Back in 2012 when I redesigned the site from the pile of shit it was back then, to the pile of shit it is now, I had a NSFW filter built to block out any NSFW content, it was my attempt to get MAINSTREAM ADS…because I thought maybe there was a chance I’d get Rockstar Games or some other edgy brands to support the making fun of shitty celebrities…it didn’t work, advertisers found my writing vile and offensive, a lot thought it was some stepfamily fetish site where the stepfather was some kinds of rapist, and the whole thing basically backfired…
So I never bothered using the NSFW filter that I thought was so technologically advanced…..which for me it was because I barely know how to upload an image to the website….
Anyway, I am using that filter today, because a girl using a dildo is NSFW even on a site with no ads that I’ve basically been misidentified as a pornographer, which I am not..unless you consider STEPSMUT porn….where I just think it’s documentarian work…following the pop culture trends…
Anyway, Kaili Thorne is not Bella’s full sister, but I guess they have the same father and since the father died, Bella’s family have taken her in as one of their own…but unlike the others, Kaili never really popped off as a Disney Star, so instead she went straight to sex on the internet when the opportunity arose which in a lot of ways is probably less perverted than working in the Hollywood industry..
She definitely isn’t quite what you’d want from Bella Thorne’s sister, I mean the dyking out part is great, the dildo use great, maybe it is precisely what you’d want out of Bella Thorne’s sister….she’s just not quite as hot, interesting, or relevant as Bella, but rather just using the name as hard as she can to get what she wants…
I don’t know when all girls wanted to do porn, but I am glad they do…and if you’re into this kind of content, and you should be, you should go show her support cuz the Thorne connection makes her far better than all the randoms who aren’t related to an industry sweetheart like Bella by default…

Posted in:Kaili Thorne|NSFW