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Archive for the Carmen Electra Category




Carmen Electra Wishes You a Happy Saint Paddy’s Day

It’s apparently Saint Patrick’s Day today, or yesterday or tomorrow…but if you’re drunk enough, it can be Saint Patrick’s day every day.

I am not really sure why a holiday devoted to the man who brought Jesus to Ireland has turned into a mom puking in a back alley at the annual parade, but that’s just where humanity takes things.

I am sure that I don’t need any excuse to drink a Guinness, because Guinness is the medicine we all need, just don’t tell an Irishman you are fighting in your life to drink a Guinness, like the crazed leprechaun because they will drunkenly hit you with “we don’t like that stereotype, my granpappy died of alcoholism”….which is why Irish have that stereotype, it’s not like there’s anything else to do in Ireland but fuck sheep….

Anyway….Carmen Electra decided to LAZILY wish you a HAPPY ST PADDY’s with WEED LEAF titty cuz they are green, not SHAMROCK SHAKE TITTIS…because she’s lazy.

Are you feeling lucky, probably not as lucky as the AI that her pictures were run through in efforts to make the old hag seem youthful…or at the very least smoothed out….that AI was probably excited with all the resources it got to tap into to make it jerk-off-able…

Dumb or lazy, I’m going with lazy…

Posted in:Carmen Electra




Carmen Electra’s Got Her Tits Out of the Day

Carmen Electra is a legacy whore.

She’s 100 fucking years old and has been whoring since her youth, back when Prince decided to create her…probably under real wholesome conditions…because when a midget famous person lures in a young eager chick who grew up to be a fake titty model in Playboy…you know it’s a wholesome origin story….one they’d make a Christmas movie about….”Miracles in Minneapolis Streets”

She’s in a sheer top, showing off her tits, which are actually purchased tits, so they’re basically someone else’s tits..presented as hers and she’s far too old for this kind of insanity, but thanks to photoshop she can keep the dream alive for those OnlyFans subscribers….because she’s garbage fucking trash…

Posted in:Carmen Electra




Carmen Electra Relives Her Now Very Vintage Playboy Days of the Day

We get it Carmen Electra, if that’s even your real name, you were once in Playboy back in the early 70s, when most of us were going through puberty, because you’re a fucking dinosaur with bolt on tits, but STILL a dinosaur.

Her Playboy magazine isssues are so old they are probably selling at auction as antiques and not because of her being in them, but because there’s only a dozen still around after the great Chicago fire of 1810….

I thought with age and in Carmen’s case, A LOT OF AGE, comes wisdom, or experience, or different strains of herpes making you immune because they cancel each other out, which I guess I can’t confirm or deny via these photos, but I can say that clearly she didn’t learn after ALL these years that a TITTY flash IS not enough for the fans, we need spread asshole, butt plugs, dildo riding, insertion…

This is a new era, girls do this shit for fun on instagram stories, and don’t ask for 10 dollars a month for three losers who haven’t moved on with their life…

A tit flash, barely porn in Europe, yet asking suckers to pay up, is EXTORTION….

We can see tit on CABLE, we see BOX on CABLE, we don’t need to pay ELECTRA to see her tits, like they are even her real tits…

This is not your grannies smut era, or in Carmen ELectra’s case her SMUT era as she is the granny, so I’m pretty disappointed, but her photoshop and filter skills are entetaining…and you gotta give the old bat some credit for not quitting, not giving up, and pursuing her dream of showing off the tits.

Posted in:Carmen Electra




Carmen Electra’s Cowgirl in Chaps Photoshoot of the Day

I guess this is a preview to Carmen Electra’s OnlyFans content. She’s trying to recruit subscribers because it is lucrative. However, I think she’s famous enough to have a top level deal with the OnlyFans people who were likely nerds when Carmen Electra was at her peak in the 2000s and working with her is their dreams, their validation for all the work they’ve done in porn to become the billionaires they are today….

It’s like when the SNAP dude married Miranda Kerr who had been with multiple billionaires before him, possibly a little groupie behavior from a busy teen billionaire….

What I will say is that as pathetic as running an OnlyFans is for these already rich people, these should be retired people, there’s something to be said about her commitment to being jerked off to.

From her early days on Playboy, through a viral before people went viral career, she’s consistently presented herself as a fuck toy, a sex object, a fetish and even in her old age, she’s still doing the same shit, and that means it’s pretty true to her opportunism and I like consistency and steady things, especially when it comes to WHORING. It feels authentic, like the daddy issues and seeking validation and easy money is so deeply ingrained in her, she’ll be spreading her ass at the Old Folks home…..not crying about feminism, being sexualized at parties, or being creeped on by dudes who gave her opportunities, like the new generation whores with regret once they made it to justify their whoring and presenting themselves as victims that we have today…..

Posted in:Carmen Electra




Carmen Electra’s in the Bath…..of the Day

I don’t know why I hate on these old school, blast from the past, bolt on titty models, turned personalities, when it was harder for a hot chick to rise to the ranks of hot chick with the tits, because there wasn’t a social media to democracize the process, through social media fakery, gaming the system, buying fake likes and follows, doing other digital marketing tactics to secure the followers, including but not limited to showing as much tit as possible….basically taking the corporate interest out of the whole equation…we don’t need you MEDIA to TELL US what we find hot…

But yeah, Carmen Electra’s a fucking classic, I should be pumped that she’s not too rich and snobby to pull her tits out for the fans, because it’s what she likes doing, it’s what she knows…

Instead I should be celebrating it, because old broads can be desperate too, and there’s nothing wrong with that, if anything it HUMANIZES these bitches who some of you probably thought were so unattainable and high end….NOW you know just how basic and simple they are….that should inspire you….or at the very least make you want to look at their tits…

Posted in:Carmen Electra




Carmen Electra Airbrushed Nipple of the Day

I don’t know if this is Carmen Electra’s AI art of herself, or her actual self in what would likely be filtered and photoshopped since she’s a leathery old hag, but I don’t care because her 1990s round as shit fake tit that we’ll assume is not the same tit you used to jack off to, but rather an upgraded tit, is nostalgic….even if you’re like me and hate fake tits.

It’s nice to see that despite the surgeries, she’s still got her nipples intact, that’s always a good thing when you land an old whore who made her money whoring, and who apparently is still whoring because it’s either all she knows, she doesn’t care now that she’s older, it’s a good revenue stream, or she is delusional and still thinks she’s hot because she’s Carmen Electra and not someone she sees as “old as shit Carmen Electra”….maybe it’s all of the above….

You know, old sex object in the mainstream from 20 years ago, knows how to monetize the tits on a professional level, at least comparedd to all the other gutter whores of the era who never became Carmen Electra…who thinks she’s still hot, because she’s told she is by her fans, I mean she’s not hot and maintains any sex appeal she can and who was probably offered big money to hop into the work she knows so well, that she is a master of even all these years later, in a “what the fuck else is she to do”…..and when she’s smoothing herself out, covering the scars, pock marks, wrinkles, I’m ALMOST into it, and why wouldn’t I be..It’s Carmen Electra fools..


Posted in:Carmen Electra




Carmen Electra’s Rope Play of the Day

We live in a world where people don’t know how to tie knots for survival, like they were trying to get a SCOUTS BADGE, but instead learn how to tie rope for BDSM rope play, which I’ve always been disturbed by.

I have seen dudes of the internet brag about how good they are at tying up women the right way and for whatever reason, women pretend to be into it, despite being the same women who get mad when you throw them in your trunk and luck them in your basement for 3 months before getting caught or making them disappear….

I call that MIXED signals…

So this rope play pic is from Carmen Electra’s retirement project, which is weird, since she’s old, but not weird, since she’s a whore…..it comes in teh form of weak content for her paying subscribers, that I am going to post here for free, on some ROBIN HOOD shit…because if you scam people with shit so bad, you deserve to get called out.

WHO is jerking off to her being tied up by some fetish nerds and if you know fetish people, they are fucking nerds….the weirdest people, with dragons and swords over their mantles, like real lame fucking people and not the high society satanic sex ritualistic people she’s probably more into.

The point is, she’s not even naked or getting sodomized in this shit, is the excitement or raciness that Carmen Electra lets nerds tie her up, because as someone who doesn’t have any interest in BDSM ever, this shit is trash….but I guess so is she.

Posted in:Carmen Electra




Carmen Electra’s Black Friday Tits of the Day

Carmen Electra’s tits are Black Friday tits in part because she’s a bit of a “Night Rider”….assuming she let Dennis Rodman inside her and it was just a pegging relationship since it was his skirt years….but I’m sure he’s not the only blackness she’s had over her life, it can’t all be that faggot fake rocker Dave Navaro….

Carmen Electra’s tits are Black Friday tits because they are bargain basement tits that are on serious fucking discount, even if she’s selling them for way too much, since she’s old an 1 dollar is too much for this shit…..but the crazed fans will brawl over them because it’s Carmen Electra and they are super fucking fans and don’t care the picture is so edited it’s not even her.

Carmen Electra’s tits are Black Friday tits because her skin is so old, it’s like day old overcooked turkey left in the oven because there was no room in the fridge, all dried out and dead….ready for the trash…THE WAY WE LIKE IT!

Posted in:Carmen Electra




Carmen Electra Bath of the Day

Carmen Electra is clearly too old for the internet, it happened when she was already famous, so she didn’t really have to dive into emails or social media, she could just have some thirsty intern excited to be working for a legend like Carmen Electra manage that shit for her….

So seeing her dive into the OnlyFans thing, obviously as a quick cash grab, that I’ll assume OnlYFans gave her a premium bonus to participate in, because the idea of her figuring out how to sell sexts seems like too much work, even if she knew her fans were as loyal as they were to sign up…was a bit of a shocker….

That’s not to say she hasn’t been nude forever or that she shouldn’t get nude in her life…it’s to say that she’s been nude forever, and forever is a long time, so maybe it’s ok to hang up the fake tits and be the granny aged lady that you are. Play pickleball it’s all the rage….retire in a 55+ Florida community, be the hottie in said community, get all the rich guys to buy you things knowing you were the girl they jerked off to when they were in their 30s….keep the nudity to yourself, this isn’t a gift…

More importantly, if she is going to sext, she should figure out how to get the FEEDBACK out of the videos, it makes trying to jerk off to GRANY SPONGE BATH geriatric fetish porn high anxiety….the sounds….are…destroying….my mind…..

In conclusion, at least she’s having fun, not giving a shit and getting paid.


Posted in:Carmen Electra|Carmen Electra|Carmen Kass




Carmen Electra Aqua Fit of the Day

I can’t confirm or deny that I’ve fapped to Carmen Electra, I am going with I definitely didn’t fap to her, but it was the 90s and a far simpler time, where some fake tit cleavage went a long fucking way, I mean, we were jerking off to music videos because we didn’t have access to porn and women were more obsolete than they are now, in that they rarely put out without having to wine them and dine them multiple times and even then, they’d rarely put out, especially if you were a degenerate with nothing to offer them, even those rich girls who wanted to bring a loser home to piss of their dads, that’s not to say fucking didn’t happen, it’s just to say jerkin off to MTV was easier.

She was hot, she was iconic, that was then, this is now, and now looks like she hasn’t got the budget to hire filmers and is taking her old lady, no concept of how technology works, trying to make some money off the fans like a money grubbing, addicted to being jerked off to whore still chasing that dream, and it’s creepy content.

I am hoping this is the preview shit, not the actual shit the subscribers see, because it’s pretty fucking shit and if you think this is hot, dude, you’ve been on the computer too fucking long and they’ve indoctrinated you with the muppet face, duck face, photoshop, creepy augmented reality pussy!


Posted in:Carmen Electra|Carmen Electra