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Festive Yoga Onesie and Other Youtube Shorties of the day

Winter Yoga Pose

High Kick to Splits

Arcade Ass

Ass in a Miniskirt

Strong Thighs

Showing the Belly

Shining Ass

Posted in:TIKTHOT|Videos




Rainey Qualley See Through of the Day

Rainey Qualley is showing off her titties in some weird bodysuit, which I think is a pretty generous thing for her to share this holiday season.

She’s a 30 something year old singer and child of a celebrity, her sister does the whole acting thing and as in a few movies, no thanks to her mom I am sure, but Rainey is more into the whole music thing, because she’s born in the mountains of Asheville, where along with craft and trendy farm to table overpriced food experiences to tourists, comes some HILLBILLY culture, not that her music is country, but it fucking should be, since country is fucking life…and actually HER life….so it’d be a better angle.

Anyway, Andie MacDowell’s done alright teaching this one the important things in life, gifting the perverts some tits this holiday season and I’m into it, but I also find Rainey Qualley hot regardless of her showing her tits, so that’s probably why I feel like Christmas miracles are happening…

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Posted in:Rainey Qualley




Workout Wednesday of the Day

It’s the Holiday season, so it’s a great opportunity to get the fat people in your lives workout equipment. Tell them being a fat slob is fucking gross and 2023 is the year to go back to traditional fat shaming and if you want to be on the right side of the fucking conversation start starving yourself and doing fucking squats you pig fucks…

Fit is hotter than fat, end of fucking story, Merry Christmas to All and To All a Good night.


Posted in:Workout




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I know what you’re thinking Pussy Wedgies are far more fun when you’re giving them to random women at the public pool before the police are called, but you know, it’s winter and the public pool is closed and trying to give the Pussy Wedgies to bitches in snowpants is pretty hard, girl needs to have some fat pussy lips for that, I mean I guess you could creep around the lodge at the base of the ski hill and hope to come across some babes in long underwear to pussy wedgie them before they hit the slops or the apres ski depending on how focused and motivated of a creep you are….is it early morning before first tracks or is it end of the day….

The easier approach to Pussy Wedgies, the lazy man’s approach to pussy wedgies, is pretty fucking simple, look at the pussy wedgies the girls are uploading to the internet because they aren’t out on the streets rockin’ them like it is summer, even though they’d probably like to be….so this is how they get their fix.

All you want for Christmas is a Pussy Wedgie, well call me Santa and here you go!


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Lourdes Leon Mesh Booty of the Day

Lourdes Leon is apparently Madonna’s daughter who we will assume actually came out of Madonna’s womb, because that is the official story they are telling us.

So despite Madonna looking like a drag queen in her recent demise, or approach to old age, we’ll pretend she was always a chick because they told us she was a chick.

I watched Truth or Dare recently, just to see Madonna drag her teeth on a bottle when simulating a blowjob in the 90s, it was the 90s, girls weren’t as well trained from the porn they watched to suck dick right, it’s not her fault….and in that time she was far less hot than I remember her being based on my take on hot in this era, but she was a fit little pop star with tits, so we’ll assume that the teen boy features she had was from her being fit, because of the tits….and that the dick she may have had was tucked enough for us to not feel gay jerking it to her tits….we had limited options when only a handful of pop people were doing smut to destroy future generations of women….

Anyway, Lourdes Leon is rocking a skirt that has holes in it, I’m into the design, if I was a designer, this would be similar to my crotchless pant concept, and I’ll look at her fat ass, because I don’t care whether she was human trafficked to America by Madonna like some of her other kids, or if she is genetically Madonna, I’m just happy SHE is NOT Madonna in these pics, because Madonna’s clown ass disturbs me, even if it is AI, Filters and weird cosmetic procedures…..

Here’s some Madonna in the event you don’t know what her performance art has turned her into:


Posted in:Lourdes Leon




Weed Wednesday of the Day

Weed girls aren’t necessarily piggish slobs who look like they sit around playing video games all day, either getting an allowance from their dads, or maybe selling nudes or feet pics to old creepers who help pay the rent, I mean maybe they rent a room in a basement room with a bunch of other sloppy girls doing the same thing to get by in a world where they can’t be bothered getting dressed, showered or out of bed, but they sure look like they are most of the time

I am not a weed hater, if anything weed is a medicinal tool that improves the lives of many, and tons of hot chicks smoke weed, they just not be the ones compelled to use weed as a prop to find that niche in the world of selling nudes, because they are hot chicks and can smoke weed without documenting it like a fan girl.

I do find anyone trying to get clout from something as basic or normal as smoking weed dumb, but I’d rather hang with girls who are stoned, thinking they are having a religious experience or more mellowed out than some drunk bitch actually sloppy, embarrassing herself…it’s a more mindful high…

These are some weed girls, some hot, some not, all good, cuz they’re getting naked on the internet the way nature intended when he invented the internet.


Posted in:Weed




Alba Baptista Topless with A Friend of the Day

Alba Baptista is some Portugal born, half Brazilian, big titty actress who was on a show called Warrior Nun on Netflix that just got cancelled, I’ve never seen it and apparently those who did see it were hardly important enough to bother giving them another round at some Alba Baptista doing slutty nun things…..

The actress is doing a good job getting her name out there, you know leverage whatever celebrity you have to try to get it to the next level by getting as naked as possible.

Whether it is leaking her own nudes or near nudes in the shower, or this weird pixelated, in what could be ALBA BAPTISTA, but may be anyone since it is a pixelated blur naked lesbianism, she wants people to know she’s got the titties worth of the American dream.

This could be from a movie I’ve never seen, who cares, it’s some big titty Euro actress from Netflix making moves to get known in America with those tits, better than the alternative of being a Fisherman like all the other Portuguese of the world who don’t play soccer.

Posted in:Alba Baptista




Influencer Suns her Butthole and Other stepNEWS of the Day

Urban Skiers VS Old Man

Trains vs Truck in Tennessee

Sunday at the Nail Salon

Armed Robbery in Mexico

Apparently these nurses got fired for this

Fat Lady VS Facts

Restaurant Brawl!

Woman creates her own line at the Casino

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Big Stretch and Other Videos of the Day

Sniffin Her Own Box

Snow Removal

Hot Ass in Yoga Pants

Big Booty Dog Tricks!

Thick Thighs

Lady in the Red Dress

Sleeper Body

The Flasher!

Posted in:TIKTHOT|Videos




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

I posted this video earlier, because it made me laugh. You see fat girls love being fat girls, even though we all know they hate being fat girls.

The current system is set up to create fat girls, and to divert fat girls from being unhappy, to keep them fat by pushing things like body positivity and inclusivity.

It all got bad when they started making fat girl sizes in sexy clothes, because as someone married to an Obese Bitch, the only thing we had access to for decades was elastic waistbands that would be almost humiliating to wear, furthering the depression, the bad eating, the premature death….

So now they’ve got a whole market out of fat girls, a whole industry out of fat girls, and dudes still fuck them because more and more girls are becoming fat for the fuck of it, why bother working out or eating well, when you can slowly kill yourself….

Or not so slowly….

Earlier today, I saw some fat Tv personality from some fat show that sensationalized fat people died at 37, I am sure it’s because being fat was so healthy for her….some of the articles even said she was doing well because she lost 400 pounds, but the joke in that is that she was origianlly 800 pounds, so she was fucking 400 pounds….

I mean in no world is that ever healthy….so it’s all pretty fucking jokes to me.

Anyway, another victim fat girl whiner, because fat chicks have always whined, usually for food or from exercising, is mad at the diet industry….not realizing that YOU can get fit, you CAN get healthy and fatness is a fucking choice…oh and Fatness fuels a lot more money than the diet industry you fat fuck….

So yeah, this is my post for inclusiveness, body positivity, while pointing and laughing at how gross it is.

Here’s that fetish shit they are trying to normalize…but that we all know is gross.


Posted in:Fatty