When you’re a pervert – you see the perversion in everything. Since internet porn became a thing, everyone is a fucking pervert, more perverted than me because I find perversions boring, I’ve been having them far too long, before it was mainstream….and now all you fuckers are primates who have no decency, who don’t know how to behave, who end up masturbating in public places to releive the build up from your perversion….it’s everywhere…
So posting 100 pics of random Christmas smut – probably won’t inspire you, get you in the christmas spirit cuz you’re already trying to figure out how to bang your family members after one too many drink – by the tree – hoping to not get caught – cuz you’re desensitized – it’s the only thing that turns you on – and luckily for you – so is she.
So here’s a round-up of some Nostalgic XMAS moments.
- Processed with VSCOcam with kk1 preset
Posted in:Christmas