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stepLINKS of the Day

Today I discovered how fucking dumb people are. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always known the majority are dumb and as time has gone on….I have seen their ability to process thingslikes jokes….get more and more retarded. They just weren’t able to read sarcasm, they weren’t be able to distinguish reality from fact. They couldn’t […]




On the Fourth Day of STEPXMAS – Sexy Real Sex Dolls and Their Celeb Twins of the Day

It is the FOURTH DAY OF stepXMAS we bring you SEXY REAL DOLLS ….the GIFT THAT KEEPS GIVING…. There is a bodybuilder named Yuri Tolochko who is so in love with her girlfriend, a doll named Margo that he is actually marrying her. Apparently she even works as a waitress at a bar! These girls […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Tis the fucking season, too bad you don’t got anyone to fuck… That said, I like when women’s tactics to go up against men backfire, like with the whole Trans men winning all the female sports, or locally there’s a girl’s only gym that is now forced to let me in, because you can’t be […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I wonder how many people from the birds aren’t real movement ate Turkey last night? Do they think that POULTRY is considered bird, or do they only think little neighborhood birds are the government produced tracking devices? Why are you even reading this…Scarcity – Scarcity – Scarcity – These Deals Won’t Last… What are some […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Muppet faces are everywhere – but where is the muppet pussy… Would the muppet pussy look like the muppet faces…or would it be it’s only magical playground of muppet felt and muppet colors…cuz unlike you…I’ve never seen a muppet’s genitals…or fucked a muppet…not even a Tickle Me Elmo…the most overrated, overhyped, vibrator around…either way…muppet pussy… […]




Halloween Round Up Part 2 of the Day

Halloween Round is still going on in Canada, at least in Montreal, because the Mayor decided the weather was bad….and that November 1st was a better day for Halloween, playing God or some shit…so I get to see moms in slutty outfits talking their babies out for candy, despite candy being sugar and thus the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I got stuck next to two bros talking about how good they are at making girls cum…or squirt or whatever while ordering their coffee… I felt that whole dialog pretty queer, not just because they were getting mocha chinos, but it waslike they were trying to get jack off material from each other…you know GYM […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I give thanks to girls who try to be dramatic, or showcase that they don’t give a fuck, so they post a pic of their pussy and asshole on social media with the caption “trying to get deleted off IG”….while trying to get noticed..and it worked. That is the hero we fucking need….more like her..low […]




stepLINKS of the Day

This goes out to all the nameless vaginas I’ve seen on the internet over the years. You know the close up vaginas that somehow manage to find their way into our lives that don’t belong to anyone famous or a porn star…but rather the amateur thrill seeker who wants her vagina flashed, so long as […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The idea of producing a selfie like you were a media company trying to produce a movie but it is not a movie but just a selfie. Marketed and begged to be watched and liked. It is all so fucking desperate. Trying so hard…Very lame. Even worse when it has a brand attached like some […]