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I am – Lohan Arrested AGAIN of the Day

Lindsay Lohan

And that’s all I have to say about that.

Read More Here

Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|Unsorted




I am – Amy Winehouse is a Real Addict of the Day

Amy Winehouse

Amy Winehouse is fucked up but she is never, ever going to die of an overdose. Here’s why:

I have an older friend, we’ll call him Joe. Joe was a Heroin Addict for years and a friend of our families. We watched him get clean, relapse, his friends die, get clean again, be homeless, come back with money etc etc. It was a really vicious cycle to watch and as much as I mess with drugs now and again, after seeing something like that, I know when to chill the fuck out and get it together.

What I realized through all this was real drug addicts don’t die. Real drug addicts don’t want to die, because if they die, they can’t get high anymore, and that is all those junkie fucks care about.

People like Lohan die, kids who are obsessed with having a good time and think drugs are glamorous and all that other bullshit. Lohan isn’t a fucking addict, and she doesn’t need rehab, she needs that fucking cougar mother of hers to stop milking her fame and money and give her some discipline.

I’ve known a lot of Junkie idiots in my, even though I’m only 18, and 8/10 times if you ask them about their family life, they will tell you they came from a good family, most probably with money, and that it was THAT money that allowed them to start using in the first place.

Amy Winehouse doesn’t have time to go to places like Hyde, and get drunk and crash her car and leave the scene of an accident and go to rehab for 30 days then get out and go back again. It’s waaaay to much work for her. It will cut into her precious time for getting high. And that’s how a real addict thinks

hugs and kisses
Marie-Eve Martinez

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Posted in:Uncategorized|Unsorted




I am – Gretchen Mol's Rack is Over the Hill of the Day

Gretchen Mol

Here’s another post from Julien, our Token Gay Blogger, for all you closet Homos out there!

I don’t have a boyfriend, I’m not looking for a boyfriend but I was seeing (aka fucking) this guy for the past few months. It was by no means exclusive, we were both free to do whatever we wanted to do with whomever we wanted, but if we were both at the same bar/club/
after party/bathhouse/back alley/washroom in the subway station and we had nothing better to fuck, we would go home together.

So anyway I see at this club the other night and I’m all fucked up on whatever pills I found in my jeans, so I go over to him and start making out with him. After about 10 seconds, he stops me and goes I can’t, I started dating someone and it’s serious. We are going to be monogamous. This is coming from one of the biggest sluts I know; I mean this guy has seen more assholes than the entire New York Board of Proctologists. He walks away from me and I felt pretty rejected so
I got more drunk and went home with the first half-decent guy that I saw.

The worst part is it’s not that he rejected me, but it’s that he wasn’t even that good in bed. He was older than me so he had some performing issues, not to mention the fact that he would freak out at the first sign of a little santorum. All in all he wasn’t a good fuck, just an easy one. If only I had gotten to him when he was younger, I bet he could’ve kept going all night. Speaking of things that are way past their prime, here are some pics of Gretchen Mol’s cleavage.



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Posted in:Gretchen Mol|Tits|Unsorted




I am – Gretchen Mol’s Rack is Over the Hill of the Day

Gretchen Mol

Here’s another post from Julien, our Token Gay Blogger, for all you closet Homos out there!

I don’t have a boyfriend, I’m not looking for a boyfriend but I was seeing (aka fucking) this guy for the past few months. It was by no means exclusive, we were both free to do whatever we wanted to do with whomever we wanted, but if we were both at the same bar/club/
after party/bathhouse/back alley/washroom in the subway station and we had nothing better to fuck, we would go home together.

So anyway I see at this club the other night and I’m all fucked up on whatever pills I found in my jeans, so I go over to him and start making out with him. After about 10 seconds, he stops me and goes I can’t, I started dating someone and it’s serious. We are going to be monogamous. This is coming from one of the biggest sluts I know; I mean this guy has seen more assholes than the entire New York Board of Proctologists. He walks away from me and I felt pretty rejected so
I got more drunk and went home with the first half-decent guy that I saw.

The worst part is it’s not that he rejected me, but it’s that he wasn’t even that good in bed. He was older than me so he had some performing issues, not to mention the fact that he would freak out at the first sign of a little santorum. All in all he wasn’t a good fuck, just an easy one. If only I had gotten to him when he was younger, I bet he could’ve kept going all night. Speaking of things that are way past their prime, here are some pics of Gretchen Mol’s cleavage.



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Posted in:Gretchen Mol|Tits|Unsorted




I am – Anne Hathaway's Boring Cleavage of the Day

Anne Hathaway

Last night my friend dragged me to some pub filled with middle-aged men that probably earned their living painting and re-painting their mother’s apartment in Queens, maybe they tile her floor for extra pocket change also. This place did not have a single quality cock, which i guess was her plan because she needed a safe place to cry into her beers. My friend kept going on and on about how all the men in NYC are either hot bankers or hot poor artists, and all of them have one goal when it comes to women: fuck ’em and forget them. I have no problem with this, you see, because I am a slut. But I put on a sympathetic face because that’s the kind of friend I am. Secretly i wanted to kick her in the face for picking a dump where there was not one piece of ass to work something out with while she was in the bathroom fixing her running mascara. Bitch.

I went home drunk, horny, and pissed off. I took some ambien and mildly hallucinated to the dancing colors on my computer screen then went to bed, too tired to give the vibrator a round.

So yeah, last night sucked, and the only thing that has to do with this post featuring Anne Hathaway at Letterman last night is that a) her life doesn’t suck, and b) you’d probably like to suck on her nips. At least she took off that fucking “Devil Wears Prada” trench. We get it. You are now some sort of fashion icon. Damnit I need either a pound of prozac or a pound of gold right now. Here is your pound of Anne Hathaway’s cleavage.

Obediently yours,
Sugar Nell (ex-hooker, friend of Jesus)


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Posted in:Anne Hathaway|cleavage|Unsorted




I am – Anne Hathaway’s Boring Cleavage of the Day

Anne Hathaway

Last night my friend dragged me to some pub filled with middle-aged men that probably earned their living painting and re-painting their mother’s apartment in Queens, maybe they tile her floor for extra pocket change also. This place did not have a single quality cock, which i guess was her plan because she needed a safe place to cry into her beers. My friend kept going on and on about how all the men in NYC are either hot bankers or hot poor artists, and all of them have one goal when it comes to women: fuck ’em and forget them. I have no problem with this, you see, because I am a slut. But I put on a sympathetic face because that’s the kind of friend I am. Secretly i wanted to kick her in the face for picking a dump where there was not one piece of ass to work something out with while she was in the bathroom fixing her running mascara. Bitch.

I went home drunk, horny, and pissed off. I took some ambien and mildly hallucinated to the dancing colors on my computer screen then went to bed, too tired to give the vibrator a round.

So yeah, last night sucked, and the only thing that has to do with this post featuring Anne Hathaway at Letterman last night is that a) her life doesn’t suck, and b) you’d probably like to suck on her nips. At least she took off that fucking “Devil Wears Prada” trench. We get it. You are now some sort of fashion icon. Damnit I need either a pound of prozac or a pound of gold right now. Here is your pound of Anne Hathaway’s cleavage.

Obediently yours,
Sugar Nell (ex-hooker, friend of Jesus)


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Posted in:Anne Hathaway|cleavage|Unsorted




I am – Pam Anderson and the Big Pink Elephant of the Day

Pamela Anderson

Julien, our token gay blogger sent this in this morning, and since you are probabaly going to die of AIDS anyways, I thought maybe you could relate!!

You know how a few years ago it was this huge deal that Pamela Anderson had hepatitis? It was all over the news and shit and it was always getting brought up whenever anyone talked about her. And now, people don’t talk about it anymore. I mean, she’s still all over the media but there is never any mention of the fact that she contracted hepatitis. I came up with a theory about why this happened.

I got kicked out my house when I was sixteen by my father when he found a bunch of gay porn magazines of mine that I had stolen from a convenience store. He said all the cliche things like “I didn’t rasie no faggot� and “No son of mine is going to suck cock� etc etc etc. So he hit me a couple of times and I ran out the house and went to live with my hippy Aunt. I’ve talked to him a couple of times in the past few years, but it has been nothing more than a few sentences here and there. The point of this story is, if I caught HIV and then went back to him and said “Guess what Dad? I’m HIV Positive!� he wouldn’t be shocked at all because in his mind, that’s what gay people do, they get HIV and die. So me being HIV positive would be no surprise to him, it wouldn’t change a thing. To him, me catching it is like saying the sky is blue.

So the reason why people don’t talk about Pam’s hepatitis anymore is that it’s a little redundant. Of course she contracted a STD, she’s Pamela fucking Anderson! This whole thing was practically written in the stars. I mean no one’s going to be shocked when Lindsey Lohan
dies of a drug overdose right?



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Posted in:Pamela Anderson|Unsorted




I am – Michelle Williams is a Unisex Nymph of the Day

Michelle Williams

I am gonna tell you how you spent last night, virigins. You got home from your job at the video store where you play the playstation on the display console when your boss is drinking in the boiler room. You ate the broccoli you mom over-cooked as quick as possible so you could jump into your old childhood bed. You took your trusty flashlight beneath your 30 year old Spidey sheets, and re-read some fantasy Tolkien knock-off involving dragons, beasts, and fairies, and arrows. Your favorite character is the tiny elfin nymph whose sexuality is left ambiguous. You put the book down and proceded to jerk off to the thought of the warrior-hero fucking the unisex fairy. This unixes fairy looks exactly like Michelle Williams, a 13 year old boy with a striking resemblance to Mia Farrow. You have to keep telling yourself that the book is wrong and the nymph is a woman and so is Michelle Williams, so you are not a homo or a pedophile.

I am not knocking your life choices, come on, I was a fucking hooker and am currently on welfare healthcare. But at least my life choices have always involved having real sex and not virtual elfin book sex with a character that probably looks like Michelle Williams. Here is your favorite boy-girl nymph strolling around Brooklyn yesterday without her husband Heath Ledger.

Obediently yours,
Sugar Nell (ex-hooker, friend of Jesus)


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I am – Victoria Silvstedt and Dreaming of a Life That's Not Mine of the Day

Victoria Silvstedt

I feel fucking terrible today and I’m pretty sure I’m coming down with god knows what because I feel awful. I dunno who the fuck gets sick mid summer, but there you have it. I tried to go to the doctor yesterday, but apparently my family doctor only works 1 day a week from now on, for 2 hours. Yes, you read that correctly, that son of a bitch works ONE DAY A WEEK for TWO HOURS and to get an appointment with my family doctor now, I have to wait 4 weeks.

I dunno how I can get a job like that, or better yet, one where I get paid to do nothing at all, but it seems like this asshole has the fucking secret. Even though I will probably be better in 4 weeks I’m thinking of making the appointment just to ask him what this fucking secret is exactly, because normal people like you and me work jobs they hate for long hours with people they hate even more.

Then there’s this guy, walks in, puts a tounge depressor in your mouth, goes to get a coffee, scribbles a prescription on a pad, and then collects a check for $6000 and jumps into his BMW and drives off into a sunset. I hate my life. Here’s Victoria Silvstedt.

hugs and kisses
Marie-Eve Martinez

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Posted in:Unsorted|Victoria Silvstedt




I am – Victoria Silvstedt and Dreaming of a Life That’s Not Mine of the Day

Victoria Silvstedt

I feel fucking terrible today and I’m pretty sure I’m coming down with god knows what because I feel awful. I dunno who the fuck gets sick mid summer, but there you have it. I tried to go to the doctor yesterday, but apparently my family doctor only works 1 day a week from now on, for 2 hours. Yes, you read that correctly, that son of a bitch works ONE DAY A WEEK for TWO HOURS and to get an appointment with my family doctor now, I have to wait 4 weeks.

I dunno how I can get a job like that, or better yet, one where I get paid to do nothing at all, but it seems like this asshole has the fucking secret. Even though I will probably be better in 4 weeks I’m thinking of making the appointment just to ask him what this fucking secret is exactly, because normal people like you and me work jobs they hate for long hours with people they hate even more.

Then there’s this guy, walks in, puts a tounge depressor in your mouth, goes to get a coffee, scribbles a prescription on a pad, and then collects a check for $6000 and jumps into his BMW and drives off into a sunset. I hate my life. Here’s Victoria Silvstedt.

hugs and kisses
Marie-Eve Martinez

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Posted in:Unsorted|Victoria Silvstedt