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Archive for the LOLZ Category




Celebrities Who Voted of the Day


As a Canadian – I am sure the Trump Winning Election will affect me or my people on some level or another – so when Trump people get mad at me for having an opinion because I am a Canadian – I am reminded why the half retard – great marketer got into office…but I think it’s a troll and he’s not gonna be all that bad…since all he wanted was the title…

I did read Art of the Deal many many years ago – and his one point that I remember is that if you become a celebrity and people talk about you – you can have a platform to push and sell anything – and he’s proved that…so maybe people should be praising him for living the American Dream…where rich white people can make it to the top of Politics without ever working in politics…no matter how insane that dream may be..

I find Trump funny, entertaining, he’s an entertainer…he’s from Reality TV and he proves that social media can destroy for trolling – because people will believe anything – you just need that big FB page to get there…

The only joy I have from the Trump win is all the celebrities being reminded that they are disconnected in their real white privileged life…that peopled don’t care enough about them to be influenced by them….and that despite their efforts – I’m talking to you Katy Perry..you’ve failed…you dancing Monkeys….

I love that how loud they were about Hillary Clinton – Failed them….

So here are a bunch of celebs who voted LOLZ…advertising they VOTED….most opening with the “I’m With Her”…campaign…that lost because instead of making a difference in the world…they are the worst self involved cunts around…making that money…

Anything to remind these celebs that they suck…brings me joy. Fucking idiots…

Some of these celebs are:

Roselyn Sanchez, America Ferrera, Camille Belle, Cheryl Burke, Alex Daddario, Sophia Bush, Jessica Biel, Sarah Michelle Gellar – Hands, Julianne Hough, Katie Cassidy Dumping Trump, Marisa Tomei, Olivia Wilde, Anna Kendrick FACELESS< Emmy Rossum bug eyeed, Lily Collins - Blake Lively Mouth...and anne Hathaway, Amanda Seyfried and Kate Hudson, Bryce Dallas Howard, Miley Cyrus, Danica McKellar, Beth Behrs, I put some no names in here also...Sarah Hyland, Ashley Tisdale, Vanessa Hudgens, Mariah Menounos, Taylor Swift... Ariel WInter -

A video posted by ARIEL WINTER (@arielwinter) on





Lindsay Lohan’s 30th Birthday of the Day


Lohan may have turned 30 this past weekend, but her tits are only about 13 or 14 and her mangled jacked up face is only about 5 and her level of relevancy being 0 is about 4-5 also…I guess the fading into obscurity being unhirable and all that happened around the same time she started jacking up her face…

But she’s still Lohan, she’s still the redheaded object of desire, the queen of my universe when I remember she exists and she’s still lookin good enough for me, like a crazy rich wife on AMBIEN to deal with her miserable life shes got everything in…and I believe with her boyfriend’s billions, she will be able to finance a movie of her own and win that Oscar to just prove what both her and I already know…and that is that she’s fucking magic…being broken thanks to fucked up parents just gets in the way of that.

I am a forever fan, but no really that committed fan, because I don’t care about this nonsense or people I don’t know, but I like her tits and that is important…oh and I hugged her once and felt her broken soul against my chest, making me want to take her under my wing as I do with most crackwhores and give them a bowl of soup, but at the time, she was still rich and didn’t need billionaire boyfriends to sugar baby…she was her own independent puppet to her family, the media and the industry..


Here are some of the best pics of her ever….in her CUSTOM LILO bikini….to bring back the good days….

At Least She’s Happy


Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|LOLZ|SFW




Spider Cosplay Girl of the Day


People like Cosplay. I don’t like Cosplay.

I find the whole thing really weird, I don’t get turned on by it and I don’t really understand how a dude can, I mean sure, here is a thin girl with super big tits into superhero and anime shit, that I guess nerds really connect with….

But I do think this costume for some nerd convention that probably smells like stale semen and mouldy basements where said semen was produced by every singe one of the comic book dudes in attendance…took some effort…and that’s probably why it’s gone viral, it’s definitely why I am posting it, I mean that and trying to pander to the nerds, it works for so many other people, why can’t it work for me…let me exploit your interests instead of mocking them, make you think I am one of you, because I guess having a blog when you’re not a teen girl is pretty much like being one of you, now carry me to fame and fortune…I rely on you..

Unfortunately, the nerd readers I connect with are the real low level ones with no social skills who don’t leave the house and are just creepy from the years of jerking off to drawings of women….and not the nerds who get together and do nerd shit I need.

I hate you, you ruined my life…

Here’s that spider weirdness. Nerds…

Posted in:LOLZ




The Dad Who Shames His Daughter of the Day


When this was emailed to me last night – I appreciated the joke….I thought – yes, his daughter deserved to be trolled, even if we are the ones being trolled, since nothing on the internet is real, but it does remind me that not enough people call out these idiots and their selfies / posing / instragram behavior that is all the same, equally lame, staged, and sometimes you need a fat man to solidify that fact…brilliant…well not really – but funny and a reminder that it is this easy to go viral, like fucking Lohan, doesn’t take much, I bet he’ll end up on Ellen and with his own show within 18 months. EASY.

His instagram is @therealburrmartin

Posted in:LOLZ|SFW




Google Streetview Star of the Day


The best Google street view I know of…. that happened to a friend of mine, is that google maps drove by his house mid day in their creepy creeper car…when he was fucking a girl he worked with during lunch hour…that he carelessly let park in his driveway…so that his wife, when showing her friend the house on google maps…could see the red car that is not her red car, or his red car, but the red car of his employee she already hated and knew something was up with…in the driveway…despite having never been invited to their house…busted…

The second best google street view is this girl pissing….while smoking…so good..

Posted in:LOLZ




Steve Rannazzisi’s LOL of the Day

Steve Rannazzisi2

I don’t watch the League. I don’t know who The League’s star Steve Rannazzisi is. I don’t watch comedy. I hate comedy. I find anything scripted and practiced in front of a mirror by either someone who thinks they are funny, or a fat chick who needs to be funny, instead of just being funny, really fucking desperate and lame. It’s almost like a girl who wants to be a model, because she’s a vapid cunt, taking pics and staging Photoshoots like she’s Vogue…for her fucking instagram..only harder to jerk off to…

Anyway, I guess this dude lied to the world by saying he survived the WTC September 11 terrorist attack, because he realized it made people listen, notice and cast him….everyone likes a story of a hero escaping…

But today, many years later…the motherfucker came clean on the story being a lie, but one he couldn’t retract, and I think he deserves a lynching for using an American tragedy for personal gain, he should be ousted and forgotten..

But at the same time, a troll of that level is amazing, and really we only have the media to blame for being lazy and never bothering looking into the validity of the story…



Here’s the quote and now we all know who The League star Steve Rannazzisi is.

From NYT:

Confronted this week, though, with evidence that undermined his account, Mr. Rannazzisi, after a day of deliberation, acknowledged on Tuesday that his account was fiction. Actually, he had been working in Midtown that day, and not for Merrill Lynch, which has no record of his employment and had no offices in either tower.

“I was not at the Trade Center on that day,” he said in a statement provided by his publicist, Matthew Labov. “I don’t know why I said this. This was inexcusable. I am truly, truly sorry.”

“For many years, more than anything,” he said, “I have wished that, with silence, I could somehow erase a story told by an immature young man. It only made me more ashamed. How could I tell my children to be honest when I hadn’t come clean about this?”

“It was profoundly disrespectful to those who perished and those who lost loved ones,” he said. “The stupidity and guilt I have felt for many years has not abated. It was an early taste of having a public persona, and I made a terrible mistake. All I can ask is for forgiveness.”


Here’s Nadine Velazquez from The League’s Instagram slutty…to celebrate her co-star idiot..

Posted in:LOLZ|Steve Rannazzisi




Abortion Protestor Protestors of the Day

If you’re wondering what the new hipster thing to do is – protest protestors who are protesting un-hipster things – like Abortion…

A couple of hipsters from North Carolina who you can find at SATURDAY CHORES decided to make silly signs to troll the abortion clinic protestors of what I assume happens on the regular in their bible belt community…because Jesus freaks are fucking freaks – who obviously like to shit their ideals on other people they don’t approve of and forget that they are living in the land of the free..

I thought this was a good laugh…so I’m posting it…and not just because I encourage abortion every time I cum inside a girl…because without abortion I wouldn’t be a drunkenstepfather – I’d be a drunken father…and there’s nothing fun about that….in fact it is just sad, breaks up homes and leads to years of therapy, while stepfathers, no one gives a fuck about us, we aren’t the real dad…

Posted in:LOLZ




Jack White at the Cubs Game is the Picture of the Day

Posted in:LOLZ




Hank Baskett Tranny LOL of the Day

Here is a pretty genius interview with Hank Baskett fucking a tranny to put him and his Playboy Trick and porn chick KENDRA WILKINSON …no seriously, not only was she an uninteresting Playboy bunny right before Playboy officially crashed and burned and sold themselves off to PORNHUB….but she also starred in some INBRED PORN that you will see if you care…cuz I EVEN HAVE A CLIP OF IT is not very good at all…and if you were married to that 20 years and two kids later…you may want tranny cock too…

You see…when you marry a pornstar, you are already accustomed to all the cock they’ve had, you are a bit of a sexual deviant to begin with, and more importantly, when you’re a football player, always in the locker room with the boys, you’re not ever quite as straight as you pretend to be as you fuck a dude up the ass for team initation…

Not to mention, more and more men are into tranny porn, the shit was the biggest selling titles in the mid 2000s when I worked in porn, and I assume it still is.

Meaning, dude like tranny porn, dudes fuck trannies, it’s not entirely gay to fuck a tranny, it’s a whole new breed of sex that a lot of “rich and powerful” men partake in…and I say who fucking cares.

Yes, I find trannies creepy, no I don’t like Tranny porn but I’ve been forced to watch it and hated it, but if was into it, I’d fuck a fucking tranny…and if I was married to Kendra Wilkinson, I’d fuck anything but Kendra Wilkinson…

The highlight of the video is when she says – he was “erected”…either way, this video is going to put him out of his misery, cuz I am going to assume he’s dead…..

Posted in:LOLZ|Videos




Katy Perry Eyebrows of the Day

Here are some weird fucking Katy Perry bleached eyebrows to haunt your fucking dreams tonight…and it is a solid distraction from her dumpy lower body…it’s like the tits of her face….

Posted in:Katy Perry|LOLZ