I'll Make You Famous…




Elsa Pataky Big Cleavage of the Day

Elsa Pataky may be a 45 year old actress who was human trafficked to Australia to create babies with Chris Hemsworth over th last 10-15 years…an actress you probably jacked off to in Snakes on a Plane, wishing you were the snake and her vagina was the plane, but THOR made it there first….

BUT SHE STILL GOT THEM Big Spanish titties…the kind that make you solid eye candy in shitty fucking movies I am amazed people actually watch.



Posted in:Elsa Pataky




Carmella Rose Wet Ass of the Day

Carmella Rose is some early generation instagram model, but since instagram hasn’t really been around all that long, she’s not quite the same as an early generation Victoria’s Secret model but I am sure she wouldn’t mind that since 9 years of instagram modeling in self produced photoshoots must make a bitch feel desparate at a certain point…like “another selfie shoot in my underwear for clicks, hoping to secure subscribers, patrons or brand deals”….instead of just being paid a million dollars a year to show up on set once a month for a paying brand.

I don’t know anything about her, other than that I’m looking at her ass in a skimpy bathing suit through the water, an optical illusion I’m into, because water is the spice of life, or what we are made of, so it’d be only fitting to drown while trying to eat her asshole underwater. Right.


Posted in:Carmella Rose




Feminist Friday of the Day

I am happy to report that according to VOGUE magazine, the bra burning feminists never actually existed.

It’s FAKE news that evolved into FACT like so many other things that we think is real because they’ve told us it is real, or put it in the text books published by the same people who started the lie, maybe even through the school systems controlled by the same people who started the lie.

In 1968, a bunch or radical ladies who were angry at the Miss America Pageant, decided to show up to cry outside the pageant, instead of worrying about their damnselves, they instead need to make a spectacle of the shit….like why be mad at a pageant other women are excited to be a part of you ugly spited fun killing trolls.

So that radical group, along with burning bras burned other ‘instruments of torture,’ such as brassieres, girdles, high-heeled shoes, false eyelashes, and magazines such as Playboy and Cosmopolitan….

OK there psycho bitches….I hope they got all they wanted out of it, like continuing to be miserable, angry cunts who don’t take responsibility for their actions.

These girls are not feminists necessarily, but they are braless, so we’ll assume every woke idiot out there is a feminist, or any girl getting naked will use feminism as the scapegoat for whoring. It is the oldest profession after all.


Posted in:Feminist




Blake Lively Nude of the Day

I just did a quick google to make sure that Blake Lively is married to that annoying try hard clown Ryan Reynolds who’s career should have died with 2 Guys, a girl and a Pizza Joint, or whatever the fuck it was called, but instead he became an a-list star, with a marketing agency and an alcohol brand that made him millions in like 23 months of promoting it, since the mainstream are no standard fucks who buy into whatever they are told is good, and I guess he’s marketed as good. Weird.

I got Ryan Reynolds and Ryan Gosling confused, all Canadians look the fucking same, I’m a Canadian racist….fuck those ice wall jumping escapees.

Anyway, when googling that I saw that Lively is doing her Directorial Debut, which I am sure was so challenging for her to get, in an era where woman need representation, doing a task like directing a movie which requires little to no talent.

The movie is called “SECONDS” based on a NOVEL we’ll assume she read by the “Scott Pilgrim” creator….

They are acting like it’s a big deal when it doesn’t matter, the bigger deal is that she’s nude in some movie, showing off a pretty short ass crack and some of her fake titty from the side.

A steamy shower is the best way to view Blake Lively, since she’s really not that hot…but she tries, which is lame, but aren’t all these losers who think they’ve won lame….THEY ARE.


Posted in:Blake Lively




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I guess the political attack on full back panties is officially over and women are feeling proud, empowered or just laziness to produce content around panties you’d expect them to only wear while having their period, because we’ve been a less is more kind of society when it comes to panties, the less panty the better, so that we can see as much ass as possible, and now we’re in a place where bikinis are all thongs, but the underwear’s going back to it’s old form of 90s jockey.

I always thought the underwear trend was hilarious, because I am a dude and I know dudes and when we were all fucking in the 80s and 90s, no one thought anything o the panty, it was just a panty….but marketing machines and propagandists changed all that for personal gain, attacking the full back panty and FINALLY women have come together in protest for something less annoying than feminism, or woke shit, even though it’s probably postured as feminism, because clearly it’s the toxic male’s fault they bought into panty brand marketing….dumb fucks….take some damn responsibility for your damn self.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Camila Cabello Crop Top of the Day

I am a firm believer that the system is rigged, that the famous people who become famous are 95% of the time groomed, trained or positioned to be famous….sure the occasional person may slip through the cracks but the origin stories we read are all manufactured fucking lies….

So when I see people like Camila Cabello, who is known to have been an illegal refugee from Cuba who just happened to end up on a talent show that made her stupid famous, since those talent show auditions never plant people in to launch their careers, I think about all the rich, equally talented, hotter, definitely fitter bitches who spent their lives training to get a record deal, taking the best singing and dance and music classes, even rocking some raw talent, becasue talent doesn’t just go to Cuban refugees….and those people don’t make it….you gotta ask yourself what lab she was created in, what organization brought her in, it just doesn’t make sense.

I feel the same way about Rihanna..

Why would some 14 year old from Barbados who could probably not afford a flight out of Barbados end up the top billionaire popstar…with mediocre talent.

It just doesn’t make sense……

What I am saying is Camila Cabello is not hot enough, talented enough, or interesting enough to be worthy of top tier fame, yet she’s got it. CONSPRIACY.


Posted in:Camila Cabello




Fishnet Friday of the Day

I recently saw a young looking lady, not perverted level young, but like 19-20 young, and she was rocking the shortest skirt with a pair of the whorish fishnets, which I’d argue all fisnets are, but I guess they are socially accepted and allowed in offices by professionals, which doesn’t make it any less whorish, it just makes offices more fun because the girls you work with are whorish, assuming you work in an office…which I don’t because you don’t exist and if you do, you’re likely unemployed, homeless, on disability, or full retarded.

Anyway, the young lady in the fetish outfit was walking with a 60 year old man and I thought “I can’t believe a dad would ever let his daughter dress like that, if I had kid, it’d be pantsuits and turtle necks until they turn 18 because I don’t want perverts like me, looking at them”…..only to realize…it was probably her DADDY, not her DAD….if you know what I mean…which justifies the whorish outfit, you know since she was a whore.

All this to say, Fishnets are fun.


Posted in:Fishnets




Benedict Cumberbatch Is Opening His U.K. Home to Ukrainian Refugees of the Day

I think that’s called Human Trafficking…..

I don’t know why anyone gives a shit about Russia or Ukraine, it’s beyond silly, but I guess we shouldn’t trust propaganda being pushed on us by sites owned by Warner Music, who are clearly compromised billionaires pushing the Globalist agenda….however, if they’re looking for a legacy Blog that makes no money, I’ll sell them DrunkenStpefather for 30 million dollars….because selling out buys you nice things.

Posted in:stepNEWS




Warm Welcome When Coming Home from Quarantine in China of the Day

You’re not supposed to believe any of the videos that come out of China, since they are designed to scare the fuck out of you, or make you think COVID is some big and scary thing that needs to be policed in the most insane ways, and really the early videos from China were the ones that made everyone COVID crazy, embracing lockdowns, waiting for mass death and bodies to pile up on street corners, which never happened, but thanks to the refrigerated truck fake morgues, they helped push the plan…..but eventually people caught on that no one was dying…

So yeah, take it all with a grain of fucking pussy lint, and realize that this may be some fake shit, but if it’s not, it’s hilarious.

The story is, woman leaves COVID quarantine facility, returns home, gets hosed down before being let in!

Fucking nutty.

Posted in:Videos




Disinformation Police Them Song of the Day

I saw this clip circulating amongst the depths of the FAR RIGHT EXTREMISTS that have a Fox News on their cable package, because you know, FAR RIGHT EXTREMISTS spend their night getting their DISINFORMATION from cable TV, where nothing is filtered, nothing is censored, nothing is manipulative, nothing is ad supported and thus ad controlled…..you fucking idiots…

But basically, thanks to ELON taking Twitter private, people are getting outraged about DISINFORMATION, which is basically anything that goes against their planned messaging, so call it DISINFORMATION, to throw it in the catch all pile to discount it as FAKE NEWS, or whatever.

So the government is now going to control the messaging, which is ALWAYS a good thing, since they are working for you right….

Anyway, this is the person who they hired to run the DISINFORMATION POLICE, who communicates to people through re-worked DISNEY SONGS and that’s terrifying….because this happened, and it resonates with people, which is even more terrifying, they think you’re this dumb, and most of you are.

The head of the ministry of truth, the office of fighting disinformation is a freaky fucking theatre kid and that should fucking scare the fuck out of you, because I think it’s safe to say I wouldn’t let my kids, if I had kids, hang with her at the kid center on a Disney cruise, so I sure as hell don’t want her deciding what is ACTUAL info and hat is DISINFO….fucking crazy world…they are TROLLING US.

THEY ARE TROLLING US…this is on another fucking level….

Alex Jones was right…

Posted in:Videos