having her picture taken. You know one of those girls who is kinda the opposite of a photographer. You know always in pics because it is good for instagram…or whatever…that I am more interested in than actual models, because they are accessible, they are cute, and they aren’t 6 foot tall freaks…

The photographer is Antonio Andrade and these are some pics for C-HEADS and she’s showing some tit.

I don’t think tits are a big deal, I think everyone should show their nipple, because it’s not pornographic, but I do like looking, and I do like sucking them, so maybe I do.

Posted in:Antonio Andrade




Candice Swanepoel Dog in her Crotch of the Day

Whenever I see a girl who posts a picture of a dog in her vagina – or on her vagina – wither she’s naked or clothed, I always wonder if she’s ever slept nude with her dog, only to wake up to him licking her vagina, because she’s either got her period or didn’t shower, only to close her eyes for a few minutes before pushing the dog off saying “gross, wwwwww, OMG, I can’t…I Literally Can’t”…

Now I am not sure if that’s a testament to how twisted I am, or if it is more about how little faith I have in girls to not let a massive tongue on their vaginas knowing that no one will ever know they had the massive tongue on her vagina…

I know girls have been eaten out by dogs…just google that shit…it is disturbing…but my theory if one person posted that to the web…10000s of people are doing it…


Posted in:Candice Swanepoel




Naked Model Getting Projected On for Bambi Magazine of the Day

Here’s some interesting new fetish for you people who are like me and not so into the whole hardcore, vile, throat fucking, double anal, spitting on a bitches face while choking her out, porn…which surprisingly is more dudes than girls I talk to. It’s like dudes hate the violent hardcore sex that’s out there, but girls, especially young girls fucking love it….I guess it is because girls are more perverted than guys, we just get the shitty end of the deal…We don’t love abused women, we love hot women, but women love abused women, because women hate women…it’s very confusing…but what isn’t confusing is this BAMBI MAGAZINE shoot with naked girls being projected on…it’s like the TV or Movie screen you can eat out or fuck…which is probably more interesting than trying to fuck the movie screen at the cineplex…because this one won’t get you arrested…especially if you stupidly choose a kids movie…

Either way, I like this.

Posted in:Bambi Magazine




Kellie Pickler Bikini on Twitter of the Day

Kellie Pickler is the American Idol hick, that I have a feeling wasn’t actually a hick, but rather someone they pulled out of some diner in the middle of no where and mind fucked the world with to make Simon Cowell a lot of money. You know using TV to manipulate the world into giving him money, like some kind of TV Evagelist, only instead of Jesus and God, motherfucker uses shitty fucking songs.

That said, my favorite thing I remember about her was her tribute to her grandpappy from whatever backwoods Appalachian mountain shanty he used to have sex with her in…his coal covered hands all over her budding young breasts…

Breasts she had augmented the second she got famous…because I guess her priorities were in the right place…some people go on a vacation with their first million, or buy a house, this girl got tits…

Tits she’s put in a bikini…for the internet….

Posted in:Kellie Pickler




Kate Hudson is Kinda Lookin Hot for an Old Washed Up Slut of the Day

Kate Hudson went to an event the other day and she looked good enough for me to forget that not only does she have a bunch of kids, she’s also slept with everyone in hollywood, which makes her kind of gross and statistically pretty high risk for Herpes, not that you care about that, since every hooker you bang is also high risk for herpes…but it’s still nice to point out…along with the fact that she only had a career because of her parents, that career proved to the world that acting requires very little effort or talent, it’s a fucking joke and they are all laughing at us…

But someone who isn’t laughing at us, or these pics, is Owen Wilson who tried to kill himself because of this girl…because she’s either just that good, or he’s just that broken…who cares…she’s in leather and wearing a push up bra…works for me.


Posted in:Kate Hudson