I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Spencer Pratt Category




Heidi and Spencer Pratt are Fucking Asshole of the Day

I hate this type of person more than you fucking know. I find it insulting that they are famous enough to have the paparazzi follow them. I find it insulting that they have careers and above all I find it depressing that the public actually cares. There constant shitty publicity stunts, like they were actually real celebrities, living actual real celebrity lives, is tired and boring, but for some reason it still gets in the tabloids. I know I don’t give a fuck whether they are pregnant or not, I mean other than the fact that I’d need to find some crazy motherfucker to push her down the stairs to save man kind from the spawn of the fucking devil, but I find stunts like this totally uncreative, unoriginal and boring.

I wouldn’t expect much more out of these fucking idiots, but I’d hope they’d have better things to do with their time, you know just sit at home and count their money from making it this far, instead of plotting cheap, tacky ways to make the fuckin’ news.

That, along with their TV show is all part of the reason why I want these fuckers to just disappear and would like to encourage anyone psycho’s out there to make it happen, because I don’t have that whole kidnap and murder in me, I’m too nice and sane for that, but if someone was to eliminate these people, I think it’d be the ultimate RIP Motherfucker post I could ever hope to write…..

I figure the only publicity stunts I am willing to stomach from these two is the sex tape a staged death like they were Michael Jackson….cuz I’ve had enough of them….

Posted in:Fame Whores|Heidi Montag|Spencer Pratt




Die Heidi and Spencer… Die… of the Day

DIE. Let’s hope that their publicity stunt goes awry and motherfuckers get jacked up with that swine flu shit a, because as funny as it is to see them do their bullshit performances on camera all the time, it’s tedious and I’m ready for it all to end. It would only be fitting if it happened while trying to get attention to themselves like they always do, by doing shit like going to Mexico during a pandemic scare, you know since idiots like this deserve to be punished for their behavior. Unfortunately it won’t happen, but their travel agent deserves a thank you note for at least trying his best to murder them legally.

See more of Heidi Montag On Her Honeymoon in a Bikini

Posted in:Heidi Montag|Honeymoon|Spencer Pratt




Heidi and Spencer Bring Their Bullshit Love to the Streets of the Day

Here are Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt livin’ up the lie that people believe because they have nothing better to do with themselves and the paparazzi are going nuts with the shit like these clowns are relevant. The other day, I hit them up on Twitter, because I use Twitter despite how gay it sounds and asked Spencer if he’s ever knocked Heidi up and he was pretty quick to say no. He went out of his way to tell me he hasn’t. He also said he has his own in the house they share, and that’s where he fucks Brody Jenner while Heidi is in the other room staring at her cunt self in the mirror. I want to hate these clowns, but I can’t, because everytime I dream about myself, I am played by Heidi Montag and have a feeling that means we’re soulmates, unfortunately, she has no soul….

Here they are trying to promote her new shit songs that Spencer pretends are the next big thing, while the rest of the world knows shit’s a fucking disaster….

Here’s the video of them working their bullshit for the paparazzi…

Posted in:Heidi Montag|Love|Publicity Stunt|Spencer Pratt




Spencer Pratt’s Sister in a Bikini of the Day

The best thing about The Hills is that they take nobodies and turn them into celebrities that teenage girls and bored 9-5ers become obsessed with, my to broaden the scope of their uselessness, they bring in the siblings. So I am not well versed in Hills Trivia, because I want them all the just disappear and collectively they are about as important as the pile of dog shit I stepped in this morning and a hell of a lot more irritating, I do know that this one is Spencer’s sister and that knowledge makes me want to re-focus this site on what’s important…internal cumshot porn because it is the way nature wanted us to do it….oh and here are these assholes in Hawaii showing us that being waste of space who contributes nothing to society pays well, has amazing benefits and a pretty fucking solid upside.

Posted in:Bikini|Hawaii|Spencer Pratt|Stephanie Pratt




Heidi and Spencer Have the Christmas Spirit of the Day

I have decided that I am a hypocrite.I am inconsistent in all aspects of my life and like some things some days and hate them the next day. For the longest time I hated The Hills and everything it represented, I am sure I’ve mentioned it here a few times. But as the rest of the world started to catch onto the bullshit and started calling the cast out on living scripted lives, setting up staged everything, and paying the paparazzi to be there, all to perpetuate lies to the fans, I decided to start liking them.

It’s kind of like how skateboarding went gay in 1997 with Tony Hawk Pro Skater video games, making me hate everything about skateboarding in a matter of months when I started seeing Cha Chi motherfucker wearin’ skate shoes and I realized the fun was over, and now that everyone hates on The Hills, I need to start a fight to keep it around because watching Heidi and Spencer and their bullshit poses at a Christmas Tree farm, kissing under the misseltoe like they were in a shitty made for TV movie on the Hallmark Channel, or a low budget Christmas catalog, or even a scripted reality show, pretty much telling us all we’re fucking assholes for watching them act like assholes, the only thing these pictures is missing is them giving us the finger while counting their money, hopefully money they use to buy Spencer some testosterone for Christmas so bitch can grow a full beard instead of this teenage pervert shit…

Either way, here’s their performance and it warms my heart and if you want to get me something for Christmas, the only thing on my list is “The Hills Box Set” or even a signed picture from this power couple since I am officially their number 1 fan. Thanks.

Posted in:Christmas|Heidi Montag|Spencer Pratt




Heidi Montag’s Fake Romantic Afternoon of the Day

I’ve never watched The Hills, but I fucking hate that shit more than I hate myself, in fact, I hate that shit even more than I hate my wife and that’s one thing I hate more than life itself.

The reason I hate it is because it’s crap. It’s some staged bullshit that’s meant to be “real” and all these fuckers are watching it to see what happens next in the lives of total fucking assholes, who don’t deserve to have a life, let alone have people watch and care about it. The worst thing about this scripted bullshit is that it’s popular. People obviously have miserable lives and turn to this to escape or to feel better about themselves but in doing this, they are contributing to the success of shitty shows, making the lives of the people involved in the show substantially better lives than they deserve, like a false sense of celebrity, money and relevance to the world. I can only assume that giving someone more self esteem and confidence than they should have is the same reason why you see fat chicks on the beach in bikinis or walking down the street in fucking spandex. It’s all because some asshole told her she was hot and it stuck.

These pictures are some bullshit day spend by bullshit couple Heidi Montag and Spencer because couples only climb up on each other’s shoulders for bullshit photo ops and not when just hanging out with each other because no matter how in love you are or how much you don’t care about the outside world because you’re fully absorbed, you still have enough pride to never put your girl up on your shoulders. Plus, we all know that when Heidi is alone with her boyfriends, they are the ones strapping the saddle on her back and riding her because anyone who gets with her has to have some kind of equestrian fetish . The only thing realistic about this whole stunt is when Spencer feeds Heidi Montag’s father a carrot as a token of gratitude for letting him fuck his daughter because his suit isn’t the only thing classy about him….

Posted in:Fake|Heidi Montag|Spencer Pratt