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Courtney Stodden Strategic Topless Pics for E! of the Day

Courtney Stodden posed topless for E! because 1- she is going to be the next celebrity SEX TAPE star, since she’s already got the porn look, the tight teen body, the hard 40 year old face…she just hasn’t jumped into it fully yet, and I am okay with that strategy….it builds excitement, even if she’s […]




Courtney Stodden Amazing in Video of the Day

She may be a useless, clown of a person, you know milking the tabloids being the child bride, even though she looks like she’s in her 40s, pulling off some platinum hair, fake tits shit that was hot in the 90s, back when she was graduating high school, despite her wanting you to think when […]




Happy Easter from Courtney Stodden of the Day

I can’t hate Courtney Stodden, even if I hate most things Hollywood, because she’s young and vibrant like the girl I feel in love with at the bus stop, in her amazing tight little leggings with her amazing tight little booty from the hormones in the dairy…but more importantly, she’s funny, she doesn’t take herself […]




Courtney Stodden Cooking in her Underwear is Fun of the Day

I watched this on mute, so that is probably way I don’t want to phusically remove her from my computer screen via her fake hair, fake tits…you know a cunt punch straight through my computer screen…. So my perspective is just tight bodied busty girl who pretends she’s 18, cooking, without all her nonsense jokes….and […]




Courtney Stodden Hot Video Insanity of the Day

Courtney Stodden put on a wig and decided to show off her shitty acting skills…via her character she created in her insane brain…that is a gothic…rocker lookin’ chick named Courtland…who calls out Stodden for being a slut…saying she’s her half sister….then goes on ripping into her about marrying D-Listed Saggy Ball old man….promotes her band […]




Courtney Stodden’s Bikini Action of the Day

I am really not interested in Courtney Stodden, her stripper publicity stunt, pretending to be an underage bride with the most insignificant celebrity ever, just to get her foot in the door, it’s just nonsense noise and we’re too busy for that shit…but I’m torn…cuz she’s in a bikini…and staged, crying for attention or not, […]




Courtney Stodden’s Old Weathered Vagina for Thanksgiving of the Day

Can it really be a happy thanksgiving when garbage like this exists…and more importantly…is celebrated and noticed by the general public….when it lands tabloid covers and makes irrelevance relevant by pretending it was married at 16…when clearing it’s pushing 40 and has been a stripper for the last 2 decades…. Courtney Stodden is the fucking […]




Courtney Stodden American Bikini Dance for Youtube of the Day

I fucking hate bad dancing….even when in a bikini….especially when it is to the worst fucking song…even when it is on mute…because the girl in the bikini represents evil. Courtney Stodden has found her calling….Trashy girl who dances on youtube half naked to make youtube money becasue she has no actual talent and because people […]




Courtney Stodden’s July 4h Hooker Photoshoot of the Day

Here are some pics of Courtney Stodden offending all your troops.. Every holiday or national even, this bitch and all the low level, simple minded trash with fake hair, tits, and fake tans….come out of the woodwork and stage stupid themed shots, because that’s as deep as their brains function….or maybe because they are just […]




Courtney Stodden’s Latest Youtube Insanity of the Day

A couple of days ago, Courtney Stodden pretty much shit on Marilyn Monroe’s grave, in what is the most ridiculous tribute video I have ever seen, mainly because absolutely nothing in it has anything Marilyn Monroe about it, I mean maybe she cross referenced some old pictures, or put on a wig or perfume or […]