I'll Make You Famous…




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

Trust the Science….

Trust The Ratio…

The Ratio is the Science that I like to celebrate every week because the right waist to hip ratio makes a bitch hotter in our minds….

The feminists would hate that there is a scientific method to NUMBER THE HOTNESS of a bitch, you know they hate being called 10s, when they aren’t 10s…it’s sexist, DOWN WITH THE PATRIARCHY….as men cut their dicks off to experience the female struggle as a female…and the women shave their heads and grow out their body hair to de-sexualize themselves into angry monsters…only to sell nudes on their OnlyFans…cuz sick people will pay to see other sick people be sick…

You may be wondering what The Ratio Means, I mean there are so many ratios out there being talked about, from social media engagement ratios, but this RATIO is smaller waist to bigger hips ratio to determine how womanly a woman is…..

The studies are conclusive…NOT THAT THAT MEANS ANYTHING…I mean if we learned anything this past 2 years….Data can be manipulated…studies can be censored…lies can be pushed as science…but any dude will know the truth…in their gut…because sometimes you don’t need some nerd in a lab coat running experiments to prove what we already know….like how I know the general public is a braindead, complicit, half retard, medicated, lazy, self involved, distracted, streaming, pig of a person who just goes along with what they are told, to get back to being shit stains on society consuming what they think they are supposed to consume…

Listen to your gut…while dreaming of blowing out some of these guts with your wizard wand….you freaky nerd fuck…why are you here?


Posted in:The Ratio




Carmella Rose Pussy of the Day

In case you were wondering, Carmela Rose has a vagina and it’s fully exposed in this artistic photoshoot that I’ll assume is not for PLAYBOY because Playboy Cover Girls are gay beauty bloggers in lingerie, you know part of the indoctrination of this weird and confusing genderless world of degenerates trying to fit in and be different when a tattoo, or a piercing, or anti-establishment attitude won’t cut it….even though you’d think being a gay dude in lingerie was anti-establishment only it’s actually precisely what the establishment wants and they OWN YOUR MIND…

I guess you’d have to wonder who Carmela Rose is before wondering about her vagina, even though I wonder about all women’s vaginas, because I have not subscribed to men who feel like women are women too, even after they cut their dicks off…and I’m a purest in the vagina realm…and hope all girls out there follow the leader and show their vagina because you can never see enough vagina…especially now that vaginas are slowly being phased out and cancelled.

This may be for her EXCLUSIVE content site, that you should subscribe to and that we’ll pretend this is an AD for, before her lawyers send us aggressive letters because the pussy isn’t FREE motherfuckers….well blame social media for the leak…I blame social media for everything and you should too.


Posted in:Carmella Rose




Jordyn Jones Pussy Print of the Day

Jordyn Jones has an inbred looking face, which makes sense because she’s from Kalamazoo Michigan where you may be from and where you may be inbred too….but I can’t seem to find any data on the inbred population of that part of Michigan to see what the probability of her being inbred actually is….I am a terrible researcher and don’t actually care. I only think she looks inbred because I knew an inbred girl with the same weird looking face, so I’m drawing conclusions….

I do know that she may look like this due to fetal alcoholism, her dad was an alcoholic who died from alcoholism….but who cares…it’s not about her mediocre face, or even about her pop culture career thanks to being on some creepy child dance show…it’s about her ass…her amazing, dance ass, that is dabbling in the porno realm, because when girls get a taste of that porn money and realize how easy it is to sell themselves in this era where they are trying to destroy the family structure and replace it with some open marriage, free love, surrogate babies, because men are scum take their money for feminism….it’s just too tempting to resist.

Now she hasn’t had anal on her first scene, I mean she hasn’t even done a scene yet…that we know of…but it’ll happen…if the PORN industry can suck in someone like Maitland Ward…it can take anyone else who struggled to make money for 2 decades after being on a hit show.

I may hate porn, but I don’t hate dance ass when it’s round…


Posted in:Jordyn Jones




Kendall Jenner Bikini of the Day

Kendall Jenner is part of the EVIL and DESTRUCTIVE family that is getting paid stupidly, so they don’t care that the public are weak and buy into their nonsense…they buy into any agenda being pushed and the people with the real money, I’m not talking the corporations paying the Kardashians for marketing help, I’m talking the people at the fucking top of those corporations who need those foot soldiers..

With that, this one has managed to make the “rich kid” who could have been fine doing nothing, became a massive fashion model, while not being hot enough to be a fashion model, even though there’s been some ugly fashion models…they’ll just hand that title out to anyone who pushes product for them…which used to be called “SALES PERSON” not “Model” or “Face of the Brand” because they only care about sales…tragic…

Not as tragic as her dad being the figurehead of the war on women, by saying that women aren’t women anymore, anyone who wants to be a woman can be a woman, despite not having lady parts, yet they still end up cutting off their dicks, even though they don’t have to cut off their dicks to be a woman by their own logic, sine being a woman is dead…and men are moving in….full mental health breakdown…that’s gone international…and is in the schools being pushed on the kids…while I remember a time when trannies were reserved for sex work..

Now I don’t care if a man wants to be a woman, pretends to be a woman, but I recognize it’s mental…but not as mental as the POSSIBILITY that Kendall’s fleshlight was used for Bruce’s pussy design….ok…


Posted in:Kendall Jenner




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

I wonder if this divided society will start singling out the tiny tits from the big tits while they argue over who is more important as a human, leading to weird big tit vs small tit brawls, that will hopefully be televised for all to see, you know DIVIDE EVERYONE WHEREVER YOU CAN….once you get everyone divided over race, gender, medical treatment status, political stance…where do we go next…it’ll be like BLM burning citites, but for titties.

I am obviously one to stand with the underdog, and since BIG TITS get all the publicity and more small tits get SLAUGHTERED daily than BIG TITS get reduced daily, I’m sticking to the SMALL TIT crowd…plus their bodies are tighter, fitter, and a small tit still has nipples to suck on…so who cares…



Posted in:TINY TITS




Shelley Hennig Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Shelley Hennig is some 34 year old actress who I’m sure I’ve written about on this very site before, but since I’m not a celebrity expert, I just abuse myself with this bullshit because I am a self hating self sabotaging lazy fuck who is my own worst enemy and I only feel alive with consistent failure and looking at bullshit celebs being hot to try to be relevant…is self abusive…

Anyway, Miss Teen USA, Days of Our Lives cast member, MTV’s Teen Wolf and some other shit is her hustle…

More interesting…her bio reads “Made in Louisiana shipped to New York bought by California”




Which is why she’s posting self produced sleaze that’s not too sleazy…you know to get the likes, follows, attention and to teach young girls the monetization through sexualizing yourself hustle, they’ll pretend is feminism….SLAVE!


Posted in:Shelley Hennig




Willow Shields Wet of the Day

Willow Shields is a twin, her sister’s name is Autumn and since I don’t know anything about Willow Shields, but I KNOW THAT…

She was born in the year 2000, a Y2K baby conceived by parents who clearly didn’t believe the world was going to collapse back then, you know because apocalyptic propaganda to make dehumanize, scare and fuck with your mind to make you think that you’re alone in this fight, when you’re not has been pretty consistent….

Her claim to fame is the Hunger Games where we’ll assume Jennifer Lawrence was a bitch to her on set because Jennifer Lawrence confused herself for the most important celebrity in the world, who despite the good tits, is pretty much the same in every movie, and just fodder to get high paydays for her agents…THEY NEED STARS….and if they were willing to let weinstein cum in them…the BETTER….

She’s most recently been in a show called Spinning Out about figure skating, which isnt’ figure scatting, but if it was, it’d make her more interesting, even if I find shit gross…it’s just better to be in actual shit that figurative shit…you know cuz Spinning Out is shit…

This is some shoot..


Posted in:Willow Shields




Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

As much as I hate the way the people of society have been so conditioned an indoctrinated by people who view them as livestock, so I can’t really blame them for it, especially when a side effect or symptom of the the loss of personal identity and transition to slave includes hot trends like TIGHT PANTS and POSTING slutty content on the internet…I mean that’s a cool thing right…

It’s just too bad that it comes with people so committed to the religion of the memes and content they are sold….to the point where if you show them a video of someone being murdered, but have a Kardashian or Anderson Cooper say “that person died from suicide”….they’ll all turn their back to what their own eyes have seen and say “did you see that guy who killed himself”…this is broken telephone and not just a Jimmy Kimmel or Fallon..I confuse those two puppet cunts….but you know what I am saying…DUMBING down of the people..

SO it’s funny all the proven therapeutics that the social media sites are censoring and suppressed are 3-5 dollar medical treatments…which I guess doesn’t give the people invested in this shit the same financial return they want….hilarious right…

I saw that “HORSE PASTE” can’t be patented because it is found in nature or is of “God”…or even funnier an ashtma steroid that I’ve been prescribed multiple times over the years of being a chain smoker who lives in a moldy basement…a basic lung steroid for ashtma…is not approved for early COVID treatment…all to push some vaccine making people billions of dollars…despite it also HURTING peoople.

There are doctors being fired because of this shit….even though there have been multiple peer reviewed studies on the shit…

So you can’t deny people are dying, information is being censored…yet the people want MORE CENSORSHIP…. people hopping onto the whole smear campaign against therapeutics…like actors…and Howard Stern…because they are fucking EVIL and want people dead.

But at least they’ve got girls to pose in their hot tight pants, we need to visuals….


Posted in:Tight Pants




Dude Gets his Lambo Rear Ended By Retard Who Blames White Privilege and Other Videos of the Day

Scaffolding Fail…

Monster Khloe Kardashian in Some Tight Outfit with her Fake Monster Ass

Greta’s mask on her mic is pretty hilarious

Jack Russell Likes the Skate

Bull Dog Puts Himself in the Box…

Lady Slips and Falls

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

It’s funny when you watch apocalyptic movies and laugh about how unrealistic they areC thinking “that wouldn’t happen” only to realize that it is happening, and that instead of being the heroes in the story, everyone is the boot licking subservient slave begging for bugs to eat in their cells.

It is funny watching people losing their minds over 6 hours of fb being down is an interesting take on the decadence, laziness, mindlessness, enslaved and addicted, consumers of nonsense…who don’t realize actual crisis is happening around them. Distracted by manufactured crisis that isn’t a crisis at all…an evil site went down, big deal….

It’s funny when you hear stories about facebook wanting to make their terms and services laws that regulate the entire internet..and people don’t think that’s weird…

It’s funny to think that the whistleblower story VIA CBS’ 60 minutes, leading to a controlled “crash” of FB, before the whistleblower is in front of the politicians to push regulating that MISINFORMATION…

You should be scared, but you’re more into being. a boot licking subservient slave eating bugs now that meat is banned in your cell….forced to watch TRANNY porn all day cuz that’s their favorite porn…

Here are some stepLINKS….in the morning!

Josephine Skriver’s Hot and Topless for Sports

Tyra Banks Pays Tribute to Britney in a School Girl Outfit

Rozanne Hot Lingerie Shoot in Nature

Shannen Doherty Gets Millions for her Cancer Titties

Peugeot Tries an Overtake

Falcon Dives from Hot Air Balloon

Skilled Truck Driver in Action

Trucks Crashing into Bridges

Employee Slams Robber with a Chair

Cam Sluts – Get Your Cam Sluts – Cam Sluts – Get Your Cam Sluts

Posted in:stepLINKS