I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Leelee Sobieski Fat

Who the fuck is this bitch who has gone to prove my point that all bitches, no matter how fat they are, feel the need to wear see-through clothes, it’s like they don’t have motherfucking mirrors in their house, to warn them that it’s a bad idea. This bitch is going out for her birthday and decided to wear a sheer dress, lucky for us, she’s wearing underwear. Judging by her neck, no one in their right mind would wanna see this pussy and by pussy, I mean her vagina, and I have a feeling it smells like donuts…you like that don’t you, slob.

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I am – Paris Hilton's Titty Sweat

No matter how much money you have, you can’t supress bodily functions. This bitch is sweating like a motherfucker and it’s not cuz she’s obese, it’s probably cuz she’s jacked up on diet pills or some shit, that’s all the rage in California and Paris has a few pounds to loose, that fat slut. I know – she’s pregnant and that’s why she’s getting married, a little shotgun wedding to save face for the family, I think Paris ruined that a while ago, when she was filmed fucking…you may remember that who ordeal, I doubt anything exciting has happened in your life since. Pregnant or not, she is not as fat as my stupid wife who sweats when she’s watching TV. Not that we can afford cable but bitch always finds a way….

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I am – Paris Hilton’s Titty Sweat

No matter how much money you have, you can’t supress bodily functions. This bitch is sweating like a motherfucker and it’s not cuz she’s obese, it’s probably cuz she’s jacked up on diet pills or some shit, that’s all the rage in California and Paris has a few pounds to loose, that fat slut. I know – she’s pregnant and that’s why she’s getting married, a little shotgun wedding to save face for the family, I think Paris ruined that a while ago, when she was filmed fucking…you may remember that who ordeal, I doubt anything exciting has happened in your life since. Pregnant or not, she is not as fat as my stupid wife who sweats when she’s watching TV. Not that we can afford cable but bitch always finds a way….

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I am – Kid from Jerry Maguire

Any boy loving pervert would be all over this shit, and by the looks of it so would this homo. An ideal situation would be to get with both the before and after – at the same time – but clearly only a fantasy you pervert – as it would be impossible – unless you had a time machine – which you don’t …at least you have your imagination and these pics, pervert! I get mad criticized for being a boy lover, because I like my girls skinny. I only like my girls skinny cuz I married fat and you always like what you don’t have. I figure if I get accused of the shit, I will act on it. All gay content all the time, you closet case fat chick loving cocksucker.

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I am – Lovin' Lohan

I love Lohan, it’s just that simple. She looks better than ever and I would totally leave my wife for her, not because of her money but because of the love. I only tease her on the site about being a cokeslut and fat because I want her to notice me. Lohan can you hear me? That’s all I have to say about that – and if you look closely you’ll see nipple – you fucking pervert.

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I am – Lovin’ Lohan

I love Lohan, it’s just that simple. She looks better than ever and I would totally leave my wife for her, not because of her money but because of the love. I only tease her on the site about being a cokeslut and fat because I want her to notice me. Lohan can you hear me? That’s all I have to say about that – and if you look closely you’ll see nipple – you fucking pervert.

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I am – Fleshbot Summer Editor Petition

I have recently applied for a job as the part-time summer editor at Fleshbot. I am pretty sure I am not going to get it because I never get anything I ever want and people generally hate me. They probably also require a university education, writing experience and all that shit. I don’t know how to fucking write…or what grammar is, except for maybe Kelsey, I used to role with that cat back in his coke days, before he married some stripper bitch with huge implants who was in Playboy about 10 years ago and I remember her having blonde pubes which is totally wild, anyway..point of the post is to get you to petition for DrunkenStepfahter.com to be the Fleshbot summer editor by emailing Fleshbot and tellin them what’s best for them.

This is the mail link

Read my application email – after the jump – warning – it’s not funny

To: jobs@fleshbot.com
Subject:Fleshbot Job Application


Welcome to my email. My name is Jesus Martinez and I blog for you. I have a website called drunkenstepfather and have had about 4,000,000 readers since I started in January. I am the best person for the Fleshbot because of passion, my passion for reaching out to people and making their life a little better. We live in a cold scary world and I am doing my part to make it a better place.

I believe that with the support of Fleshbot, I can achieve my dreams, I just need you to believe in me. Like every person with a dream, accepting the fact that I don’t have what it takes to make it on my own is the first step to getting there. The help of others, who have skills where I am seriously lacking, is needed to “take it up a notch�. Even Hitler had dreams and, without all the support of Germany would have never achieved them. I am not like Hitler, but I like to believe you are the Germany I would need if I was. I would write a sample blog entry, but I wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise. However, you may want to check out your emails over the last 6 months, you are bound to find pictures and posts that you have linked to, including today’s Hung T-Shirts.

I look forward to your response,

Jesus Martinez


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I am – Keyra Augustina's Ass in Maxim

If you don’t remember the mystery ass that made it’s rounds on the internet, like a cokewhore makes her rounds at a jetsetter event, then you must be homo. There is nothing wrong with being homo, but one would think that you would love ass more than any straight guy considering that is your vice, even a girl’s ass is better than no ass, that’s why gay guys everywhere fuck their girls up the ass when there’s no cock around. I am pretty sure that’s a fact. If you want a reminder of the pics that were circulating click here HERE. Leave it up to Maxim to hunt down some crazy south american internet chick to get her to pose in their mag, that is some serious CIA shit. I had enough trouble trying to find directions to my stepdaughter’s highschool graduation ceremony on mapquest, bitches


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I am – Keyra Augustina’s Ass in Maxim

If you don’t remember the mystery ass that made it’s rounds on the internet, like a cokewhore makes her rounds at a jetsetter event, then you must be homo. There is nothing wrong with being homo, but one would think that you would love ass more than any straight guy considering that is your vice, even a girl’s ass is better than no ass, that’s why gay guys everywhere fuck their girls up the ass when there’s no cock around. I am pretty sure that’s a fact. If you want a reminder of the pics that were circulating click here HERE. Leave it up to Maxim to hunt down some crazy south american internet chick to get her to pose in their mag, that is some serious CIA shit. I had enough trouble trying to find directions to my stepdaughter’s highschool graduation ceremony on mapquest, bitches


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I am – Lohan Double Chin

I don’t understand all the people who are freaking out about Lohan losing too much weight, I have always said that she’s still got some work to do and this picture proves it. She’s not as huge as she used to be, so there has been some progress but it seems like she is gonna have to see her plastic surgeon, the one who gave her the lips, to discuss liposuction, because in a bodypart weight loss battle between her tits and her double chin, it seems that the tits are gonna lose. We all have our problem spots, and Lohan’s is all in her fat chin.

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