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stepLINKS of the Day

It’s funny that 50 percent of the people I see are bracing for the apocalypse thinking that we will all end up in FEMA concentration camps, microchipped, slaves to the government and owned by corporations…..while 50 percent think it’s no big deal, that it is all a viral stunt, like a global candid camera skit, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

How shitty does your life have to be that you WANT to go back work….I get that we’ve been programmed to think work is productivity and work is how you live an honest life and work is how you make consistent money to pay idiotic bills for your life…but to be unemployed is fucking liberating…if […]




stepLINKS of the Day

More people will die from the HPV Paris Hilton introduced to the scene, the first pandemic the WHO ignored…. All these guys waiting for a girl to get drunk enough to fuck him are playing hero about Weinstein. “I hope this sets precendent on all the #MeToo movement cases”…shut the fuck up faggot, we know […]




Emmy Rossum Old Tits of the Day

I hate Emmy Rossum. I don’t entirely know why. I mean she got naked on Shameless for a decade when the show confused her for being one of the stars and basically wrote around her, about her, like a central compelling person while she consistently sucked. I actually stopped watching the show Season 2, I […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The photographer of THIS POST (where the images have been deleted as per her request) wrote me this email: You used my photos when treating slut models. One is insult online and two is a big problem in terms of rights. please remove this article upon receipt of this message otherwise you will have to […]




Emmy Rosum Big Tits as Angelyne of the Day

The real Angelyne.. So Angelyne, the legendary famous for not being famous, buying her own billboard, driving around in her pink corvette, becoming an LA meme before there were memes…is being made into a Mini Series and all the other bottom feeders out there like Phoebe Price who no one cares about…must be MAD….but not […]




Rita Ora Shitty Tattoos Getting Wet of the Day

Rita Ora may be the celebrity we’ve all heard of but have no idea what her deal is. One of those always around like Phoebe Price but you can’t actually pinpoint why. She’s a master of being at the right place, getting in the paparazzi and dating strategically to “matter”…you know so that people will […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Some people say I am too one dimensional reporting slutty celebs in their latest slutty post and reaffirming to you that she’s still a slut, in case you were wondering or looking for something to jack off to…..but that doesn’t mean I think my work has no higher purpose, in fact I know my work […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Pretty rough week for mass shootings, a terrifying concept really, the reason I don’t leave the house, or trust being outside because people are crazy….but it reminds us that lame as fuck loser white dudes who can’t get laid are angry. Like any mass shooting, the anti-gun people are going crazy, but have to realize […]




stepLINKS of the Day

From an old timer’s perspective. Kids are either trans, dying of Fentanyl, or doing the whole instagram thing… I left the house for a solid 7 minutes to buy beer and I saw a girl with Girl with hugee thighs in tight as hell shorts walking like she was riding a horse to not have […]