I'll Make You Famous…




Vanessa Hudgens Rockin’ That Mid 30s Body of the Day

You know, the internet is a fucking lie, right? It’s not real life, and no matter how much people prefer it to real life because they are lazy, scared, shy, medicated on SSRIs, that we have to drink in our tap water thanks to their piss, it’s a safe space to hide, envy others, and create a fake avatar life more interesting than their actual life….

Well, as it turns out, celebrities you may or may not jerk off to, since she’s been getting naked in selfie nudes that were leaked to the internet by her since she was barely 18,….like VANESSA HUDGENS…..edits the shit out of her own photos, trying to make her look like she’s got a better body than she does, despite having been known as PUDGENS forever….

She does the whole workout thing, to make us think she’s not rocking a mid-30s body with a pouch or belly that hangs over her bikini bottoms, and she edits herself to no look as thick, not THICC, but THICK as she is…however…..the paparazzi, which they all pretend to hate so much, bring us the closest thing to real and unimpressive as these people are.

It’s not to say you wouldn’t still fuck her, or that she’s got an AWFUL body, it’s just to say, she’s selling us a different bill of goods, probably while crying empowerment and inclusivity, body positivity and all the other catch phrases they use to destroy our freedom…..and it’s all just hollywood manufactured bullshit.

SEEK TRUTH cuz they’re throwing LOTS of lies your way.


Posted in:Vanessa Hudgens




Rita Ora Sucks of the Day

IF you’re wondering why old as shit Rita Ora is not a famous popstar, or why she had to use her tits to get attention in the thirstiest way…..going to multiple events tits out after landing a record deal that didn’t pan out for her…..because she’s no Rihanna….forcing her to be some sort of low hanging fruit influencer…straight from the refugee camps of Bosnia…..then you have to watch her attempt at a song now that she’s rich from influencing….

This video came out in June, but I only noticed it now, that’s how relevant she is…her face looking old as shit in her very produced video….spewing out meaningless words set to meaningless sounds because the people don’t seek quality or emotion, they’re numb.

To which I say….WHERE THE TITS AT….now that she’s got a rich husband from the movies, a career as an influencer, an attempt at being the old as shit pop star she watned to be, the tits take a backseat, like they aren’t the ONLY reason she exists.

EVIL is hard at work people.

Luckily, she brought her tits to what looks like a SKEET SHOOT, where the SKEET wasn’t being shot on her face as she’s accustomed to, but at least her tits were there in plain sight, so that I feel some sense of normalcy….

She was also in a black dress, THAT’S RACIST.


Posted in:Rita Ora




Maisie Williams White Swimsuit of the Day

I can only imagine the excitement from the weirdo Game of Thrones fanboys when they saw their Unicorn or whatever sci-fi/fantasy creature they use as a metaphor for their dream girls, because Game of Thrones, despite having an uncomfortable, even weird level of fans to someone like me who doesn’t really understand why anyone would ever watch anything that involves dragons, especially normies…..

I still feel the core audience, the kind of COMIC CON virgin with a sculpture of Maisie Williams made out of dry cum he saved in a bucket for years while fucking the fleshlight he wrapped in a pair of pants and a shirt he stuffed with bed sheets to make it look a little more Human, before taping a print out of her face to a basketball for a head, all to play out the fan fiction fantasy of their marriage and wedding life….in their matrimonial home……

This must be a big deal to those guys…..while I just find it some of the weirder looking swim selfies around…but as someone who can’t understand why Game of Thrones was a hit, I’m not really the target audience, so I can just see her rationally, with no emotions, objectively, as the troll looking celebrity she is….


Posted in:Maisie Williams




On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

On/Off…Clothed or Unclothed….Dressed or Undressed

Simple enough concept, probably a tale as old as time, or a fetish as old as time, because we’re forced to look at bitches in clothes, when really all we want to do is see them naked….

Whether it’s for research purposes, to see if the push up bra, padding and other shapeshifting, fat shaming clothing is hard a work….or if the girl is actually hotter naked than in clothes….even though she’s always hotter naked than in clothes, it’s just her naked self may not be hotter than her clothed self, due to science and LIES.

Or whether it’s for “i want to see every bitch naked”…it works for me because I like the on/offs for ALL those reasons….ALL of em and here are bunch!


Posted in:OnOff




Feminist Friday of the Day

Feminism is a myth, a fucking lie, perpetuated by fat and miserable, bitter and angry girls….

It’s never the hot chick, living her best life, super fucking rich an happy from being with a quality dude who respects her cuz she’s hot, who does well at her job, if she even needs a job, since when you’re hot you can figure out other ways to survive , like landing a rich dude who respects you…….

It’s always the cat loving, studio apartment dwelling troll, fat bitch, angry at the world, maybe she got dumped or never had a solid relationship with a man, so she assumes they are only there for her tits….looking for something to whine about.

I don’t think these braless girls are feminists, they may think they are, they may think feminism is taking advantage of half retarded men with credit cards, by baiting them in to jerk off to shitty nudes they pay for, instead of just seducing a bitch like a real man would, for the free nudes…..

But the real feminists, the ones trying to destroy the fabric of America, kill the family unit, reduce women into being sex workers, those bitches are the fucking worst cancer around, I mean there may be worse cancers around, since smart people don’t listen to their cries….but I do like the idea of reducing all women to being sex workers though, it validates my “all girls are whore” approach to life that I’ve been called a misogynist over for the last 3-4 decades…even though ALL girls ARE whores….it doesn’t mean we like them less, or don’t think they are capable of running businesses, I mean they have 3D printers in their cunts, these ladies can do anything….including selling themselves short.



Posted in:Feminist




Emma Rose Kenney Cleavage of the Day

When you’re the fat, ugly girl from Shameless, who I only appreciate because she replaced Emmy Rossum in Shameless, not that I watched Shameless, but I remember seeing the drama around Emmy Rossum wanting William H. Macy money, forgetting that he was a big movie actor in a time when movie actors didn’t do TV, so he is kinda higher on the food chain…..and just because you’re on the same set, doesn’t mean you deserve the same pay, and oftentimes it doesn’t have to do with the fact you have a cunt, or are willing to get naked on the show like a common stripper…..

Like I said, I didn’t watch shameless, it was hokey, it was corny, it was over the top, mocking poverty, peversion, alcoholism…..trash…..appropriating a whole arm of society and writing it out as rich, entitled, hollywood people….it was beyond fake and gay and they should have been cancelled for it….really…..

Unless a real life broke, homeless and half dead motherfucker wrote each episode, I don’t want anything to do with it. Authenticity man….KING.

Anyway, the ugly troll sister, has a set of tits to offset from the face, and despite being ugly to look at, she has a set of tits to offset from the face, and guess what, that’s GOOD ENOUGH for me.


Posted in:Emma Rose Kenney




Bella Throne’s Reading Scripts of the Day

Bella Thorne is packaged as some innovative, edgy, trending, important, representative of her generation, part of the culture celebrity that I assume her 25 million fans embrace and use as their leader or one of their leaders in this cult-like society of minions looking up to manufactured puppets they present to us as heroes…..

There’s probably some debate amongst the 1 person who bothers thinking about this shit, as to whether Bella Thorne, a manufactured Disney Puppet ever escaped the grip of the Disney people, when pretending to escape the grip of the Mouseketeer corpse of Annette Funicello pussy grip

I don’t know marketing, but wouldn’t it make sense to take your edgiest starlet, the most outgoing one that you’ve invested in, and pretend that she cut ties with the corny ass brand, only to be out there fending for herself like some kind of influencer youtuber, getting caught up in the drama with some of the bigger players on the influencer youtuber space, who are just thirsty ass fame whores dying to be friends with a legit celebrity…

Then you could have the culture in the palm of your hands, you could have a generation of girls guided by your hypnosis…

So, pull your tits out, start an OnlyFans, sell cheap garbage nudes to unsuspecting incels who don’t know better, BELLA THORNE does it with hr fake tits, and she still has a mainstream career, which in any other circumstance, would NOT EXIST if the system didn’t want her doing this, spreading this hustle, getting girls out of the work force and on the show their cunt for money force.

It’s by design motherfuckers, so here she is reading a script, cuz when you’re Bella Thorne, there’s no reprimanding for going rogue, getting aggressive, moonlighting as a porn chick, since she does’t actually show her tits or pussy, making me wonder why ANYONE would give her a credit card to be part of her shitty OnlyFans community….and who cares, she’s got tits she likes to show off and I like looking at tis. Win/Win.

Posted in:Bella Throne




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

All panties are good panties…..from the sexiest crotchless panty on the hottest pussy, to the post workout panty crunched up in a ball in the bottom of the gym bag that I found on the subway…..to the period stained panties I saw in a park trash can….to the shit covered panties I found in a bar bathroom….thanks for CO-ED, Genderless, Universal bathrooms to challenge me whole “girls don’t shit” theory”…..jerks….

So full back panties, great….thongs, great….bloomers from the 1800s, AWESOME….I don’t care, just let me up in em.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Iskra Lawrence in Lingerie of the Day

It’s funny to see her holding those flowers, because based on the size, you’d assume she would have tried to eat them, and basically everything in the vicinity, the reason you’d take her on date to the All You Can Eat bufffet just to see the owner scramble, because even his business model doesn’t support this kind of waste……this volume of food…

It’s funnier that we’ve normalized fat girls getting naked, like it is hot, when really it’s a fetish….basically turning the same people who cried “look at that slut in her bikini at the pool….that unrealstic body expectation slut”…..are now doing their best impression of it…..”stop hot chicks getting half naked, it’s vulgar”……to “now let me get naked, to stand up for what I believe in as a body positive activist and AMBASSADOR because I live this life and so many ladies rely on me”…..trying to monopolize the tits get hits, naked get hits market….by making hot chicks getting half naked feel like they are body shaming by JUST being alive.

The fatties cried about hot chicks getting half naked, now they are the ones getting half naked, and if the hot chicks get half naked too, you know since getting half naked is ok again, they get cancelled and called body shamers for having unrealistic bodies….ACCORDING TO THE FAT CHICK…trying to steal the glory.

I’m onto you fat girls and your trickery…

Posted in:Iskra lawrence




Courtney Stodden’s Deep Pussy Stretch of the Day!

Courtney Stodden is a legend…at least according to me, which isn’t saying much. For the most part, people don’t give a fuck about Stodden, they’ve basically run through her like a frat boy on a roofied out babe, unsure of how much time he has to finish, while his brothers wait for their turn……

You know, they loved her, wrote about her, got what they wanted out of her, only to forget her and force her into a LIFE OF PORN…..

YOU DEMONS….how dare you….but also, thanks, because seeing the child bride tabloid fodder no one tried to protect, showing off her amazing bolt on sideshow titty, doing some asshole flexibility challenges, is just what I am looking for out of her. She’s brilliant.

Biggest regret of life, not getting to her Halloween party, because if I had, I’d probably be the one filming this for her and by this I mean my erection, because I’d obviously have her direct line to send unsolicited dick pics to….that’s the whole point of Halloween parties, weirdos….

Posted in:Courtney Stodden