I'll Make You Famous…




What Happened to Bryce Dallas Howard of the Day

Serious question…


Posted in:Bryce Dallas Howard




Karlie Kloss Quick Titty Suck of the Day

Karli Kloss Tits

I saw this picture in People Magazine…

Meaning we’ve got to a place where the mainstream media is beating the shit posting blogs to the titty content….while running their million dollar ads against the titties…not being flagged a porn site for showing the titties…cuz tits are empowering…

I have never found Karlie Kloss, the Taylor Swift puppet who is over 6 feet tall anything hot…when she was doing Victoria’s Secret, I didn’t understand it…but I am not the casting director or part of the scamming machine that decides who gets high paid contracts and celebrity and who doesn’t…and for the most part…none of these people who get the money deserve the money…they are all pretty uneventful and garbage…

Since it’s MILKY TIT MONDAY…I figured a titty flash is a titty flash so long as a baby is not latching on the titty for nutrients…and this titty flash is a lactation titty flash for all the empowered milk filled tits out there to have a celebrity endorsement regarding pulling tits out to feed your kid…something that’s never been shameful and that this whole free the nipple thing confuses me about…because moms have been breast feeding their kids since the 60s…maybe even before…what’s the big deal..right.


Posted in:Karlie Kloss




Milf Monday of the Day

If you read this site and you don’t, you’ll know that I know that I find birthing, reproduction, breeding pretty fucking gross, so I am here hoping the vaccine is actually a Bill Gates answer to population control, sterilizing the masses who I think should be sterilized…

I don’t find a woman being knocked up to be something natural, the idea of a life growing inside them is parasitic to me, they sell cleanses for that…

I don’t find parents who pretend how happy they are to be honest, they are just stuck and making the best out of a situation…even if having a kid brings their egos and narcissism some level of purpose…they know that they’d rather not deal with the headache…

I don’t find maternal women to be all that attractive….I figure most women are going to be wired to be maternal and don’t need a parasitic creature to prove that they aren’t just “get my hole filled” whores….

So as a stepfather, not a real dad, married to someone who had kids, I can tell you first hand that I’m right…breeding is trash…

But as I get older, MILFS get younger, and for whatever reason it’s some instagram trend, probably because of a Kardashian, so the whole fucking a single mom cuz they have less options of people to fuck, knowing being a mom makes them a burden, makes them unavailable most of the time, except every second weekend and most Wednesdays…still exists..

So MILFs remain a solid option to get laid by someone who will likely not waste her time fucking around on you with other dudes, cuz she’s busy being a mom and when she does fuck around with you, she’ll only do it for some level of normal intimacy and a fuck….which I guess makes them not so bad…even if their vaginas have been shredded like documents you’re trying to make disappear…only mom pussies never disappear…


Posted in:Milf




Malu Trevejo Bikini of the Day

Malu Trevejo is some 18 year old who got fake tits basically on her 18th birthday the way nature intended, so that she could elevate her TikTok content that has made her pretty famous, or at least famous enough to be used by Bella Thorne to increase Bella’s clout and relevance through people who have big followings…it’s a business…

She may look like trash, she may trigger you from whatever is going on here, but she’s a young girl with tnan internet body, who got famous on TikTok before it was owned by the Chinese Government, back when it was a lip synching app for tweens and people, not necessarily this one, because this one’s on OnlyFans, doing that route….are getting record deals despite being known for lip synching….

The world is nutty…and this is what the youth are into…so get on board or be left behind as they say.


Posted in:Malu Trevejo




Sommer Ray Nude of the Day

Sommer Ray Nude

The internet is pretty funny. Sommer Ray, who you’e probably NEVER heard of because she solely exists on social media and social media is the fucking devil, likely designed by the Government to tap into the lives and minds of basically 90 percent of society, who are too dumb to realize that shit is evil, but instead voluntarily offer up their data for some reptile looking aspergers weirdo to make billions of dollars….while treating him like some sort of genius…even though social media existed for at least 8 years before he hopped on…but I guess peopel weren’t on social media at the time so didn’t realize it….it’s a scam..

But yeah, Sommer Ray, 26 million fans who are into her “working out” because she’s a fitness guru or maybe they’re there because she wears basically no clothing and does fake workouts she pretends are the reason for her body….and maybe those workouts are the reason for her body…but I can assure you the dudes watching her are only there for the body..

Whether she’s compelling, intelligent, inspiring or not is irrelevant, she takes pervy content of herself and we need that to exist…or they need that to exist..but I guess we need that to exist…since I’m reposting her way too rich for what she does ass…


Posted in:Sommer Ray




Skylar Grey Wet T Shirt Contest of the Day

Skylar Grey See Through

Skylar Grey is some songwriter who is really named Holly Brook Hafermann, but I guess Skyler Grey makes more sense…if you need that stage name or pseudonym or persona to justify or do all the things Holly Brook Hafermann wouldn’t be confident enough to do…some double personality shit….

She’s written hit songs for a bunch of people and is likely very rich because of that, but like every narcissist out there, who has been told they are good at what they do, rewarded by the industry through money, consistent work and meaningless trophies….

So it’s only natural that at 35, she wants some attention on her….because she’s likely more than capable of doing the whole pop thing, I mean she writes hit songs….

Bebe Rexha is on the same hustle, popstars with a dream, forced to write songs for other popstars, only to get rich and decide they should be popstars too..even though they are old as shit…

Luckily, attention seekers show off their tits to get attention…so we get to look at em.


Posted in:Skylar Grey




Sophie Mudd Spread of the Day

You may not know Sophie Mudd because she’s really not that famous, I mean who is famous in this era of everyone trying to be famous, it’s diluted those actually famous, because no one gives a fuck about anyone but themselves…which makes running a celebrity blog website pretty obsolete, but I figure as long as there are tits being shown, at least one person will come and see them here…that one person is probably half retarded, definitely with some sort of brain injury, but it’s ok, we’re in it together…

If you do know who Sophie Mudd is, you’ll know she was a set of monster tits, the kind of monster tits on a small frame that prove the hormones in the foods are hard at fucking work, because freakishly large tits, although exciting, are freaky….

She built her audience the way someone with monster tits would build their audience, decided to try to go mainstream once getting that audience, then turned it all around when all the other girls starting charging for cockteasing barely nude nudes…that’s where the money is…”sex work”…baiting masturbating freaks to pull out their credit cards to see 90 percent of a tit…lame…but tits.


Posted in:Sophie Mudd




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

Milky Tits are a fetish, not necessarily a great fetish, or one that gets all the hype fucking people of the same sex, or cutting off your genitals and re-identifying your gender does..you know with everyone going nuts about Pride month this month, mainly corporations and straight people who are just so excited by their gay friends, peers, colleagues and neighbors that they are using them to virtue signal and pretend that they are woke, insightful and part of the solution not the problem….coupled with the try hard poser gays who have no idea what it’s like to suck dick in truck stops not knowing whether they are being set up for a beating, because gay has been generally accepted by 99 percent of people, at least on a “civil” level…meaning on the surface, due to basic respect or kindness or decency, very few people are publicly against people fucking the same sex, even if it goes against their morals and values behind closed doors…

This is about MILKY TITS…not Pride month….or people pandering to Pride month like a bunch of pretentious and superficial idiots who are just doing it for their social media feed…

Milky Tits are a whole other kind of “empowering” activism that involves pulling out tis, so I don’t think anyone is ever against that, even though they pretend they are, to keep the activism alive…if we normalize the most normal thing like babies feeding from their mothers like the animals we are…how will we get groups of women defying their shame and pulling their tits out….we need them to think it’s naughty or bad or inappropriate to get them to pull the tits out with passion and vigor.

I know that when I go into a coffee shop, mall, store and a tit is out getting sucked, I’m watching…free show…


Posted in:Lactating




Titty Workout and Other Videos of the Day

Woman Blows a Bubble Inside a Bubble

Lady Releases 1500 Lady Bugs into Carpet

Taking the Sign Too Seriously

Quitting Taco Bell

Public Freakout

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

You have to wonder about a society that screamed to shut up people who said “Covid was likely created in a lab”….maybe it’s bio warfare…maybe it’s a mistake…but either way it was created in a lab….

I remember having a backyard drink early in the pandemic with a neighbor who I haven’t spoke to since, but who blew me off as some TRUMPER despite being in Canada and not needing to be on either side of American Politics….I was just looking at the evidence….but here I was, being called a conspiracy theorist who was obviously racist, maybe even likened to Hitler, a bigot, all for suggesting that “it was probably an inside job”….at the time I didn’t know why it was an inside job…was it to control, create a one world government, take our freedoms, destroy lives, force vaccines on people…I just knew that it didn’t come from a wet market…and when you’d suggest that to people, they’d shut down and SCREAM…fingers in ears in an “I Can’t Hear You”….

Then the “fact checkers” of social media, deleting anyone who suggested it was created in a lab, to silence people…because they don’t need our kind polluting the narrative…which is fucking insane, but not really, since social media is only allowed to exist so that the government can track you….and control you…obviously….all while you idiots think you’re free…

Only now, we’re hearing things like 600k – 160 million dollars…of TAX PAYER money was put into this research for this virus that has fucked ya’ll up for the last 18 months….


It’s like they just want to hit the Vegas Casino with their vaccinated arms….vaccinated for a virus created in a lab in China….which in and of itself…should be disconcerting at the bare minimum….but why bother with details like “IT WAS MADE IN A LAB”…that at this point is not even being argued…or that Fauci lied to everyone about everything for a year…messing with all our LIVES…and no one cares….they just want it behind them…

You’d think if anything warranted some sort of outrage or anger, it’d be THIS scam of possibly the entire history of humanity….

I’ve always said the death rate doesn’t justify the measures, quarantining the healthy doesn’t make sense, social distancing and cloth masks are obviously bullshit…and I was discounted for it by all kinds of people…and now it’s all written out in the leaked emails…and NO ONE CARES….

I mean, ya’ll gotta grow some balls or some shit….TRUST no one….listen to your gut and if you’re on ANTI DEPRESSANTS get off them…you need your fucking edge back…

I mean if you’re not mad about being lied to for a year and a half, forced to participate in insanity they are trying to normalize, like a bunch of clowns, or the loser in high school the cool kids are making jump through hoops as a evil bullying prank to laugh at, like all you fucks with your masks on…you should be mad they closed strip clubs and made hiring hookers a huge pain in the ass…think of all the titties you didn’t get to grab…

Again, people have proven themselves to be fucking idiots, I am not surprised but at least they have TITTIES.

Paige Spiranac Was Distracted During the Logan Paul-Floyd Mayweather Fight by People Having Sex

On set with Hailee Steinfeld

Models at Home in Lingerie

The Logan Paul / Mayweather Boxing Match Recap…

Horrifying Movie Easter Eggs

Tongue Posture Can Make You Hot

Crow Pisses off Cats

Gone Girl Actress in a Hit and Run

Cats Boxing

Angry Gorilla VS Viewing Bubble

How Many Cheerleaders Can Be Crammed Into A Smart Car

Hiding in the Ceiling

Cam Sluts Bring the Pussy and It’s always a Good Time!

Posted in:stepLINKS