I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Miley Cyrus Category




Miley Naked at the VMAs of the Day


I can’t get enough Miley Cyrus….mainly because she gets naked…and has a little hipster bush..and that’s all I really require in my life to survive..

Sure, her music sucks, her branding is annoying TUMBLR fake, her voice is terrifying..but I never turn down an inbred chick, rich or not, who get naked…as long as they get naked…because naked…is so contemporary…so now…so new…even though I’ve always known bitches who get naked…and i’ve always liked girls who get naked..



Licking the Pinannnnny


Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Miley Cyrus Almost a Nipple of the Day

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Miley Cyrus is boring, yet I am compelled to post these pictures of her flashing a bit of her massive tits on her instagram…not because it is something new, or provocative, or even of tease…she always pulls out her massive tits…and I figure it’s part of what is trendy, what the kids want to see, what the kids are used to with this new age feminism and growing up on porn…

I post this picture of Miley Cyrus, because I remember a time when famous sluts had to pretend they weren’t broken down, manic, out of control sluts….because they had to cater to the Christian audience, be Safe for Work and tits was something that happened when they slipped up…

Meaning, if Lohan had released pics of this at her peak when no one had seen her naked…the internet would fucking go nuts over it, but now, Miley, the biggest act posing slutty is just “whatever, we’ll look for 4 seconds and move on”…and I guess that’s a good thing, it makes things get dirtier…and dirtier to shock….but it’s unfortunate that it’s so boring…making me question the point of all this, which would be great to blame Miley on my flash card on youtube sucicide…

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Miley Cyrus Ass for the Israel Palestine Crisis of the Day

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I guess James Franco put together a comedy show or event where he had his Bar Mitzvah because I guess he’s either not Jewish, or not Bar Mitzvahed and the only way for him to be taken seriously in Hollywood is for him to follow through with his religion and commit…

In making a spectacle, mocking the Jewish Tradition of a boy becoming a man, and not through hookers the way your white trash dad did it, but rather by reading some scripture and earning 10s of thousands of dollars, in some of the most over the top setting…..Franco decided to get Funny or Die to Sponsor it and have random guests and performers that I know nothing about, but Miley was there and she wore a thong…and her young ass, despite being in leggings, is starting to look sloppy, like it is melting off her, because girl’s not 18 anymore…but still exists…still does slutty enough for me to stare…while really not caring…she’s supposed to be naked…

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Naked Gender Bending Miley Licks Slugs of the Day

Miley Cyrus is so controversial…and by controversial I mean a calculated puppet who understands everything their is to understand about marketing to the youth, including but not limited to talking to their current politically correct, we are all God’s people, even if there is probably not a god, at least not according to science…so be nice to each other and to animals and to trannies because gender isn’t black and white…all while smoking weed and fucking everyone…because at her core she’s a broken girl, who had no childhood because she was turned into a product…and who is trying to figure out a stance that makes sense to what she thinks is her moral code but that she’s not sure is her moral code…because it seems like it’s more a combo of all the tumblr accounts she follow and rips off..

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But in all that, she doesn’t offend me. I know she’s full of shit and throughout it all she’s getting naked all the time, whether for fashion or for some stupid concert with the flaming lips…naked…works for me…it’s the right thing to do..

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Miley Cyrus Tongues Her Dog of the Day

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Here’s a little Miley Cyrus tonguing her dog…because Miley Cyrus is strategic, she’s a Disney trained performer, and the conditions they put the people who work their theme parks should be a sign of the training they put into their bread winning, money making, machines…

Meaning, everything she does is programmed, designed, strategic…

Now I don’t know what tonguing her dog has to do with anything…or how this helps her in anyway…but at least one of you will masterbate to it and that means I am doing my job…even though I don’t have a job.

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Miley Cyrus Hick Voice on Fallon of the Day

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Miley Cyrus is doing Saturday night live…

A video posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on

I guess in part of her promo, she’s doing the most irritating of TV shows…Jimmy Fallon that I find remarkable is still on TV in this internet era, but I guess America is stupid and likes half retard, school yard, interviews….instead of getting any real substance out of these idiots…but maybe I’m just angry at everything…and it’s not Jimmy Fallon, but rather me…

So Miley , was on the show…talking about her Vegan Pig….with her hick accent…despite being a Disney trained actress and serious phoney, that you’d know probably wouldn’t have a hick accent since she moved to LA at 10…but who has it because she’s either lazy, sheltered, or full of hick shit…

She also did an Emotional improv interview with Fallon…as part of his Bullshit school yard antics…

She also was talking about how bad she wanted to smoke Leo’s Vape Pen….while Jimmy sucked up to her..


This wasn’t paid for by Jimmy Fallon…

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Miley Cyrus Pantsless of the Day



I don’t think a Miley Cyrus showing off her panties is really that interesting to look at…she’s over-exposed, garners too much attention, has publicly done drugs too many times, is constantly naked, sometimes masturbating for fashion, because she’s a hipster tumblr star – even though she’s really just a soulless product of Disney, confused into thinking she’s an artist, and doing all she can to produce some substantial message as an artist..because no one wants to admit they’re vapid cunts..so she does it half naked, exposed, look at her, she’s basic…and so “weird”..fuck off..

I do think Miley Cyrus covered in semen, afterbirth, a miscarriage, her period, feces, spreading her ass, or pussy, fisting herself or being fisting….would make these pics more interesting…but she’s too boring for that…upsetting..

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Miley Cyrus Talking About Her Pig’s Butt of the Day

Here’s Miley sounding half retarded, planning Bacon…when she’s done with “Big Pig”…but I assume that Miley Cyrus is high as fuck, trying to show her fans that she makes as banal observations when high…just like them and in this case…it’s the shine of her pig butt….

I guess to think Miley was the only money grubbing pig in her house was wrong…because apparently the inbred hick popstar trying to be “weird”…because it’s trendy…has a pet pig…she probably doesn’t take care of..

Much like me, only my pig is my fat wife, but this isn’t about me, this is about Miley, who I guess got her pet pig that she doesn’t actually take care of, as a tribute to her family…because pigs remind her of the old country she came from, the back woods of the Kentucky, where that her grand pappy was the richest man in the community, because he was the one with the pig…a richness that allowed him to become a notable figure in his Kentucky town, probably the reason Billy Ray could have a career..it’s always the rich kids…

So whether Miley is from a long line of pig fucking farm people…because even rich hicks fuck their livestock if they are horny enough…it’s safe to assume, she’s just doing this to be obscure, tumblr cool, funny and ironic…for her branding purposes…because anyone who has spent time with pigs, like I have, even though they were in the form of my wife….they’ll know…pigs are pretty gross, demanding, food loving, take up too much of the bed, and smell like shit…always complaining, especially now that she’s menopausal…

Here’s her mouth…

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Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




The Miley Cyrus Avoids a Banned MAC Ad for Publicity of the Day

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Here’s Miley Eating her Panties to talk about how Miley was named spokesperson for some Mac Campaign over a year ago…meaning these pics came out over a year ago…and now the ad is being talked about again…because it was almost banned in the UK, which sounds like a strategy to squeeze all they can out of this campaign…like a fake publicity stunt…

Advertising Standards Authority rules overall message of posters for cosmetics company was sexually suggestive, but rules it was not enough to cause widespread offence

Thank god that worked out…..

It’s safe to say that MAC cosmetics paid Miley a ton of fucking money to get Miley to endorse them…we’re talking million dollar deal..

It’s safe to say that they wanted to get their money worth in terms of visibility and exposure..they didn’t spend millions of dollars on Miley to not be seen or noticed.

It’s safe to say they paid Miley millions of dollars because they knew she’s open and willing to masturbate on cam for Fashion Magazines and attention, to perpetuate her bullshit scam that works because America is stupid..

It’s safe to say that this is hardly scandalous, and this “Banned in the UK” story…is a lie or a massive inflation of the actual story..

It’s safe to say the only offensive thing about this ad is Miley Cyrus…she’s the worst….but not really..because at least she’s not Taylor Swift…

Here’s she singing about getting high before getting MRI…..

Ok fine, she’s amazing…

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Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Miley Cyrus Fights BC Wolf Cull of the Day

Miley Cyrus is lovely…a lot of fun…probably the only fun in pop music…and she was in British Columbia Canada, because she is fighting the Wolf Cull, which is killing wild wolves, sad to all animal lovers, because they are out of control….all because a politician said that the uneducated, high school drop out, who shouldn’t be taken seriously because she’s a twerking puppet….is a twerking puppet and that should apply being a twerking puppet to the world…rather than take on real environmental issues like some kind of specialist….

Idiot social activist celebrities….who don’t know anything…but think they know everything…because of their egos…I am sure the people killing the wolves don’t want to kill the fucking wolves, it’s not like shameless murdering for the sake of murdering, you know to make fur coats…but rather to lower population of predator animals to better plan and control a fucking eco system that is killing Caribou….so let’s kill overpopulated wolves, to save dying off caribou…

But I also don’t know anything about the issue, I just know Miley visited country…I am imprisoned in…and that all celebrities are idiots when being activists…while their whole existence is the opposite of activism…for any issues…Makes sense…

This is what she had her assistant write:

I may have left B.C. for now but my heart is still very much there…. Along with the grizzlies that when I first locked eyes with changed me forever & the wolves that sing such beautiful songs calling out for one another…. But the hearts of everyone in this photo (John & Mary Theberge, Carl Safina, Ian McAllister, April Bencze, Douglas Neasloss, and my brother Braison) the people of First Nations and caring humans of B.C. will be broken if these amazing creatures are no longer apart of the #GreatBearRainforest… On this adventure something was confirmed that us lovers of nature and all that it brings to this planet already know but unfortunately so many don’t understand… WE ARE THESE ANIMALS (if you ever see the bottom of a bears feet as he climbs to shore after catching breakfast you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about, I also learned on this trip I have quite the grizzly foot fetish!) …. What separates us from the animals and the land we want to protect is our vocal ability and freedom of speech. It is our responsibility to give the GBR & all the animals it provides a home for a voice! Not only have I fallen head over heels in love with BC…

What doesn’t make logical sense to her cause, but makes sense based on what she is, is that Miley doesn’t fully absorb herself in the wolf pack, like some Twerk Dances with Wolves, or Mowgli from the Jungle Book, brought to you by Disney… which would increase chances of her getting eaten by them…and thus actually making a differnce…

Why doesn’t see donate all her soulless money that she’s sitting one in her mansion in Hollywood while making her TUMBLR art…to make an actual difference…

What a joke…show us your tits…

Posted in:Miley Cyrus