I'll Make You Famous…




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

Pussy Wedgies are the cleavage of this generation…it’s the “this is my front hole because we don’t call them vaginas, slits or cunts anymore…it’s the jack their pants, shorts, swimsuits and panties up in themselves on social media for the likes and follows…it’s a pretty funny series of events where girls everywhere are basically showing full pussy definition like they used to show hard nips, cleavage, but cracks,…who fucking knows…they always find a way to maximize their bodies for personal gain, just don’t acknowledge that because they’ll call you a misogynist who just sexualizes them and who reduces them to whatever the trending exhibitionist move that is safe for social media is…is it thongs, booty shorts, leggings…who cares…where there is a will there is a way to be as slutty and shameless for attention as possible and when that is generally accepted as normal….it means the mainstream girls follow the fucking leader…

Here’s a round up of girls showing off their pussy wedgie, or cameltoe or pussy definition for ya’ll on a wednesday because I support this movement…


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Naked Kendall Jenner of the Day

Kendall Jenner Naked

Kendall Jenenr is naked in the water in what looks like a painting, not a good painting, but one you’d expect her dad Caitlyn to have paint of himself after his transition, only instead of hiring an actual artist, they when on FIVER or one of those other sites that sells. slave labor, and had it bumped out for 10 dollars…some FLEA MARKET shit….

I don’t know if Kendall is trying to be SPOOKY, mysterious, intense, but I do know she’s the hottest thing in her terrorist, overhyped, ruining the future generation family of merchants or Avon Ladies…the most over hyped network marketers that sit at the top of their food chain getting AMWAY rich because the masses are fucking morons and they have them all by the balls…

I don’t consider this a nude pic, maybe it was for Kendall’s lebsian lover because girls are less visual and more into concept…as dudes need the spread asshole pics to know it is real….I do conisder it way too dramatic for a pile of shit who shamelessly self promotes all day…and I will never understand the concept of sharing content that involves “dramatic” poses, it is not interesting, it has nothing to offer us, no information or humor…it’s just a “I look so hot here’…to which I say…get the fuck out of here…


Posted in:Kendall Jenner




Weed Wednesday of the Day

I am a weed supporter but only since weed became legal in Canada, I mean I’m not law breaker over here, I just do what the government tells me…like hide in my house all day alone, separated from family and friends, unable to go to restaurants or bras, unable to get lap dances and full contact handjobs….no gyms to get into in hopes of staring at hot asses because they are closed too…who knows maybe I was planning on turning my life around in March and get fit…but now it’s back to diabetes and impending death….

But yeah, weed, a plant anyone can grow in their backyard, at least in Canada, making it basically free, that has all kinds of health benefits plus it can fuck you up, so while making food taste better, movies more tolerable, sleep more relaxing, inflammation more down, anxiety curing, schizophrenia triggering, good fucking times…all for free…

If you can smoke weed all day, why would you ever get on opiates losers…big PHARMA is evil, this shit is just a plant..

The only problem with weed is the culture, the activists, the fans, the aficiandos, the experts, the strain snobs, the overly excited about weed as a subculture, just smoke it and shut up you fucking loser….when you turn nerd shit onto anything, it becomes garbage…but when you turn nerd shit on the girls looking for audience show up because they know nerds fall for anything…so anything that has any lame ass fanatics brings out the girls to pose with the shit…so that’s ok…no hate there…even if it’s silly and even if these girls look like they smoke too much weed…it’s not the hottest but it’s about the effort….you know I never hate on the nobodies trying to make it, I only hate on the people once they make it…the process is alright the getting there is what sucks because they think they fucking matter, a stamp of approval for asshole try hards is the worst thing for asshole try hards…now here’s those weed girls for Wednesday


Posted in:Weed




Bebe Rexha Beached of the Day

Bebe Rexha Beach

Bebe Rexha who is the chubby popstar that is too old to be a popstar but is doing the whole popstar thing because you can fake a lot of things on the internet…..is out on the beach in a one piece…which is actually the most appropriate swimsuit for her to be in…a bikini on a big girl is always messy….

I am going to assume this is an unphotoshopped picture of the normally photoshopped to shit 30 something year old on her quest to be a popstar because she’s trying to fake her way into popstar status…

As an industry veteran at 30 with hit songs under her belt for other popstars, she’s feeling entitled, or capable…especially in an era of body positivity and where you can blame any failings on your physical attributes and seek redemption for that…from things like weight, you’re a body shamer so let her go with it, to age, you’re an age shamer let her run with it, it’s the era of “Participation Prizes” we are all equals…so she can’t fucking lose….but her swimsuit can as she spills the fuck out of it in all the worst ways, maybe a size up is in order, unless a cutting of circulation at her hips is the look she’s going for as she basically explodes out of the thing….I mean it’s designer, they make that shit small, at least too small for BEBE….unless she’s just not willing to size up, one of those living the lie….who knows…

I will say I prfer this real looking 30 year old to her all done up like Nicki Minaj in clown make-up and hair…but that doesn’t mean I am into it…

Not to mention, I thought she found fitness and was slimming down to keep up with the young folk…but looking at this…tells a whole other story….a story you may jack off to.

I spoke too soon she is in a red bikini – brave new world.

Bebe Rexha Beach

Bebe Rexha Beach



Posted in:Bebe Rexha




Dakota Johnson Creeper Shot of the Day

Dakota Johnson Creeper Shot

I saw these pictures of Dakota Johnson’s ass in what look like a white bikini to me but for the pervert dreamers out there could be misconstrued as panties…which you know are way sluttier to be wearing at the beach, even if they are full back….but both white bathing suits and white panties alike become see through when wet, hence the whole reason I’m into them…last week. She’s filming in Greece because COVID’s really getting her down.

I remember the first time I experienced a white bikini bottom, I was at a friend’s pool during the summer when I was under 25 and his sister and her friends were there too…one in a white swimsuit…and everytime she’d get out of the pool her full ass was exposed…and anytime you got a glimpse of her from the front full pussy….but we were more decent as a people back then…at least some people were and no one told her…so for an afternoon I saw her fucking WOMB….it was that sheer…I guess bikini technology wasn’t as advanced….her friend said nothing, her brother didn’t notice because I guess he wasn’t looking at his sister’s cunt, people didn’t only watch incest porn titles back then so there wasn’t that awkward “I have a dick, you have a vagina, we should fuck since we’re stuck on this trip to grandmas together”….that the kids today need to deal with….and I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want the pussy show to end…it was the 80s or 90s…porn wasn’t readily available…so I used that visual for at least 3-5 years…maybe even 20 years…and any white swimsuit I see…I remember that gloriousd day…even when it’s on that whore Melanie Griffith’s daughter who only has a career because of her family legacy in the industry…her ass isn’t so bad though…

Dakota Johnson Creeper Shot


Posted in:Dakota Johnson




Kiernan Shipka Tits of the Day

Kiernan Shipka Tits

Kiernan Shipka who was on Mad Men is currently on some Sabrina The Teenage Witch redux that no one needed and that is more on the Riverdale vibe, which makes sense since it was an Archie Comic regular feature and if you buy the rights to one of their characters, might as well buy them all…and turn it into this dark and mysterious David Lynch rip off that makes no sense and not in a 90s “expanding your mind” in a “What did I just watch” kind of way….but rather in a modern day everyone’s a full retard so just make them say words as they go about their dumb useless attempt at a dramatic storyline….not that I’ve seen an episode but I will discount it and say I’m not surprised it is still on TV, you are all retards..

ANYWAY….she’s filming Swimming with Sharks, which I read a few times because I remember, vaguely remember since I don’t remember much, the Kevin Spacey Swimming with Sharks and I am not sure if it’s a redo, or a spin off, clearly it’s an attempt to rid Kevin Spacey, to censor his gay pervert ass out of the show, so that they can pretend it never happened the first time around…or maybe Spacey is in on it…and this is his bing coming out, coming of age, reveal….I don’t fucking know but she’s got bigger tits than I thought.


Posted in:Kiernan Shipka




Workout Wednesday of the Day

I don’t know if this is a new feature on a Wednesday, but it could be….the idea was to showcase fit girls who consider themselves fit and who like to get down with the workout in a NSFW kind of way…or pose after the workout in a NSFW kind of way because they are all fucking horny and jacked up on testosterone from doing that fitness shit…

I figure fit girls are hotter than fat girls, unless the girl is too fit, in which case she ends up looking like a fucking dude, but some of you are into that, the female body builder fetishists cuz it’s not gay since they were born with a pussy even if their clits are now the size of mini dicks you jerk off as sicking the tip…even though that sounds pretty gay…

Health and wellness motherfuckers, be the best version of yourself, you may need that fitness in the event that you end up having to fight for your life during the actual impending apocalypse…plus it makes for better nude selfies when you’ve gone some tone and tightness…so shout out to the bitches who aren’t too lazy to get fit to be their hottest because they are too lazy to get jobs and selling nudes is easier…some of these girls aren’t even that fit, just self proclaimed fit, because we live amongst delusions!


Posted in:Workout




Margot Robbie as Geraldine Spice of the Day

Margot Robbie Halloween

Margot Robbie is a piece of shit celeberity that doesn’t deserve the hype that she’s got as an actress, but Hollywood needs their meal tickets, the stars that can command the big pay day….it’s the WEINSTEIN MODEL of keeping budgets up.

I’ve heard and I’ve said before that they create these celebrities to demand high pay days because the producers can jack up the budget and before even starting the movie they collect their 10% fee, so a 100,000,000 dollar movie means 10,000,000 in pocket before even making the movie…so they use these women, like men use women, to bait people with money to throw money at the project…all a scam…

She was a set of tits on Wolf of Wall Street that went viral, she was hot, and all of a sudden she’s cast for everything, making fortunes when bitch can’t even do a convincing American accent…I mean…it’s all FUCKING lies…

That’s not to say she’s not hot, wasn’t hot, it’s too say that they took some willing to get naked bitch and ruined her by thinking she’s more than that…idiots

This is her GERI SPICE / GINGER SPICE costume for the perverts!

Margot Robbie Halloween


Posted in:Margot Robbie




Carolyn Murphy Shitty Nude of the Day

Carolyn Murphy Nude Vote

I have said it before and I will say it again, voting doesn’t matter. The person who wins is the person who they want to have win and by they I mean whoever is puppet mastering this shit….I know Conspiracies are so crazy but I’ve never trusted the voting process, I’ve never felt politicians have the back of the people, and I’ve always found them slimy fucks who are just there for backdoor deals that make them all rich…when I see people who make 200k living in palaces, worth 100s of millions, after a life of dedicated services….that shit makes no sense…and not in a BIDEN/TRUMP world, but basically since the dawn of time on all levels…even here the Mayor got fired for kickbacks by construction companies…humans as a whole are fucking garbage peoole who only care about them damn selves and don’t realize the threats out there against them or their freedoms…

Speaking of HOLE, here’s Carolyn Murphy trying to manipulate the vote like other rich and famous celebs who try to make you feel bad about yourself and your life and your opinions from their rich person homes in their rich person bubbles…

I don’t know why she’s trying to promote the vote, but it’s the thing to do to seem self aware or like you care, pretending that shit is important when it is not…

I don’t know what is going on with her ass as her asshole seems to vaccuum in her ass cheeks…but she’d be better off spending time fixing that…

And the truth is, I don’t give a fuck about what some low level model from 15 years ago does with her time….especially one with a fucking sex tape…

She’s trash…but she wanted you to vote with her ass…and she’s had a sex tape…so she trash…click here YOU CAN SEE THAT SEX TAPE HERE


Posted in:Carolyn Murphy




Sahara Ray Topless Voter of the Day

The most impressive thing about Sahara Ray in these videos is her ability to catch shit in her mouth like she probably caught dick in her mouth back when she was first starting out!

She was a crowd favorite in the hipster girl who gets naked scene that paved the way for cunts like Emrata…

She was early to getting naked thanks to having big tits back when girls could go viral on instagram for being in bikinis all the time. She got the followers, brands started paying her, it all became too much being the lamest kind of celebrity and girl lost her fucking mind…

She’s likely paving the way to do porn, they all fuck why not film it….maybe an Only Fans, you know because she’s a nude model and that whole period of being a brand friendly influencer was just a detour from her core.

This is another manipulative showing off she voted clickbait bullshit by idiots who for the most part are too dumb to actually have a say in anything, but she’s got her tits out, so you know she’s serious….and smart…and educated…and trying to get views the way nature intended…in the lowest hanging fruit kind of way which happens to be the best way…as long as they don’t try to talk or explain shit or be activists and stick to flashing tit.

Here she is after obliterating her face with photoshop:
Sahara Ray Panties


Posted in:Sahara Ray