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SFW porn screenshot of the day

New Feature….here’s a new feature I want all of you to participate in, even though it was a pretty major fail on Facebook, it’s called SFW porn screenshot where you snap off a pic from a porn that doesn’t have the actual porn in it, but rather has all amazingness that is porn awkwardness…

Send in your SFW Porn Screenshots to info(at)drunkenstepfather.com

Posted in:LOLZ




Alyson Hannigan Bikini Pics of the Day

Alyson Hannigan is back in a bikini….in the event you have blocked BLOCKED THESE PICS OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND from last week…

You know the kind of girl who despite having a kid is kinda ripped and fit, but not one I’d want to see half naked under any circumstances…you know because even when they had her talking about masturbating or being the horny freaky nerd in the one movie she did…it was disgusting…because she is disgusting…

You’d have to be Buffy fan to really get down with these, and if you’re a buffy fan, it’s safe to say this is the most pussy you’ve had all year..


Posted in:Alyson Hannigan




Dude who Eats Paleo of the Day

This dude is way more entertaining than listening to cross fit cheese dicks when it comes to clean eating and Paleo diet…I mean he’s also more hardcore, creepy and likely the kind of guy who has killed at least 4 hookers they haven’t reported missing yet because they don’t have a family…and no one notices they’re gone….

Posted in:Videos




Kate Upton is Pregnant of the Day

I think Kate Upton is pregnant…that or just fat…

Now fat girls, I know you are out there, and you are mad that I would call Kate Upton fat, while you’re way fatter and indirectly that insults you….but hear me out…you are fat, and that’s ok, because you’re allowed to be, you don’t put yourself out there, and magazines aren’t eating you up like you ate that cake last night, because you were feeling sad…..you aren’t celebrated and making millions, being the highest booked model, even though you aren’t built like a model, and I don’t mean like a skinny anorexic, I mean like a girl who isn’t 165 pounds and ready to mud wrestle…

I just think it is wrong, and telling our youth it is ok to be fat, which I can only assume is a government play cuz they want us eating shitty foods, they want us sick, tired and unable to think clearly….on our couches watching their shows and buying their garbage…so why not slow transition a fat girl like Lena Dunham or this one into idiol status…

This is a war I think we collectively need to fight…


Posted in:Kate Upton|SFW




Paris HIlton’s New Music Video Teaser of the Day

Paris Hilton, or as I like to call her the herpes Pop culture got 10 years ago, and forgot about, but it’s making an appearance, because herpes is for life..and every once in a while you are reminded you have them….

This time, with Lil Wayne, because she’s marketable, it’s a valid publicity stunt, there’s some seriously comedic value to doing a song with her, and really with technology and dance music, you don’t really need to be talented, the computer does all the work for you….not to mention, she’s got enough money to pay everyone involved enough to pretend she’s doing something revolutionary, and not desperate, like her porno tape….

I just don’t understand why she can’t just embrace her trust fund, and do things that don’t involve annoying the fucking world while making a fool of herself, like all the other daughters of billionaires before and after her, I mean why is she a gutter hooker about things…it makes no sense…but some things don’t need to make sense….

Posted in:Paris Hilton|SFW




Lily Allen is Pig in a Bikini of the DAy

I don’t know if any of you remember Lily Allen, but she was always this pudgy little rich girl from the UK who’s parents gave a record deal to to keep her from embarrassing more than she already has…

She was always dumpy, never hot, always on the cusp of being what she’s become and that you can see her today, a fucking pig who has no business wearing a bikini,

I mean I have Pages of Lily Allen Archives from 2007 – 2010, and she’s always been a dumpy pile of shit….in clothes or in fucking snow suits…

So when you take 3 years off, there’s really only one thing a fat girl can do…and that’s eat her way through it…something this bitch clearly did….

I have had a lot of backlash for Lily Allen fans for making fun of Lily Allen’s abortion that was marketed as a miscarriage a bunch of years back…I think even Lily Allen told me off, but who can remember anything especially when distracted by Lily Allen’s mom body…half naked…that should have never happened….


Posted in:Lily Allen




Prank Gone Wrong of the Day

Every once in a while I’ll see a youtube Prank video shot in Southern California by dudes who clearly want to be famous and are taking to Youtube to make it happen.

THe majority of the time I hate the dudes doing the pranks, and just hope that the prank backfires…it makes the prank so much better…

So here’s one of those frat boy mentality idiots doing a phone stealing prank and getting punched in the face…

It would have been better if he was shot, that’s how prank fail videos should end, but I’ll take this as a win….for us prank video haters…

Posted in:SFW|Videos




Britney Spears’ Work it Bitch Video of the Day

Here’s a little medicated Britney half naked with a horrible fucking song and another one of her comeback videos because obviously her handlers want to make some more money to buy themselves all their fancy things….

If you’ve made it through the first 15 seconds of the song, you will learn the valuable lessons that Britney’s dad has been shoving down her throat since she was five – You better work bitch….you know the message that he’s’ been brain washing her with….because leaving in their Louisiana trailer park when you make a girl of Britney’s fuckable stature, even at 35, as a mom of two, only means one thing to hicks, sell her for cattle feed…

It’s some shitty electronic garbage….like real deal shit…but watch it on mute and appreciate the hard work…..this silly bitch is putting in…when she could just retire…cuz she’s still hot….

Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Kim Kardashian’s Subtle Elegance of the Day

Kim Kardashian’s elegance and class is so subtle, you have to look very very closely to find it…

I mean she makes all kinds of money, she’s famous even though she doesn’t deserve it, I mean she did porn to break free from being the poor Beverly Hills girl, compared to all her friends, and here she is now…rocking her huge mom tits like she’s not a mom, thanks to all the post pregnancy tummy tucks and fast lifts to try to restore some level of sex appeal to the freaks who still find her hot…freaks who exist and who I have met and who I am forced to ask “WHY?!” Why?”….but maybe I’m just distracted by the fact that she is the worst human being to walk the earth and her child she brought upon us must be a demon sent from the hell that is her uterus….


Posted in:Kim Kardashian|SFW




Russian Party of the Day

Partying in Russia seems fun, I am sure it is even more fun if you’re gay…because I hear they love partying with gays…

Posted in:Videos