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Heidi Klum Bikini of the Day

I don’t think Heidi Klum is 50 years old yet, but she’s probably close…not to mention she was fucking Seal for a long time, and based on my assumptions about his giant penis, that’s the kind of thing that can age a vagina, especially since she’s pumped out a bunch of kids….but girl still looks […]




Heidi Klum Cleavage of the Day

Heidi Klum brought her tits out to promote her husband’s book, because nothing sells books you don’t give a fuck about and will never read like 50 year old model wife’s hot German tits….that must be made in a lab, or a product of German genetic testing two or three generations ago…they call it strategic […]




Topless Heidi Klum of the Day

I know people get mad at the whole holocaust thing….they also get mad at the whole holocaust denier thing….they love to relate the current USA to WWII, maybe less now that you have a new president….which is pretty offensive to the 6,000,000 people killed in WWII….. However….as someone who likes to look at the positive […]




Heidi Klum Being Slutty of the Day

Heidi Klum is showing you how she licks her TWINK husband’s asshole when they fuck, you know one of those SUBS turned DOMS after she recovered from her marriage to SEAL where they had at least 4 kids because it was impossible for her not to get pregnant when they fucked because his LUPUS DICK […]




Heidi Klum’s Titties Being Spooky of the Day

I wonder if Germans have a German Lives Matter group because of all the hate they get, not for being Nazis and bringing fascism to the forefront 90 years ago, but because of all the German scat jokes made about Germans and their pragmatic approach to life, work, engineering and sex clubs…..I mean BDSM has […]




Heidi Klum Nude of the Day

As irritating as the media is when it comes to old ladies looking hot, you know they really overhype old ladies because they know that old ladies read their publications and need that hope to carry on, otherwise all women would kill themselves at 40, allowing men to trade in their current version for a […]




Heidi Klum Thong of the Day

Heidi Klum is looking pretty good for someone who has had her insides fucking destroyed by Seal’s baby arm sized cock at least enough times to produce their army of babies…I mean you’d think her uterus would be dragging behind her as she walked, like some kind of puppy mill dog that was overbred because […]




Heidi Klum New Face Old Tits of the Day

I don’t know why Heidi Klum is being slutty with her tits out, but I guess her entire career was based on having her tits out. From being a young German girl born in the Holocaust era of Germany, to working through the 80s and 90s as some kind of product of EUGENICS for the […]




Heidi Klum Topless of the Day

Heidi Klum posted a THANKSGIVING titty FROM the back pic, cuz Heidi Klum from the front, despite still being hot, is 75 years old…and basically a walking endorsement for eugenics…you know breed the good looking ones like the plantation owners bred their big slaves….to make superhumans…but instead of working the field…this one works the penises […]




Heidi Klum Kills Halloween of the Day

Heidi Klum is so into Halloween that Amazon gave her a live broadcast, where they rented out a store front in NYC, for people to window shop, or watch her like the zoo exhibit she is, as she got into her weird fucking costume…because people don’t have better things to do than watch Heidi Klum […]