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Charli XCX for Impulse Fragrance of the Day

Charli XCX is some low level Big Tits from the UK who wears a Leotard and uses every chance she gets to show off those tits and get noticed…and I guess it works, since she gets featured on songs, she gets paid by brands, she has concerts and I guess people pay to see her […]




Charli XCX Wants You TO Notice Her of the Day

Charli XCX wants you to notice her…which isn’t saying much since we live in this self involved world where everyone wants you to notice them. Everyone thinks they are famous and everyone acts entitled, but I guess Charli XCX is more higher level than they are because she has an album or was a guest […]




Charli XCX Butt SHot of the Day

I’ve seen Charli XCX perform, it was accidental uneventful, I don’t even remember where it was or why I saw it and she wasn’t very impressive at all, not even her tits could save the hack of a performer she was…but the good news for her and I guess for us is that no one […]




Charli XCX Slutty for Sunday Times Style of the Day

Charli XCX is some UK popstar who I don’t think is really that relevant, but relevant enough for Taylor Swift to have ripped off her music, at least according to the internet, not according to me, because I am not an expert on either Taylor Swift or aspiring Taylor Swift music….in fact, I fucking hate […]




Weird Charli XCX Upskirt of the Day

Charli XCX is flashing her ass…to remind you one of the many basic steps it takes to get noticed, talked about, and hopefully a few more media hits on your name so that people either listen to your music, or go to your concert, or even make a sex icon out of you, thanks to […]




Charli XCX for Instagram of the Day

Charli XCX is the white Rita Ora…and she’s in some Lame bikini top, that I guess she’s using to celebrate the fake bankruptcy of American Apparel designed to steal the brand from visionary, nipples through thin cotton and bush loving Dov Charney….pricks…censors…demons trying to ruin all the fun in the world… Or maybe, she just […]




Charli XCX Outtakes of the Day

These are from November… You can see her nipple… She is one of those attention seeking, free the nipple, look at her ass and big titty, popstars who is interchangeable with all the other popstars, because nothing in entertainment is original…..because people are looking for a return on investment in these idiots they invest in…and […]




Charli XCX Has Figured it All Out of the Day

Charli XCX understands the importance of showing off her dumpy ass as much as she can to get noticed, because that’s what Charli XCX has got press for, and press leads to music sales, and music sales leads to tours, and tours lead to her doing the same thing on stage and whether her ass […]




Charli XCX Performing of the Day

Charli XCX likes to show her ass to the world…because it is a good marketing hook…otherwise she would just be some low grade, relatively shitty, aspiring singer that no one would notice or pay attention to… This pantsless thing, in performance and in life…you know just some subtle, yet obvious exhibitionism…makes her matter… Now if […]




Charli XCX is Fun of the Day

I am pretty sure I’ve seen Charli XCX randomly in public…you know her ass spilling out of her pants…her tits spilling out of her shirt…looking all drunk and ready to get fucked for another hit…but then again, it could have been a crackwhore…I get people confused all the time…I blame Facial Recognition blindness…and confuse people […]