I got this email from a reader who was at the Playboy mansion for some party the other day, because I guess some people who read the site are heavily more important and hooked up than me. I have a hard enough time being allowed into the local Dunkin Donuts because despite having a huge homeless following, they don’t seem to appreciate my loitering. Either way here’s the email I got:
Dear Jesus,
I was at the Playboy Mansion for some party a little while ago and while I was doing my fair share of drinking and hustling hot chicks who were either in Playboy or trying to be in Playboy and managed to get into the event in hopes of being discovered, I noticed that Jeremy Piven from Entourage was there too. Now, I don’t consider this guy a celebrity at all and I have little to no interest in him because he pretty much looks like he’s just as annoying as his character on the show, but when I saw his coked up drunken ass begging this chick to come home with him, I had no choice but to document the moment. I was close enough to hear his lame jokes about sex and his bragging about how girls really love him but how he doesn’t like all the attention he gets just because he’s on tv, something I knew was all part of his game. The girl gave him a good 10 minutes but I guess she realized he was running some weak game treating her like some kind of dumb bitch he probably gets to go home with him in clubs and she wasn’t about to lower herself to that level or maybe it was the fact that he was sweating profusely and looked like a total fucking mess. I guess none of that matters, but it would be funny if you posted this pic and gave us all your take on Jeremy Piven.
I am not a fan of Jeremy Piven or the fact that girls constantly prove to be idiot groupies whenever I see pictures of him with some hot young slut, because I know that she just wants to famous and dude manipulates her by making her think that getting with him is some kind of accomplishment on her part and possibly the closest she’ll get to be famous. It’s sad to see hot girls lower themselves to sleep with dudes they normally wouldn’t because they see him on TV, but dude still gets laid all the time and despite being rejected by this one, I am sure there’s a couple school bus full of drunk party sluts who think banging him will be the closest they ever get to banging Adrian Grenier and that going home with him is a better stamp of approval than going home with some other poorer, less famous drunken motherfucker in the bar that they’d normally go home with if Piven hadn’t chosen them for the night. Celebrity means pussy and despite not being a celebrity, girls will always go home with guys they’ve seen anywhere, even in the Sears catalog just because they recognize the motherfucker and I guess that’s because girls are all groupy sluts even if the motherfucker doesn’t deserve groupies.

This was sent in from the fine people at MisanthropyToday
Posted in:Jeremy Piven|Pussy