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stepLINKS of the Day

There used to be a girl who used to come over and put on vagina puppet shows 5 years ago. We never fucked, she would just knock on my door, I’d answer and she’d have her skirt hiked up, running dialog, like if she could borrow some milk, all while making her vagina talk. These […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Don’t make jokes about how you are going home to teach your 10 year old daughter sex ed with your dick when you are in public places….especially when you don’t even have a 10 year old daughter….unless of course you want lengthy conversations with police who followed you the fuck home from those public places….to […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I have decided to make a move, not to Hollywood to try my luck at acting. Not to NYC to try my luck at producing broadway shows, but from my couch to the kitchen to get more beer that is making me so fat that the task of getting beer has become a huge fucking […]




Kelly Brook’s Nude Picture in Playboy of the Day

I love that Playboy is pushing that you will soon be able to see Kelly Brook nude in Playboy…when every perverted idiot with the internet knows that Kelly Brook has been nude a lot in her career prior to 3 months ago when the Pirhana 3D team started pushing her hard….it’s like all you need […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I spent the better part of my night last night surrounded by hundreds of women, unfortunately they all ignored me cuz I didn’t belong, but luckily there was open bar so I made myself at home….and it turns out that when you are the weird guy everyone pretends isn’t there, girls don’t notice when you […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It is some french holiday here so all the french sluts are out getting drunk and I figured I should too, so I skipped out on posting and decided to go drinking in the french part of town, where I was greeted by toothless trash and haggard stripping looking women who were drinking cheap beer, […]




Kim Kardashian Hides Her Whore Pussy Like Her Porno Didn’t Launch Her Career of the Day

I prefer when pussy does the Miley Cyrus and gets out of the car with purpose and that purpose is to be exposed for all to see….especially when the purpose of the whore pussy to begin with was to be exposed for all to see…that’s what launched the pussy’s mainstream career cuz she filmed a […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It is the weekend…why the fuck are you on your computer. Click the links anyway…but seriously motherfucker…get a fucking hobby….there’s gotta be bitches in bikinis you can creep on somewhere around you…do that…even if you’re fat, useless, poor and boring…it’s better than not doing it…cuz real tits are hotter than shit you find on a […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am not entirely sure what is wrong with me – but I know it can’t be good. I think eating nothing buy no name brand chips and drinking shitty beer has finally caught up with me. I am fatter than ever and death may be around the corner…but I could also be being dramatic […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The good thing about World Cup Soccer to someone who hates all sports because sports are kinda gay if you really break it down…you know cuz watching a group of men chasing each other around for a ball but aren’t allowed to use hands is pretty much the source of HIV…it’s the game they were […]