I'll Make You Famous…




Bella Thorne Ass of the Day

Bella Thorne Booty

Bella Thorne runs this side scam, that is probably the only thing she’s actually passionater about, but that she hasn’t full delved into yet, because she’s still a pussy celebrity who only scratches the surface of controversial, or provocative, because she doesn’t want her mainstream business to turn their back on her….

So instead of going full tilt in the porn world, she knows there’s more money in the mainstream world, but to stay edgy and to satisfy her exhibitionist, perverted, raised on porn self, she NEEDS to run a NSFW channel to stay edgy, interesting and on brand to the girls of her generation and younger that all turn to sex work because they are too lazy for real jobs…selling nudes makes more than working a cashier shift…

But what ends up happening is that Thorne creates LAME nudes that aren’t even nudes, softcore shit because she’s safe….and she takes the attention away from the other girls selling their nudes because she’s famous and outshines them…so it’s a lose lose for all except Bella Thorne because it gets people talking about her like she matters…when she doesn’t matter….

Just another vapid young person being “reckless’ in silly ways, because in this case, it’s barely reckless…her mainstream people will continue to work with her as they know she’s the number one most important shameless self promoter with so many fans, put her on any project as a producer or even in a bit part and she’ll make sure that shit gets seen…all while being a garbage actor better suited for porn…

It is only funny to me because I know porn chicks over the decades who wanted nothing more than to be mainstream…where now we have mainstream chicks dipping a toe in porn….and if history repeats itself…sex tapes will be made eventually, she just needs to anchor her position so that she can’t get cancelled and forgotten by Netflix and the other scumbags that pretend mainstream is all that more high brow than porn…

I can’t hate a girl for taking this on, if anything it’s a great thing to see, even if it is boring and her content is shit….it’s still a celebrity Disney Kid actor sold by her mom to the industry, who had success in the industry, pretending she’s carving out her own future when you know there are people advising her along the way on how to maximize earnings…

I don’t know what she sold these pics to her fans, but I hear she’s making millions a month off this shit, why stop when the money is just that stupid and she’d have to whore herself out to the industry in more offensive ways she doesn’t control to make less…so whether it’s a scam to her fans or not, and it is…it’s all moving in the right direction for an era where porn =and mainstream are the same….but we’re not quite there yet, cuz we can’t see her anus being filled with household objects…but we’ll get there and people like Bella Thorne and a generation of perverted, horny, exhibitionists will help….

I still don’t think she’s got any sex appeal, she seems big, unshowered, gross, and like she smells like last week’s kitchen garbage…but that’s just a matter of opinion…

Bella Thorne Nude

Bella Thorne Nude


Posted in:Bella Thorne




Pauline Tantot Nude of the Day

I like to call the TANTOT sisters, the slutty sisters from France who have basically gone viral on instagram because of their consistent half naked content…that has evolved into full naked content…because that’s what happens when half naked becomes too safe for work, boring, repetitive, you need to step it up…

I believe that both the sisters have nude subscription sites, that I wouldn’t suggest you sign up to, even if it would be a good distraction from the tranny porn you are already signed up to….that you like a little too much….because I don’t believe in these girls of instagram who have had countless opportunities from instagram deciding to start a softcore porn channel to the paying customers. It’s just a long game, long play that kind of sucks when you’ve been given the goods for free for so long…even if they go a little more hardcore than usually.

I do believe in girls getting naked being paid or rewarded for their nudity, you know that stamp of approval beyond the likes and follows, even if it’s silly as a concept…I just don’t think any of us should be doing the paying…

Save the busting out the credit card for the rich guys and the suckers or the real desperate losers….while the rest of us get the reap the rewards of their hard earned contribution for said nudity.

I actually don’t know where these pics are from, because I barely know who TANTOT sisters are, even if they’ve been around on social media for a while doing that whole “Share for Share” thing with other scandalous girls who were in it for likes and follows and are now into it for money….forgetting that turning something into a “for profit” from the people following, totally changes the dynamic of every half nude trying to lure you in….I prefer when they push Skinny Tea shit, that “pay for my pussy”….knowing that they aren’t even the ones communicating with their fans, that’s all virtual assistants from india….

Anyway, the Tantots are hot enough to get noticed on the internet with their half nakedness, and what must be fake asses, in bikini pics in tropical places doing that whole thing…which is a thing, a trend, so many girls do it…but also hot enough to sell their nudes to suckers…

This should keep you distracted from gay porn for a minute…and remember french girls are wild.


Posted in:Mathilde Tantot




Medical Worker Monday of the Day

Medical Worker Monday is the most wonderful day of the week?

I guess now that there is a vaccine for COVID and since BIDEN won, there’s no more COVID, so we can go back to not giving a fuck about medical workers and we can stop calling them frontline workers, in what was some media hype and sensationalizing if I’ve ever seen that..they aren’t on any Frontline…that’s just an angle to make you think shit is a warzone when really it’s just a FLU zone….

Clearly, all that honk for nurses, put up signs for nurses, isn’t enough for nurses because they are out here getting naked for attention on the internet…but I guess that could be a product of a few things….the first possibility is that they are trying to plan for when no one cares about nurses again, so get those followers in when your profession matters on a national level….the second is that they are just so stressed that masturbating or being masturbated to which leads to masturbating is this amazing release for them….exhibitionist shit….or maybe they always post their nudes for attention because that’s just the kind of ladies they are…the whole COVID thing is irrelevant in their quest to ONLY FAN…

I guess none of that matters, because they put out this scrubs / nurse fetish shit that is gross to me, since I avoid people in scrubs and always have, knowing they are immersed in sickness all day….

Longgone are the days of “sexy nurse” outfits….but instead we get illfitting pajamas you’d expect to see lesbians on a hike wearing….which isn’t so hot, until you can see their full assholes…


Posted in:NURSES




Lucy Hale Bikini of the Day

Lucy Hale

Lucy Hale is the most boring working actor / celebrity (since celebrity spans beyond acting alone especially in this social media era)…it’s like this girl could be burying this motherfucker with her pussy…in a “face smothering”, “I can’t breath – BLM Triggering” video…and I’d still say who fucking cares….

I don’t know how someone who has been on trending shows, who has millions of followers, can suck so hard even when in a bikini…

I see her in fitness pants, her body’s great…I see her in swimsuit, she’s not repulsive…and I see her here doing her Baywatch impression…lifeguard shit….and the emotion I feel is apathy, whether that’s an emotion or not is not for me to determine, it’s just the only way I know to say…who fucking cares…

More Lucy Hale from a magazine:
Lucy Hale


Posted in:Lucy Hale




Caitlin Stassey Topless of the Day

Caitlin Stasey Nude

Caitlin Stasey is some Australian on some show called Neighbors, that has been on TV for 50 years or more, the show not the Caitlin Stassey…

The show has cycled through all kinds of low level actresses and made them famous in the native Australian land of trashy accents….and allowed them to come to America to take over…

I wouldn’t describe anything Caitlin Stasey as take over, but she has tapped into her inner-Australian trash and figured out just how effective being naked on social media is to increase the relevance or at least level of interesting a person can be…

She hasn’t been in anything notable recently, because she hasn’t been in anything, but in this era of getting naked on the internet you don’t need acting jobs to be relevant, you just need to keep the nudity alive, feminism, celebrate your body, whatever the angle is…get those views!

Caitlin Stasey Nude


Posted in:Caitlin Stasey




Ireland Baldwin See Through of the Day

Ireland Baldwin Braless

Ireland Baldwin is the cumshot that I am sure Alec Baldwin wishes ended up in Kim Bassinger’s stomach, not dripping down her leg after a drunken encounter in their matrimonial home…I mean there is a possibility that she was actually wanted or planned, people make terrible decisions all the time, and baby making is often times about keeping the wife happy and saving the marriage knowing a divorce would be pricey, a give her a kid….but only one kid..since they only had one kid…

I draw this conclusion about Alec’s totally disinterest in Ireland because of the infamous voice mail or recording where he called her a pig, her first VIRAL VIDEO moment and potentially her last because no one cares enough about her to bother letting anything she does, even the nude shit go actually viral….you know she only exists on social media because of her famous family, and not because they had a kid together kind of existing, I mean the followers…if her name was Ireland “anything but Baldwin”….she’d likely have no followers, maybe she’d be working as an UBER driver or something…but instead she can showcase her monster tits cuz she’s monster sized and bring joy to the people…

I don’t actually care to slander poor Ireland, this is actually a celebration of a girl who has a shitty dad that went onto have 10 kids with some Yoga instructor to dilute this one’s inheritance…she’s a victim….a big titty victim who has not being able to really dominate social media, despite the racier content…but who MAY one day do something besides showing off her tits and twerking like an awkward large white girl….but even if she doesn’t she’s set for life…so keep them titties coming so we can.

Ireland Baldwin Twerk Ireland Baldwin Braless
Ireland Baldwin Twerk


Posted in:Ireland Baldwin




Sarah Hyland Pussy Stretch of the Day

Sarah Hyland Vote

I am not a political person, if anything I am the anti-political person, that shit is boring and rigged and meaningless….and for the most part the government doesn’t give a fuck about you…these civil servants aren’t actual servants to the people…they are fucking the people from every angle…and the people are the servants to them….

I generally keep my mouth shut, you’re here for the tits not the opinion on elections, voter fraud, smear campaigns, or other insanity that I am seeing….BUT I will say that seeing Vanessa Hudgens SCREAMING….

I will say that seeing Jennifer Hudson Lawrence Dancing in the streets….

I will say seeing Colbert cry….and this Sarah Hyland spread eagle shit….is all some brain washing tactics as they are all fucking puppets controlled by the man, scared to lose their job, or be cancelled, totally unreliable or unrelateable to the average American…they’ve gamed the system and they are actors so their credibility is fucking zero…tap into your emotions, you are bad if you don’t follow their lead….or believe in what they don’t believe…sounds fascist to me…

So Sara Hyland, the alcoholic pervert exploited as a kid who is now rich from TV, but who is a mutant with a genetic condition who can’t even keep her Kidneys healthy because she’s so broken…bitch has had 2 transplants…is doing this propaganda shit…with her legs spread, even making her political opinion about being able to pose right for some deep dick porn…

So whether you’re a TRUMPER or a BIDEN / KAMALA HARRIS fan…a believer in their systemmic lies or suspicious of it…..you should be mad that celebs are trying to influence the narrative of the country with their celebrity……because now more than ever, the internet and social media has made everyone the same drone… easy to manipulate…who listen, buy and exchange whatever is being sold to them by influencers…Never forget the the Kardashian’s exist..and the Kardashians fucking thrive on how stupid people are….

So seeing people treat the election like the SUPERBOWL, where the dance in the streets when their side wins, is just some theatrics across the board…we know you don’t actually give a fuck…and if you do…we gotta discount you as a person worth listening to because it means you buy into the stories you read on an emotional level…THEY’VE GOT YOU…..Dancing in the streets in a pandemic is the dumbest, even embarrassing thing to do…always, yet people are doing it because they want to feel a part of something so bad…even if what they are a part of is a fucking lie from the top…

THE PASSION YOU SEE IS BECAUSE THEY HAVE YOU BY THE FUCKING BALLS man, they have you at an emotional level and things like these celebs just contribute to all of that…Politics, Politicians, the Government, The internet….all designed to KEEP the man down….TRUST NO ONE…TRUST NO STORIES…TAXATION IS THEFT…fighting for Politicians and Rich People and Lawyers to find new ways to FUCK you….because you are the bottom of of the barrel, a cog in the wheel to keep the system working for the people at the top….is crazy…and so is Sarah Hyland Spread Legged.


Posted in:Sarah Hyland




Milf Monday of the Day

MILFS….Moms need support too….they aren’t dead even if they should be on a sexual level.

I get it, the idea of birthing a child is totally unnatural. A parasite in your womb that breaks through your wet and wonderful grippy vagina….only to leave you gaping, blown out like a Vietnamese Village in 1970 after the USA rolled through…some My Lai shit….only the vagina version…

Even their husbands or baby daddies are repulsed by the process, no longer a sexual being, but forever a product of the dangers of sex….PREGNANCY…worse than AIDS…especially since there’s pill for AIDS….no pill for babies, except maybe plan b but we’re a little too far gone for PLAN B at this time….

So turning to the internet with their nudes, maybe after months of YOGA or other mom workouts, maybe they tried the KETO diet during COVID lockdown or maybe they just starved themselves out and not because they heard some expert on a ROGAN podcase….but because the stress of kids destroyed their appetite and spirit…reminding them that being a mom is the worst fucking commitment ever….

So in hoping some perverts out there are into someone who has kids, so long as it is not their kids, or someone who has experience, thanks to being old….will be turned on by that maternal instinct because deep in their souls they seek a mom of their own since their mom died….this is the nudie content they put out…fun…


Posted in:Milf




Amber Rose Spreads It of the Day

Amber Rose Nude

The Funny thing about these fake ass, ass injection girls, is that their ass crack starts halfway down the ass, which seems really fucking weird to me….but for whatever reason, dudes are into the roundness that steps from having fat sucked out of her and re-injected into her…rather than roundness from genetics or fitness….too much effort when you can pay some doctor a couple of thousand dollars out of your child support money…that you have thanks to multiple kids with rappers…

I guess it could just be the angle, but it looks like there’s a full ass above the ass crack…like bitch is in a diaper but it’s a bare all…and I am sure it’s from that bullshit procedures all these idiots do…cuz this doesn’t look like a spread ass I am familiar with and I’ve watched countless girls spread their asses on the internet all these years…

I guess Amber Rose doesn’t really have a look you’d refer to as “all natural”….but she does have a look that I apprecaite, only because it is naked on its only fans, rather than the cocktease these other cash grabbing, bait and switch bitches are false advertising and not getting in trouble for….

She did start out as a stripper who moved into pop culture thanks to rappers like Kanye, so she knows a think or two about getting naked for money and how to properly do it in a “classy enough” way….becuase shameless doesn’t need to be gutter….

Either way, get that money while it’s there, even though she likely makes a fortune from the kids she’s had…but gotta stay busy somehow…

Amber Rose Nude
Amber Rose NudeAmber Rose Nude


Posted in:Amber Rose




Alexandra Daddario Nude Bikini of the Day

Alexandra Daddario Nude Bikini

Alexandra Daddario is a very boring actress who is really only known for her tits, or at least really only a name because of her tits, yet she’s out here in a bikini barely showing her tits….

I don’t know who her social media consultant or advisor is, but I do know that she consistently enough puts out bikini content, or cleavage content, because that’s 90 percent of the reason why anyone would be following her.

It’s not like her True Detective role was even memorable, or worth paying attention to…besides the nude scenes and thanks to the internet we can reference that big titty content anytime we want….the issue is she needs to keep momentum moving forward with her celebrity and thus needs as much titty content as possibe on the feed so people know she’s the one with the tits….since besides the tits her career hasn’t been much…

I recently watched Daddario in some TERRIBLE Netflix movie and her acting was exactly what you’d expect from someone who got by in life for the tits….it was called “We Summon for Darkness”….and it was BAD…

So if that’s the case, and she’s dipping a toe into half nakedness for social, she should really look into her poses rather than doing all she can to make them big tits look flat…

I’m sure the Daddario fans, because you perverts exist are just happy she’s half naked…so here…be happy….


Posted in:Alexandra Daddario