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Archive for the Miley Cyrus Category




Miley Cyrus Instagram Pic of the DAy

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Miley Cyrus is so hip…so cool…so tumblr fresh…even though any real hipster knows that having a tumblr is so mainstream, and being on instagram is so mainstream, it makes you look like your trying….way too hard….

It’s safe to say that Miley Cyrus….is a fucking phoney created by Disney…puppet of the media…But she’s naked…or naked enough…to matter…covered in white foam…like it was her new boyfriend Dane Cook…who most people know as the fucking worst…

This is all getting pretty boring…

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Miley Cyrus is Broken – X-Ray Porn of the Day


OMG! OMG! Miley is injured, I sure hope she recovers from this most terrible thing that could possibly happen to a girl who is high all the time, and who probably fell down the stairs or some shit…

I guess it could also be a like, and she’s just implying that she’s injured, by posting an X-Ray on her instagram, as part of one of her TUMBLR INSPIRED art projects, because art doesn’t exist anymore, it’s just a series of idiots making silly memes and videos for their own social media accounts…you know commentary on how her soul feels thanks to selling herself to the devil at a young age…

Or maybe she’s actually hurt, with a minor hand injury, that as anyone who has fucked an amputee will tell you, won’t get in the way of handjobs on either girls or guys…not that Miley gives, she’s more of a taker, the spoiled lazy brats always are…

I am just disappointed she didn’t post the videos of her injured, crying…where is her full time cameraman we know she has when you need him…

Fuck X-Ray porn, I want Miley Crying porn…because I am disgusting…and crying girls have always been a fetish…

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Miley Cyrus Eats With her Inbred Mouth Open of the Day


Miley is not really inbred, she’s just cut from the white trash cloth, of Achy Breaky Billy Ray, who was probably inbred, as his name would statistically suggest, I mean I think less than 5% of people naked Billy Ray are not inbred….while her mom was just some stripper or cocktail waitress who through a series of smart decisions, like not aborting that one hit wonder’s kid right before he was super famous, has created a financially secure, life of luxury..

That said, Miley, who isn’t really hot, but she’s fit and likes showing her tits, is probably not authentic in her hipster tumblr bullshit, but who still seems to have more of a point to her existence than her counterparts, who play it safe for marketability, while this one posts pics of her in bath smoking weed….


There was a time this would have been considered “scandal”…now it’s just “Why isn’t her pussy spread”….and I’m not talking about that cat…


Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Edgy Hipster Miley Cyrus Instagram Analysis of the Day

Miley Cyrus as you know is an “Edgy” hipster…even though hipsters don’t really exist, and she’s just part of this drugged up, don’t give a fuck because we put everything on the internet, just being ourselves, sometimes shocking, often times with lots of colors, and genitals, and nipples…because it’s fun to be weird…in this internet generation that I can’t imagine ending bad…until it becomes ultra him to turn your back to social media, going back to a simpler time of reading and movies, which I think can happen, every time I see a hipster with a flip phone with no data plan, until seeing them pull out their iphone to update their tumblr / insta / snap …because they are all their own TV show, content producing assholes I hate…and think should die…and I guess Miley is exploiting that…making money off it…while actual hipsters just live off the trust fund their dad set up for them…

Will they one day teach Miley Cyrus in Art School? Is instagram an art…

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Miley Cyrus Cake Picture of the Day

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Miley Cyrus was celebrating her birthday, or her friend’s birthday, or knowing Miley, one of her attempts at a high concept, porny, Tumblr selfie shoot, as part of her “performance” art and branding, that makes people like me think, “At least she’s not Taylor Swift”….while playing the media in what I call “Just being Miley”…

Yes, it’s all a fabricated lie. but it’s half naked, and really, is anything really real anymore anyway?

I think life is just a series of me interacting with my computer in my shithole I call home…

It’s all a fucking fantasy, so as long as it’s some overpaid pop bitch in a bikini on all fours covered in cake, I’m ok with the lies…

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Miley Talking About Licking Teeth of the Day

A video posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on

Miley Cyrus..is probably the most interesting thing in entertainment…because she’s not Taylor Swift..

I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing that matters or just noise…or does she even exist in this world where everyone is self involved weirdos looking at their social media and snapchat and instagram all day…

But as long as she’s eating cake off her friends face…

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Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Miley Cyrus is Sick in Bed on Labor Day of the Day

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Miley Cyrus is sick in bed today, so everyone send your thoughts and prayers to her and hope the sucking dirty dick and pussy, smoking weed and drinking, staying up all night dancing like a retard….while her family celebrates her voice being turned off for a few days, thinking how bad they would love to rip those tonsils out of her fucking head, but remembering that that deep and scary twangy shit buys them shit…

So their fingers are crossed, while the rest of us are hoping…that she never comes around again and that the AIDS take her away…even though she’s more insteresting than anything else in pop, by default, being pop is the devils work….and must be rid of our lives…for the good of humanity…only to replaced with more mainstream shit to brain wash us into getting more and more in debt…as we idiolize the lives of these clowns…

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Miley, Kim and Others Masturbate on Facetime for Interview’s “ME” September Issue of the Day


Fashion photographer Mert facetimes his subjects for the latest Interview Magazine….

Because this is the selfie generation, who needs cameras and photographers, when the real compelling content is being let into people’s bathrooms or bedrooms, so that they can put on any type of intimate performance for whoever they want, or they can pretend it is an intimate performace despite being scripted for interview magazine because these idiots are all puppets….

Nice and porny, like “Hey look at me, I’m an attention whore who masturbates on cam like every girl in the world, I am just like you, only I leak this shit or do it for fashion magazines”….which a secondary hope that you cum to it…because we want you to imagine facetiming us…instead of girls you meet on tinder…or some shit..

Here’s Miley’s amazing Facetime Session…


Here’s Kim K simulating masturbation on Facetime for a magazine…we’ve seen her fuck when she was pre trans….we don’t care.


I assume Selena will have one…




And Posh Spice Beckham…


And Madonna…


Posted in:Kim Kardashian|Madonna|Miley Cyrus|Selena Gomez




Miley Cyrus Ridiculousness Includes Rihanna Impersonator of the Day

Rita Ora Keeps on Scamming the fucking system. She’s in the right circle and all these idiots are too into themselves to really care or know if they like someone…they are puppets and just like what they are told to…but I know Rita Ora plays the fun one to be around, the one with the silly accent, who no one really feels threatened by…because she’s just a Rihanna impersonator….let her linger and entertain us in our boring existence…

That said, here she is doing her British comedy act…with her tits from the VMAs sunday…it makes her likeable..

Here is Miley rockin’ the dick at a party smoking weed for instagram…

ANd here I am wanting to kill myself because this is all so dumb…

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Genderless Miley Cyrus for Elle UK of the Day

It always makes me laugh that as a practically 50 year old dude, I have found myself in actual Miley Cyrus conversations, maybe it is because people I know that I post pictures of these idiots on a daily basis, even though I don’t care about any of this shit…

But for some reason, I get talking and people want me to know that either they think Miley is everything, you know pulling off the whole hipster feminist from tumblr with a cause, using her platform to get her message across…while I just assume her stance is flimsy, her soap box made of cardboard that will dissolve in the rain, because she’s a Disney trained puppet…

So the question is whether Miley, pop star, is authentic…or if it’s just part of her acting training…or is it a mix of her using her acting training to try to find substance…while showing her tits….

Here are some quotes – One that she’s feels guilty being rich for showing her tits…and that she wants to have more of a purpose…because people live on the streets…so she found a cause…

“If you get your tits out, and they are all looking, then you can use that space to say something and get them to listen. I was kind of embarrassed that I got paid money to shake my ass in a teddy bear costume. I should not be worth the amount I am while people live on the streets.”

That she’s genderless, because she can’t relate to what society have made Men and Women into…because it’s a great current issue and because all people define men as Hockey players and all girls as Cupcake baking pink dress wearing puppets….

“I don’t relate to what people have made men and women into. I know I’m more extreme and badass than most guys, but that doesn’t make me a boy. And the other night I wore a pink dress because I felt cute. I can bake a cupcake and then go play hockey.”



Here she is promoting the VMAs…because MTV / Viacom owns these idiots..

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Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW