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Archive for the Videos Category




Unhappy Groom Marries Rich Woman and Other Videos of the Day

LAPD Shoot a Homeless Guy

Bus Descent of the Day

Smoking Dead Man in Coffin…

Just a Man Robbing a Woman with a Knife

Failed Suicide by Truck Attempt…

Drunk Guy Breaks a Girl’s Leg..WTF

Woman Fight in traffic

Rapist Attemting Rape Footage Caught on Camera…

Road Rage of the Day

Woman Tries to Shoot a Drone

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




The Cultural Video Instagram Deleted Off My Account of the Day

I posted this video that was shot in an African village. It is of a farmer or farm hadn trying to cultivate more milk out of the cow. Apparently the primitive, or brilliant method they use is Blowing in the cow’s ass. It’s a fascinating feat of man, especially when he wipes the cow’s asshole off with its tail and goes back in for more.

Now I am not surprised, I have been deleted and blocked off instagram over and over and over again, and part of the reason I don’t use social media is because I have been deleted off every platform, over and over again making it impossible to build out…

But when your video is national geographic quality – anthropology – sociology – culturally rich….while EVERYONE from the kardashians to local whores are posting nudes…it becomes a bigger issue…

I should sue…..but it was a stolen video anyway….I just figured I’d post it.

Posted in:Instagram|SFW|Videos




Bella Thorne’s Tits Again of the Day

Bella Thorne posted a little dance video featuring her skinny legs…in a little skirt…because she’s an exhibitionist probably something that stems from her parents wanting her to be famous so damn hard that they trained her to be this exhibitionist…knowing that being an exhibitionist gets more attention, more followers, more attention….more fame…and fame leads to more money…and money is all that fucking matters, at least for the American dream…which is the dream all these vapid cunts are chasing…BUY MORE THINGS…GET MORE FOLLOWERS…BUY EVEN MORE THINGS…all you gotta do is be slutty, on tv, so not too slutty….cuz people throw money at this shit…..and that’s the point…

The truth is that this is just an excuse to post her TITTY GIF from the weekend… VIDEO HERE

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW|Videos




Britney Spears Does a Runway Walk of the Day

Britney Spears is a perfect level of medicated and crazy….doing weird videos from her house to share with her fans…because she loves performing, being on camera, and thanks to the internet she can put this kind of shit together with little effort, some basic editing software…provided her family even let her use her own phone, they’d hate for her to cry for help, it would get in the way of their exploiting her for money for three decades at this point..

Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW|Videos




Miley Cyrus Wrestling her Sister Porn of the DAy

Miley Cyrus and her sister wrestling isn’t really erotic, but anyone who has ever fucked a girl with a sister will know that wanting to fuck the sister is a serious thing…it’s like “why did I end up with this one”…or if you’re lucky you’re like “I wonder if their pussies are the same and is it cheating if they are, not that I care about cheating, but it’s nice to know what you’ve got yourself into”….sister fetish….totally normal..but I don’t think her sister is 18 year and I don’t think this is hot because they aren’t lathered up in motor oil, or pig fat from their farm….but it is a reminder that Miley still exists and when she’s not putting on a bullshit show, or touring she’s fucking dull..

Miley was in a bikini over the weekend…but it was boring….but here it is anyway..

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW|Videos




Naked Guy in the Subway and Other Videos of the Day

Fat Bitches at the Slap Contest

Monkey Cums for a Couple Sluts

Woman Stripped Topless for being a Slut

Woman Stripped Bottomless for being a Slut

Women Fight In Traffic

Dude Busted for not Obeying the Line

Brawl in the Middle East

One Direction Brings the Gayest Brawl Ever of the day

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Stripper Gets Body Slammed and Other Videos of the Day

Man Shits Himself in Supermarket

Cops Wo Don’t have a Ladder – Got it Figured Out

Driver Intentionally Tries to Run Over Two People

Pervert Pushing Up Against Women

Stripper Fight

Wife and her Drunk Husband

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Dude Dies After Chugging a Bottle of Tequila and Other Videos of the Day

Homeless Gets Around

Angry Kangaroo

Woman Falls Down Stairs Looking at her Phone

90 Year Old Man Does Pull Ups

Rapist Tied Up and Beaten

Road Rage in Canada

Crane Collapses

Posted in:Videos




Girls Playing Flute With Their Vaginas of the Day

I’ve been sent a video of a Japanese girl playing flute or recorder if you want to get technical with her vagina, it’s from some Japanese TV show, where things that would offend America are normal, things that America couldn’t handle gets thrown into the mix like the maniacs they are…and I love it enough to want to be a Japanese TV producer, because I don’t like porn or want that, but I do like offending, trolling, and fucked up shit…so maybe that’s my calling…but in the meantime, I’ll just watch the clips…

Here a girl playing the Kazoo…

There must be more of this out there – I am bad at google / one’s enough..

Posted in:SFW|Videos




Couple Have Sex a Dominos Counter and Other Videos of the Day

Dude Almost Survives….

Boyfriend Begs for Girlfriend’s Forgiveness…

Kayaker VS 500 Lbs Marlin

Ice Removal…

Robbery at a Fish and Chips Spot with a Banana

Man Attacks Bear

Dude with a Bullet Wound to the Face is Terrifying

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos