If you’re into pussy that’s on it’s last legs, you know pussy that’s about to take it’s final breath, you know when you walk down the hallway of the cancer ward of the hospital and you feel a little quiver in your pants, or when you look at pre-op female to male tranny who you know have serious mental issues just based on the size of their jeans, who insist on growing a dick, because their dad was too busy skiing into trees and their mom was too busy being a whore to give her the love she needed growing up, creating this serious baggage that makes her want to sew her pussy up and grow a fuckin’ dick, or maybe she just realizes that it’s a man’s world and it’s finally time to command respect out of the world, instead of being paid less and objectified for having a set of oddly shaped tits, and figured since she already looked 3/4 of the way dude, it was the logical fuckin’ step, or maybe it’s gotta do with her being tired of the hardships lesbian couples face every time they leave the house holding lesbian hands in their construction boots and flannel shirts eating organic granola bars when people like me point, laugh and throw dick shaped objects at them, because I know they are just uptight rape victims guys don’t even wanna fuck to begin with, and not actual lesbians, cuz actual lesbians don’t exist….

Posted in:Chastity Bono|Pussy