I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Rihanna Category




Rihanna and her Racist Dress of the Day

Rihanna’s a fuckin’ racist. I’d like to see her put this shit on and walk through the fuckin’ projects pointing at black men, then pointing back at her shirt, then giving them the fuckin’ finger, because bitch hates black dudes now that one beat her and is into dating Jewish Canadian people who played the black kid on a candy coated teenage drama series.

She might as well throw fried chicken and watermelon at them, and the whole thing is so weird considering she’s an Island Girl, I guess fame and money made her soft and turned her white, like it did to Kanye, Jay-Z and pretty much every other “rapper”. Rap is just a new name for pop now and I know this cuz I was in this underage club as I do sometimes, and these 16 year old idiots who can’t handle their booze were all up on every “hood” song that came on. Things aren’t the way they used to be, but the girls are more slutty, so I’m cool with it.

Posted in:Ass|Racist|Rihanna




Some Rihanna Legs of the Day

By the look on Rihanna’s face it looks like Chris Brown just sent her a text message on how to treat a lady. I used to think she was hot that was before finding out she could take a fuckin’ beating. If this isn’t the perfect woman, I don’t know who is, but I do know that my wife definitely isn’t her. She’s too fuckin’ white and can’t take the passion that comes with latin love, you know like the occassional hog tying her while slapping and spitting in her fat whore face, Rihanna on the other hand, pretty much made that shit mainstream. I love her.

Posted in:Legs|Rihanna




Rumored Rihanna Sex Tape

This video is going around the internet today, so I have to post it, but I was fighting with myself about it, because their is a myspace profile plastered on the motherfuckin’ thing, and that leads me to believe someone’s trying to get a fake scandal to go viral to make their bullshit get noticed, a pretty simple fuckin strategy, but something that really fucking annoys me. I know this isn’t Rihanna. It doesn’t even look like Rihanna and the lies better get these motherfuckers shut the fuck down and that is the only reason I am trying to draw attention to it, cuz I hope some Myspace moderator sees it and gets his revenge on this asshole who got my hopes up.

Here are some pictures of the Real Rihanna in New York from the past few days…


Posted in:Rihanna|Sex Tape




Rihanna is Still Amazing of the Day

Here is Rihanna giving us a peak of some lingerie, I guess because now that she’s been beat she wants the whole experience and is out trying to get raped by wearing suggestive clothing, unfortunately I am not down with raping pictures of chicks, mainly because I don’t have a printer, but also becuase it’s a humiliating experience that I just like talking about.

Posted in:Hot|Rihanna




Some Rihanna’s Bra and Stomach Pictures of the Day

< Rihanna is out on the scene and showing off her bra and stomach. Maybe she's desperate for male attention, you know after her one true love beat the shit out of her for not giving him a blowjob, forcing her to release nude pictures of herself, hoping to get someone to bite, but settling with that kid in a wheelchair from Degrassi who is now a famous rapper, but who still can't get it up because he is paralyzed from the waste down, leaving her sexually frustrated and alone, forcing her to seduce people like me via paparazzi pictures, and despite the stupid hair, I think she's amazing, and that is partially why I've been watching that Kanye Paranoid video over and over and over and over, the other reason's got to do with boredom, OCD and a broken computer that for some reason keeps opening the file and playing it like a sign from god telling me to masturbate to it, since I haven't masturbated to a music video since the fucking 90s and it's time to connect with where I came from as to not lose myself. If you know what I mean.

Posted in:Bra|Rihanna|Stomach




Rihanna is Fucking Hot in Kanye’s New Video of the Day

Here’s Kanye’s video that hit yesterday featuring Rihanna in her fuckin’ lingerie looking pretty fuckin’ amazing. I think I love her.

Posted in:Kanye West|Paranoid|Rihanna




Some Exclusive Rihanna Pics a Week Late of the Day

I have been in situations where I’ve been sitting in the park and some young student in summer school comes out to tan in her bikini while reading her text book. I have seen her breast fall out of her bikini top like she was at the fuckin’ beach and not at a fuckin’ public park in the middle of the day and I wanted so bad to take a fuckin’ picture, but was too scared of getting busted. The other day I saw a bitch balancing a book on her head while walking in some kind of posture testing stunt or something, but I was too scared to take a picture and getting busted. I’ve seen couples fucking, from their fire escape windows and I’ve been too scared to take pictures, I guess what I am trying to say is that I fucking suck at documenting my life, even the hotter situations I’d like to reference at a later date for masturbation purposes, because I am a fuckin’ pussy.

But this person who was tanning behind Rihanna at some resort in Hawaii wasn’t a pussy, he say Rihanna and took a fuckin’ picture like a real fuckin’ man, where as all I woulda done is tried to rape her with my buddies, not a hateful rape, a sensual rape just to show her how much I fuckin’ love her while my friends restrain her, not because I believe in rape, but because I believe in tough love and it’s fuckin’ obvious she wouldn’t let me up in that willingly.

These are from a week ago, you’ve probably seen them, but I am posting them anyway.

To see the rest of the pictures – Follow this Link

Posted in:Bikini|Exclusive|Rihanna




Rihanna Nude Pictures of the Day

Cassie’s people are on a mission to get everyone who has posted the pictures sued. I didn’t host the pictures because I know how sluts operate and how they have second thoughts when people start making fun of them.

I wrote yesterday that the Rihanna and Cassie pics were being shopped around over 6 months ago and I turned them down because I don’t have money and even if I did, I wouldn’t want to get sued, and guess what happened…

The Rihanna pics surfaced. I saw this shit coming. I am ahead of the fuckin’ crowd. Too bad no one reads this site.

Here are the pics of someone who may be Rihanna…..

Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Pic 4
Pic 5
Pic 6
Pic 7
See Them All at Once

Posted in:Nude|Rihanna




Rihanna Goes Shopping with her Cleavage of the Day

You beat your woman for being a little slut who gets up in your business to teach her a fucking lesson, to let her know her place in the world, to explain the nature of things, that man is the boss strictly because the man can choke you out and before there were laws to ruin that for us, we were in complete control of the situation.

Now, a bitch can just get a restraining order and fuck off to the fuckin’ mall, dressed like a whore about to get on stage to dance for money, like you never beat her at all.

I hope these pictures secure to Chris Brown that dude’s a fuckin’ amateur spousal abuser. He’s gotta step up his game next time around, you know, so bitch don’t fuckin’ stray so that showin’ off a freedom that she should never have been allowed to have won’t be a fuckin’ issue.

Posted in:Rihanna|Shopping




Rihanna’s Rockin’ Some Fetish Gear of the Day

Here’s a fuckin’lie for you. Rihanna in fetish gear. The reason I know it’s a lie. Because she wouldn’t have been such a fucking whiner about getting punched in the fucking face by her boyfriend, because anyone who is really a dominatrix, knows that’s just his way of saying he wants his dick in her mouth, not that she sucks dick, according to my friend’s theory, Bajan’s aren’t Haitian when it comes to cocksuckin’ which is another reason why the rubber fishnets are just a fuckin’ lie. It’s upsetting, but I’d still be down to cum all over the shit.

Posted in:Fetish|Leggings|Pantyhose|Rihanna|Rubber|Thigh High