I'll Make You Famous…




Jennifer Lawrence in Vouge of the Day

Jennifer Lawrence is in VOGUE because I guess she’s promoting some bullshit…and I am sure she’s had a lot of irrelevant things to say about her and her existence in how she scammed Hollywood into thinking she’s this natural talent in a career that requires no talent…IT IS ALL LIES…but keep paying her 25 million dollars a movie…she DESERVES it…even though she irritates me and everyone I’ve ever spoke to….yet still getting work..because the industry has positioned her in a way that lets them increase budgets and make more money despite no one actually going to movies except maybe a few homeless people trying to stay warm in the winter….you’ll know that if you’ve been to a movie theater in the last year there is likely going to be under 10 people in the place…but for some reason, even the death of movies, people like this garbage still exist.

Posted in:Jennifer Lawrence|SFW




Alessandra Ambrosio’s Ass is Looking It’s Age of the Day

I don’t know what the hell is going on here, but Alessandra Ambrosio who is likely in her 40s, a mom, with fake tits and her skinny model body, who still gets paid to be a Victoria’s Secret Girl, despite being expired, at least seemingly expired, but I guess, fighting nature’s course….is Finally…showing a bit of her age in her bikini pics…because whatever that ass is doing…doesn’t happen to 20 year olds….it looks weird…but I like it.

Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|SFW




Kirsten Dunst in Nylon of the Day

Kirsten Dunst in Nylon is not Kirsten Dunst in NYLONS…you know showing off her old lady skinny girl body with big, what must be saggy as hell tits, because it feels like she’s been around forever…we’ve seen her rise to the top and fall into some haggard crackhead looking mess..only to rise up again because I guess she ran out of money…

In this episode of NYLON magazine, she talks about being on TV again in some show I don’t care about but more interestingly….she said “You can get jobs based on your Instagram following these days. That’s insane. But that’s why I have it now”…

Meaning her instagram is just her clickbait, her way to be relevant, her way to prove her celebrity, because she knows she can’t get work without an Instagram, so now she’s on instagram…strictly for profit…like a garbage opportunist you know all these greedy cunts are….

I checked out her instagram, hardly slutty enough, but she’s got a lot of followers, because she’ Kirsten Dunst…an icon…I guess…but I’m more into her tits on her small frame..

Posted in:Kirsten Dunst|SFW




Margot Robbie Possible Personal Pics of the Day

Apparently these are some leaked images of Margot Robbie, one of the latest scams in Hollywood, that I guess isn’t really the latest scam in Hollywood, because dates kind of blur into each other and Wolf of Wall Street was probably 5 years ago, but I feel like it was last week…but recent or not…she’s still a scam.

These are the worst leaked images of anyone ever, they are her at the beach on vacation, like a typical facebook picture from the era when people would upload their whole trip, before they figured out POSING AND CURATION and things were just random, candid, human….

I would prefer spread vagina, especially considering that she made it in Hollywood for being the nude babe in Wolf of Wall Street, before getting cast in everything, because Hollywood is fucking lazy.

Knowing girl from Australia and by default is a slut…proven by being Australian…this is pretty disappointing…but she’s got lots of fans, and they probably really dig it..and I guess that’s good enough for me to post it.

I have very lazy posting guidelines…

Posted in:Margot Robbie|SFW




Heather Graham’s Creeping Me Out of the Day

Heather Graham who was once ROLLER GIRL..in BOOGIE NIGHTS…a big deal, all big breasted, thick bushed, and amazing…celebrated as one of the hottest actresses out there with a legendary body…

Well, now she is she’s old, looking like some kind of socially awkward virgin cat lady cashier from the drug store…or some kind of clerk who doesn’t deal with people…but is knee deep in spreadsheets everyday before going home alone to masturbate to weird porn and eat ice cream out of the tub before trying to find a husband on various dating apps….but still busty…because sometimes…when you take the unattractive and set it next to tits…you can power through it..

Posted in:Haylie Duff|Heather Graham|SFW




Anne Hathaway’s Rumored Leaked Pics of the Day

The world hates on Anne Hathaway. They slaughter her for whatever reason. I generally like to do the opposite of what the world does, in terms of what they hate, it’s just an innate reaction I have, even as an adult, who is not trying to be “cool” in anyway, I just can’t help being turned off from what the masses are into…or not into..and I feel forced to embrace the opposite emotion…

Not that Anne Hathaway is really hated, she’s still a working actress getting paid, it’s just that everyone’s like “I hate that bitch, she’s got a face I want to punch”…while I’m like, I don’t think she deserved an Oscar for shaving her head, I don’t think she’s that riveting in any of the movies she’s in, but punching her in the face….I mean maybe with my balls…while trying to find my dick shaft…as it is burried…but not out of anger…out of…K-Fed hopes and dreams…get in with the rich famous bitch, sit by the pool for the rest of your life….

That said, these are apparently ‘Leaked Pics’, that are more likely her trying to be cool and edgy like all the other girls, or maybe she’s just into being topless…or maybe THEY aren’t even of her, I can’t tell because I don’t actually care…

But let’s just say, for the sake of not wanting to get sued that they aren’t her, and if you’re reading this post and see no images, than they were of her, and I suggest using google to find them, because the nudes never disappear, I just don’t want to get made an example of for posting shit I find on tumblr for you idiots I don’t actually give a fuck about.

Posted in:Anne Hathaway|SFW




Bella Thorne See Through of the Day

Bella Thorne posted up this video of her doing a creeper dance in her see through bra that I guess you’d be able to see her nipples in if she wasn’t a ginger with transparent no contrast nipples…because of course she did.

She’s had more success, interest, love and support from anyone since she started putting out the slutty content with her injected faces…after years of trying to make it, and even having a Disney TV show, trained to crave attention, support, praise….while being coddled so that she keeps earning….she can now turn to the internet for that love, support, praise…and the more naked she gets, the more it comes in…

What a beautiful story.

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Ariel Winter Naked in Bath Works Out with Sarah Hyland of the Day

Ariel Winter, clearly a comedic actress, based on her workout videos, that I guess we should support and appreciate, because no one likes a fat chick, and when a fat chick, who isn’t quite fat yet thanks to being 18, and just has fat tits, fat ass, fat belly, obese in training, you know…takes on fitness because she’s in hollywood and needs to, I would never criticize her, because I don’t like fat chicks and believe that she has hope to lean out, get rid of that “baby fat” and look alright…

But will most likely be 300 pounds, this is just a lie but the good news is that will come with massive juicy tits I’ll still stare at, because I like massive juicy tits on fat chicks, and she’ll likely still get work, and her fans that watched her grow up will likely still jerk off to her…

In other news, she took a bath:

Her co-star, who is also weird looking in her own right, but for other reasons, like her bobble head that is too big for her body, that we can assume is caused by hormonal therapy her mom put her on to keep her youngish so that she can cast or remain playing the kid as long as she can, it pays more when you’re 18 and don’t need to follow union rules, but look 12….

She posted her workout pics in her panties or bikini bottoms – like some kind of trackstar because I guess the PR team wants workout content…

Posted in:Ariel Winter|Sarah Hyland|SFW




Ireland Baldwin Tits of the Day

Ireland Baldwin has found her skill set and she’s committed to the cause, at least I assume she is, because she’s blocked me on all social media as I guess I used to torment her early on in her career, back when her content was fluffy, beachy romance, before it got dark and broken, struggling to get a career as an edgy model, because she had the size to be a model, not that size matters, unless you’re any girl I’ve slept with, since we are in the era of the monster girls and the midgets being models…

That said, I still like to fixate on her being the recipient of her dad going nuts on her during his divorce to Kim Bassinger…and focusing on her riding their coattails, trying to make a name for herself, pretending to be just existing and that people are genuinely taking interest with her….even though…we’re just here for the tits..

I always think these celeb kids should do more with their lives, but they always just end up being useless, addict weirdos….but I’m still here for the tits.

Posted in:Ireland Baldwin|SFW




Asian Tit Muscles and Other Videos of the Day

Texas Robbery Fail

Las Vegas Police Shoot a Naked Man

Woman Asks Pastor for Bigger Boobs

Man Catches Snake with his Nose

Ghetto Chick Fight!

Woman Steals a TV

Woman Pulls Tits out at the Company Christmas Party

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos