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Archive for the Rihanna Category




Rihanna Getting Them Titties Wet of the Day

Rihanna Getting Them TItties Wet

Rihanna has always been doing the slutty thing….I know people in Barbados and early in her career they told me that she was an underage prostitute working the Karaoke Bars where she met her handler that brought her to America…through all the red tape of work visas and coming across the border with an underage immigrant you are bringing into the country to have perform….sketchy fucking story bro…

But the people of Barbados have since warmed up to her and don’t talk shit on her, cuz she owns the fucking island, is the biggest thing from the island, and one of their own who did it that big…with zero to no talent…as the daughter of a garbage man who lived in a shanty….but still a sketchy story bro…

Anyway, now that slutty thing has been diverted from shitty pop music, that her fans have been begging for more of since got a lot of hype back when her and Chris Brown staged her beating, to elevate her career as a survivor from domestic abuse….people sympathize with that shit..and she’s now dating a billionaire prince, is lazy because of that, but she’s Rihanna, still has a brand of cosmetics and lingerie that probably make her hundreds of millions and that laziness has given her tits…BIG WET TITS…like those days when she was the HOLE in HOLETOWN…


Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Rihanna Lingerie of the Day

Rihanna Lingerie

Rihanna is in Lingerie, because Rihanna owns a lingerie company as part of her media empire….maybe it’s from her humble roots, knowing she should own all she can to become as rich as she can, and knowing she wears lingerie, it might as well be her own instead of someone elses…

Or maybe someone offered her alot of money to be the face of their brand….that whether it sells or not…she gets paid her rates….

So she gets to put put pics of her in lingerie, even if she’s able to afford to pay people to do the modeling for her, she knows that the people will buy more if they see her in it….she’s Rihanna…

Good simple economics of a famous chick…her ego knows no one is bigger than she is, and despite being her biggest in size, she’ll make her underwear project worth money like she’s Kylie Jenner, and is more than happy to show off her thickness…it’s an ego thing, she feels hot…

The beauty of the internet is that it is fair game for everyone to launch projects, but celebrities with millions of followers have a serious advantage…so use that advantage to have your dirty celeb paws in every possible business out there….especially if they come with an excuse to wear lingerie.

Rihanna Lingerie


Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Rihanna Lingerie of the Day

Rihanna Lingerie

Rihanna is out here promoting her lingerie line with the thickness….cuz thickness is in…at least when it comes to women…because you’re all a bunch of perverts…and a bunch of fucking lazy fucks who don’t have any self discipline in anything…and just eat eat eat cuz you’ve made your money and don’t care…not property brothers money maybe…but still enough to buy all the cake she wants from her lazy throne in her multi million dollar homes…

I still like Rihanna. She should have been the star of A Star is Born…fucking anyone by GAGA trash…

Rihanna Lingerie


Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Rihanna Got Them Titties On of the Day

Rihanna Big tits in gold dress

Rihanna, best known as the child prostitute from Barbados who got some sick fucking pervert from the UK who was rich and connected in the record scene to import her into America and with the help of Jay Z, human traffic her into pop music…only to pass her off to Chris Brown…who beat her up and totally changed her flow, dynamic and celebrity…from candy coated to dark, the needed beating to shift her public image and become Rihanna..

Well, she’s rich as fuck now, she’s the most iconic thing from Barbados and owns one of the most expensive houses there, from Shanty to Palace…she dates billionaires with black girl fetishes then dumps them…and she stars in movies called Oceans 8, the all girl spin off of Oceans 11, that they claim is about girl power, but that is about robbing a fashion party of it’s jewels..which didn’t stop it from making the 45 million dollars opening weekend…but that seems a little sexist to me….I mean women heisting fashion shows of jewelery….is saying women criminals care about fashion and jewelery and other lady things….how dare they.

But the world accepts it and celebrates it as woman power, even if it’s about traditional gender roles and expectations…

Weird world…how is this innovative or progressive? I don’t get it.

But Rihanna’s got her tits out and that’s ok…

Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Rihanna’s Butt Crack from a While Ago of the Day

I don’t think I posted pics of Rihanna’s butt crack, but feel it is very important for me to post pics of Rihanna’s butt crack, as the world loves Rihanna and her butt crack and will thus celebrate her butt crack because it is a success story and people love success stories..

I don’t understand how a random, barely talented singer from Barbados, I mean there are videos of her singing at her High School Grad that I guess she’s had removed from the internet and she can’t sing for shit, and we don’t really even know if it was her high school grad at all…I just know whoever found her didn’t think “this is the meal ticket we can sell to Jay Z and make a billion dollars with”…yet that’s what they did…and I know some Voodoo went into that..or there is more to the story than that…and really girl’s living the life…no longer in a shanty…employing people in the shanties and showing her ass crack at events….seems like whatever happened when she first started out to get to this point was a positive transaction or trade…cuz look at her now…

Butt cracks…what are they good for…let me count the ways…

1- Contraception
2- Story your Keys so you Don’t Lose Them
3- Hiding any and all contraband from exotic snakes to drugs.
4- Shitting.
5- that’s all I got.

To See the Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Rihanna Thickness of the Day

Rihanna Big TIts Thickness in Tight Black Short Dress

Say it loud – black power proud…

Rihanna is at some event, who knows what it’s for, not me, that would require reading and like Rihanna, the high school drop out, sex worker turned teen popstar, who got time for that…

Her tits in a push up bra, her thighs thick enough to crush watermelons, and no, that’s not some racist 1960s black joke, because black people like watermelon, it’s a legit fetish for thick thighed women to participate…google it..youtube it…no wait…I’ll do it for you…

She looks old, but she’s won at life, and not just because she’s got a billionaire russian boyfriend who has a black girl fetish, but because she herself is a billion dollar brand and for an island girl turning tricks as a teen….that’s some serious scamming…


Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Rihanna Sprawled Out of the Day

Rihanna in a red sheer dress spread out

Rihanna is either fat or pregnant or both, up on some pre-diabetic cuz she’s genetically predisposed to that shit, some girl from the Islands likes to eat all the Chefette fried chicken in Barbados…catering her life with that shit…because if you’ve ever been to Barbados you’ll know the women are all very fucking fat…into all them sugary drinks boy…and that’s just how it’s meant to be…

The good news for Rihanna is she doesn’t need to give a fuck because unlike other Bajan women, she’s not working as a chambermaid or waitress, she’s richer than the whole fucking country, and girl can be as fat as she fucking wants, she’ll be well taken care of, and by Barbados standards she’s not fat at all…but those spread lets, spread tits, belly poppin’…are just what’s going on in every trailer park in the southern USA today…and everyday…watching their soap operas and wheel of fortune….

It’s sloppy, melting into her chair…made from her piles of money…in a too sick to move but doesn’t need to move she pays slaves for that like the old times…amazingness..

Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Rihanna Looking Hot for Dazed Magazine of the Day

Rihanna Looking Hot for Dazed Magazine

Dazed magazine, not to be confused with the exploitative Paper magazine, who try to break the internet by exploiting black women who have made it in the white woman, not that Kim Kardashian is black, or can be exploited more than she’s exploited herself….put out their own break the internet, featuring Rihanna…but not for having an orgy with herself, like you’d expect from her, at least in her slutty years…and not for balancing a champagne glass on her fake ass, but for being really fucking scaled down, not made up, like a girl in art school out at a bar…fully clothed…and I guess it’s to not piss off her Arab billionaire suitor who wants his girl to be respectable…or maybe it’s cuz she’s given up, her weight gain would make you assume that…and this is zero hot…

I guess everyone has a lifespan and she’s managed to make a lot of fucking money in a short period of time that she could pretty much take selfies of herself shitting, taking nasty fucking dumps after eating too many chicken wings, and people would still go nuts for her…give her brand deals….and celebrate whatever scam it is she managed to pull off…

Magical really

Here she is for Vogue Paris

Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Big Thick Rihanna for Vogue Arabia of the Day

Rihanna Vogue Arabia

Rihanna is on the cover of Vogue Arabia, because countries that don’t like their women driving or working because it means being around other men, really appreciate American music from earner Rihanna who is naked or half naked and singing about sex…you know totally in line with their culture if you look at it from an OIL MONEY BILLIONAIRE ON A YACHT perspective…because we know that despite all the rules of the religion, people break the rules, especially when rich as fuck, with access to celebrities and fancy gold things..which may be backwards but that works for Rihanna because she’s a puppet that can be bought by the highest bidder, and that Arab money, is likely the highest bidder, they spend on shit this Rihanna…I mean just look at Lohan…you see her prostiting has gone from British tourists in Barbados to execs in NYC to the Oil Fields…getting paid…work work work work work or some shit….

Here are the conservative, most conservative she’s done, you know rebranding that she cleans up nicely..

here’s some from the streets….

Posted in:Rihanna|Rihanna Cover|SFW




Rihanna Got them Monster Tits of the Day

These pictures of Rihanna circulated yesterday – because she took her fat ass to some movie premiere and with the help of her design team – or some top designers she’s got on speed dial and who produce whatever she needs when she needs it – they came up with something obese women at Walmart or the bar have known forever…push them huge tits out, they are all you have, wear something massive that hides the rest of you, so that all people see is the tits, because if you wear something spandex that you spill out of, despite how hard it is containing you, the tits lose their appeal of being huge, and you just get seen as huge, but if you can just section off, block out, frame the tits…and have the massive, overeating body out of the picture, guys will realize what is important…fertility…it will speak to our animalistic core…

She’s a professional…

If you’ve ever been to Barbados, you will know they are a large set of people, I mean all the Caribbean islands I went to were filled with big locals, I guess they like to eat their ROTI, their sugar waters, while sitting around breeding…a Fat Rihanna was written in the cards, too rich to starve, to not give into her cravings, to exist…and with tits like this…I understand why billionaires are getting up in it…she’s pretty much a fetish….


Posted in:Rihanna|SFW