I'll Make You Famous…




Alexandra Stan Nip Slip of the Day

Alexandra Stan nipple

Alexandra Stan is some Eurotrash singer behind the song “Mr Saxobeat”.. You know THE SONG . It is one of those songs that I think everyone in the world knows…every shitty club has played it…every stripclub has had at least one vagina exposed to it….if I know it and I’m so out of touch, you know it.

The singer of that song, is topless on IG, nipple out, or tit out, and that’s about all anyone should be doing when they are exhibitionists who like to flash the world their nudity for attention. I mean it is the end of the world, now is as good a time as any to get naked…Yolo, and it may not be for much longer.


Posted in:Alexandra Stan




OANH in her Face mask Bikini of the Day

This isn’t the first face mask bikini we’ve seen, but it’s fun to post it up as the world is in a crisis scrambling for face masks, most of the USA is planning on running out, brands that normally produce other products are manufacturing them, Trump is coordinating with companies that can sterilize them, and the whole thing is pretty ridiculous, a big deal…but all it takes is one instagram girl to say “fuck that, let’s make it about me”….and turn it into a bikini.

So when you see an instagram girl like OANH, gratuitously using masks to execute some smut for instagram that is COVID themed. Anything to get noticed I guess. It makes her all the more entertaining in her quest of IG fame.

What’s I’ve figured out is that she’s Vietnamese and along with making silly viral COVID themed bikinis to getting her best slutty outfits out there to get noticed, when not promoting low level instagram brands for sluts, or writing captions about getting the good dick as she does her best American IG whore impressions, you can take pleasure knowing that your people may have lost the war against her people, but in the process you killed a bunch of them….you know retribution as you angrily think of your family in healthcare that are risking their lives as they run out of masks. Maybe your dad or grampy is her dad or grampy too….you know ‘nam….

Thanks to Instagram, this girl can wear trending outfits she gets at their bootleg clothing markets, instead of taking the traditional Viet woman route of working the sex trade, for sex tourism, at the lady bars, where girls get their first jobs at 15, charge dudes 20 dollars to fuck, before washing the fat tourist cum out of their holes from a hose attached to the toilet in the public bathroom…you know really securing how dirty they are to make ends meet, but its a cultural thing so whatever….

Posted in:OANH




Rita Ora Egg Crisis of the Day

Rita Ora Egg Crisis

Rita Ora made it clear when she posted this video that it was done before the quarantine, when wasting that much food was more socially accepted as motherfuckers around America are either risking their lives for a dozen eggs, or not able to get a dozen eggs, because they ordered their groceries on Walmart and 15 minutes before the deliver was to arrive, a week after the order was made, Walmart pulled the plug on the order…leaving you at home with an obese wife who couldn’t get fed…leading you to risk your life to get food to feed the bitch…because a hungry obese wife is way fucking worse than a full one in diabetic shock passed out in front of the TV.

Anyway…for those food waste fetishists, who like seeing girls destroy their food, instead of eating their food….like me, this should hit the fucking spot…so long as you’re not craving bacon and eggs, in which case it may trigger you…

If you are looking for humor in all this, it’s that Rita Ora, the popstar they tried to create who was forced to be an influencer, because she lost her record deal, is still trying to make music or pretend to make music to fulfill her musical dreams…that may never happen at the level she wants it to, but that happened enough that she’s basically won at life by not needing to resort to giving lap dances with her great tits…the way nature intended it to be….

Here’s that video:

Here she is on social media…

Rita Ora White Bra

Here she is on IG right now doing Yoga with her tits out….kinda…not good enough…


Posted in:Rita Ora




Weird Instagram of the Day

I avoid social media, now more than ever, thanks to everyone being a whining cunt on the internet, and me being totally uninterested in what any of those whining cunts have to say…but I occasionally come across some bullshit, like this account called @BREAST_CANCER_AWARENESS

I respect the pervert’s hustle, and for the longest time I wanted to put a breast cancer charity toolbar at the top of the site, to show how much I donated to breast cancer charities with the site, to justify all the tits I was posting and to pretend to advertisers that I wasn’t a smut peddler, but instead an activist, philathropist, fighting the good fight against our big enemy, breast cancer, because it tries to kill off bitches or at least it tries to steal their damn tits.

Anyway….this is the content from that dude’s account, because instagram thinks it’s breast cancer awareness tits, which along with instagram whore tits if you’re famous enough, and breast feeding pics, are the tits you are allowed on their publicly traded platform they try to not allow to trun into a porn site….even though it is a porn site…but shareholders and advertisers can’t know that…so they police it even though smut is the only thing humans actually like…

So here’s to @Breast_Cancer_Awareness and his insane content that instagram DEEMS appropriate.

He also does CERVIX CANCER FREE….LOLZ….straight from Instagram…Hilarious

Posted in:Features




Bella Thorne Nude of the Day

Bella Thorne Nude

Bella Thorne, who is basically the same as the employee kitchen garbage left at the Disney studio head offie, before the staff fucked off for quarantine 2 weeks ago, posted up this picture of her tits, as all the young girls looking for immediate feedback, attention, likes and comments do.

She’s pretending to take a bath, but has the look of always stinking, the kind of girl a fire hose spray down would still leave looking slimy as fuck….and she’s pretending with her tits out….

So edgy and artistic in their quarantine….as all these girls lose their fucking mind when left to their own devices, it’s like all girls are destined to be unstable cam girls or sex workers. They are coded to be the kind of girl fisting herself with a dildo in her ass for male attention, and the real challenge in the gameplay that is our life, which we can all agree feels like a simulation, is trying to not become that sex worker fisting herself…..it’s like everything in her core, soul, brain wants that…but her questionable morals, the impact or consequences it would have to her agents, and handlers, and all that is what gets in the way of her Youtube Series called “WILL IT FIT”….where she tries to insert various household objects…to see what would fit…as people place bets on whether it will fit…not realizing IT will all fit…she’s just that committed, eager, talented, et.

The quarantine is making people go nutty, I’ve been living this exact lifestyle for decades, therefore I can’t relate – but it’s fun to watch it all go down.

It also allows us to figure out if her tits are real tits or fake tits from Disney money….you know the things that matter in this time of “WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE”….


Posted in:Bella Thorne




Healthcare Girls Gone Wild of the Day

Support Our Troops….the frontline healthcare workers are getting a lot of praise from everyone around the world, like they are the heroes we need, even though they are the heroes we’ve always had…..

I don’t think it’s anything special that these health care workers are out there going to work during the crisis while we all get to chill, the whole reason they are in this position is to be there when there are pandemics. It’s the whole fucking point of working in healthcare….

Sure, it’s been cushy all their careers with a lack of a pandemic to really make them worth the high salaries they get according to me, not necessarily high salaries compared to useless people in the world like celebs or influencers, but still good pay for a three year college course compared to other three year college courses like fashion design, cabinet making and mechanics….

Nurses are paid well for working the system….and they were just hoping that there wouldn’t be a pandemic in their careers, where they’d have to really get their hands dirty….

I don’t see how them going to work despite there being a pandemic is a big deal, it’s their fucking jobs.

That said, nurses are the sex workers looking for doctor cum to fill them up even if they are married, because doctors have the lives nurses like to have sex with and hope to one day homewreck..masturbating, flashing tits, anything sexual is a good way to deal with stress…so naked nurses, naughty nurses, scrubs getting pulled off is trending…you know since nurses are the sex workers of the healthcare industry…and this is an updated bunch of pics on our ongoing COVID-19 healthcare worker titty documenting, since they are the only titties that can leave the house.



Posted in:COVID-19|Features




Charlotte Lawrence Naked of the Day

Charlotte Lawrence is an “Indie” popstar, where “indie” means her parents bought her a record deal like she was Massimo and Aunt Becky’s kids trying to get into USC under a rowing scholarship despite never rowing anything but except maybe their faces into the variety of dicks they’ve sucked….

Encourage her self care, self worth, self expression as a nude on the internet any chance she gets, because nude is trendy and nothing to be ashamed of, plus it brings her publicity to help her achieve her dreams…. cuz they are her parents and see her as talent, plus they raised her rich and entitled and expect very little more out of her besides mooching off her allowance.

Nothing like her vapid LA cunt qualities on a young rich kid trying to take on the world tits out.

This may sound like a negative post, but I’m actually a fan of Charlotte Lawrence, sure I haven’t heard her music and I don’t buy into her ways to trend with the other young LA sluts, but I do buy into getting naked for attention on social media because it forces Facebook to change their policies in policing sexual content, something they’ve been pretty inconsistent and discriminatory on in the past…if I was rich…I’d sue those fuckers for every IG account I’ve had deleted…but I’m not rich, so I’ll just support nudity as a viable tactic to get people to notice you.


Posted in:charlotte lawrence




Noah Cyrus At Home Porno of the Day

Noah Cyrus Home Porno

Noah Cyrus may be a fucking troll looking bitch, but at least she’s slutty…

I don’t know if a hip to waist ratio is all that relevant when the lower half of a girl is basically a fat pile shit.

Her storyline screams damaged on some deep level, thanks to being the younger sister to a Disney created success….it can go either way…but both are equally damaged.

The first way is that she lives in the shadow of Miley, always feeling inadequate knowing she will never be Miley….the second string….

The second way is that she is so hyped on being Miley’s sister because when she was growing up second string the family and the therapists made her think despite Miley’s success, she was important in her own right, making the Miley connection actually make her feel of more value.

Either way, she’s getting naked on the internet for attention on self isolation, or quarantine or whatever you call it, because what the fuck else do you think this is raised rich as shit thanks to Billy Ray’s one-hit-wonder, so she’s got that level of spoiled white trash cunt…allows her to be a spoiled white trash cunt…so here she is trying to go viral, trying to be important…..fat ass out.


Posted in:noah cyrus




Hand Washing PSA of the Day

I guess with the social distancing rules in place at the federal level until April 30th, you’re likely not working, going broke, waiting for your 1200 dollar check from the governement, angry that trillions of dollars were spent on fighting the arabs in the middle east, money that could have been paid to each and every one of you, I mean it was your tax money…better for it to go back to the people rather than to the government sending it where they want…crazier that the Tithes suckers give to the evangelicals…but somehow seen as normal. The elite really pulled a fast one on all you suckers…didn’t they…”give us your gold, take this paper, give us 40% of your earnings, it’s fair, we give you streets, mail and also charge more taxes on everything you buy, and on real estate YOU own”….ridiculous.

Anyway, the biggest and best way to fight COVID is apparently to hand wash, and luckily internet tits lack creativity and all do the same kind of content, which has been consistently hand washing tutorials…tits out.

I’ll watch this for hours to make sure I know the right way….but only because I have nothing else to do…not that I ever have anything to do….6 frames, one video, it’s some Sesame Street level shit for old perverts. It works.

Posted in:COVID-19|Videos




Katherine McPhee Pussy Stretch Fitness in a Mask of the Day

Katherine McPhee has to pretend that she’s not trying to kill her 80 year old husband, because it will be too obvious when he dies of COVID that she intentionally planted the virus.

It’s one of those too good to be true to all the sugar babies with 65 year old or older boyfriends to take their chances with COVID in hopes of killing them off.

It’s one of those wanting the money, the inheritance and the payout. Expediting the process without actually having to commit a legit crime.

The invisible enemy the world is at war with is the unexpected friend to those money grubbers everywhere….


Posted in:Katherine McPhee|SFW