I'll Make You Famous…




Jessica Alba Looking Old in Elle Australia of the Day

Jessica Alba looks old….because she is old…

She’s also a billionaire..but more imoportanlty, Jessica ALba, the hot half mexican from all the shittiest movies of many years ago…who inspired you to jerk off in at least one bikini picture, because she had titties and looked good in a bikini, it was her mission…or her value, who knows, it was a different time and she’s not all that hot, I don’t think she would have had a career if she came into the industry as a young Alba today, she’s just too lame, but it happened, and here she is…being thoughtful…as she promotes her empire…and by thoughtful I mean not THOT enough and old.

But foot fetish pic…right?

Posted in:Jessica Alba|SFW




The Stallone Sisters Look Like Trashy Italian Mafia Daughters of the 80s of the Day

Sistine Stallone, Sophia Stallone, Scarlet Stallone are all Stallones…their dad is Sylvester…and their trust funds are popping.

I assume they were raised in LA amongst all the shit that is LA, all the rich people, all the narcissism, all in the comfort of their own home…and…now the new generation of rich kid celebrity daughters who like getting on camera and using their last name to get on camera…in a world where people care about celebrity kids….because they are seemingly important thanks to shit like RAMBO….they matter…

I like this shoot, because it reminds me of 1980 mafia daughters at a family function…erotic…only its rich Hollywood brats that aren’t all that hot but the last name makes them perfectly hot.

Posted in:Scarlet Stallone|SFW|Sistine Stallone|Sophia Stallone




Sarah Halpin Tits of the Day

Sarah Halpin is sisters with another instagram model named Joanna Halpin…meaning there are two of them producing slutty enough instagram model because it’s quirky, artsy, edgy, exciting, like they are all models are hipsters thanks to the whole hipster thing being pretty fucking mainstrea mainstream thanks to instagram filters and the fact that you can polarize slutty content as high concept – it makes it seem less eager and thirsty…


Posted in:Sarah Halpin




Some Kardashians on Vacation in Bikinis of the Day

I don’t even think the Kardashians deserve attention, because they are the Kardashians…and disgusting human beings, terrorists even, who have shat on pop culture and the youth, and turned them all into these weird tranny looking creatures made in a lab…

They’ve turned Khloe hot….

They turned Kim into this sloppy mess that will age real weird…

They turned Kylie into her….

They are just monsters, freaks and for some reason, a reason I call “they are popular”…”people follow them”….I need to jack my fucking face up…

While these trashy whores are in their bikinis – the rebuilt Khloe Kardashian was out wearing leggings…

While these trashy whores are in their bikinis – the rebuilt Khloe Kardashian was out wearing leggings…

Posted in:Kardashian|SFW




Polina Malinovskaya in Some Hipster Photoshoot of the Day

Polina Malinovskaya…..Malinovskaya…..

I wonder where she’s from?

I guess that doesn’t really matter, because there are no borders on the internet, we are all god’s people, and by God, I mean Mark Zuckerberg’s…since he owns all that shit, which makes it more interesting as a concept….like all these people who are doing this instagram shit are really just jerking Zuckerberg off and making him stupid money…like a bunch of retard puppets in his hands…

But when you’re name is Polina Malinovskaya….who you can follow Polina Malinovskaya …it may mean leaving her cold water one room concrete communist flat…and bring her to places like LA and coachella and all it takes is some EROTIC porno shoots…

I wouldn’t hate to find out she’s American ,it’s less fun when locals are doing this same hustle, but I guess all girls are doing it…so it would make sense..

Posted in:Polina Malinovskaya




Emma Watson in a Photoshoot for Interview of the Day

Emma Watson is in Interview magazine, I prefer her trying on BIKINI Pics from the other week.

I guess she’s promoting feminism, or pay equity, or whatever her political agenda that is totally unrelatable because she’s some rich and famous child star really weird loyal fans who watched grow up before jerking off to her, sure they did, because they aren’t that weird…sure they aren’t….I mean any grown man watching Harry Potter thing is fucking creepy…

That said, highlights of her interview include:

“if I live in that fear, then my life as an artist, as a human being, really, is over. Ultimately, it will silence me, and it will silence what is in me — which I have yet to explore and uncover.”


“The night before I gave my speech at the U.N., I was an emotional wreck. I thought I was going to hyperventilate,”

“No one likes feeling vulnerable and uncomfortable and weak – But I really have found that it’s in those moments when I go there that there’s a kind of magic.”

THANKS FOR THE NONSENSE…here are the pics.

Posted in:Emma Watson|SFW




JoJo Seflies of the Day

Jojo wants you to know that she can kick your ass…but you can pretend that it is a typo and she’s subliminally telling you that she can lick you ass…because you know when looking at her…that this is a girl who has licked ass before…but in this era of loose moral women, so narcissistic and trying to make their own way, as a selfie producer along with all the other selfie producers, on a mission to be the number one selfie producer, willing to do whatever it takes to be the top selfie, licking ass is just basic…

These kids are broken, grew up on porn not the church and it’s a weird social experiment.

Posted in:JoJo|SFW




Alejandra Guilmant Covers Treasts! of the Day

Alejandra Guilmant got tits.. but anyone who knows this Mexican “model”, probably knows she has tits. I would assume the only reason she exists is because she’s got tits, and really Mexico despite all the hate we Mexican get by you mean spirited white people, is a wonderful place, with wonderful women…..

As long as they aren’t the Mayans with no necks working at taco stand…shitting out babies…living the Mexican cliche of the illegal crawled across the border…when most illegals flew in on an airplane…not that they even need to move to America..since Mexico is fucking awesome…despite all the parasites…intestinal not people stealing your jobs – you WALL builders…

Well she’s on the cover of TREATS!, the sugar baby magazine, and she is more important than Genevieve Morton – who didn’t get the cover, I guess a story of her life…

Posted in:Alejandra Guilmant




Katy Perry Shows Off her braids of the Day

Katy Perry wanted to show off some hair extenstions, or braids she got put in for what I assume is a photoshoot..or maybe she’s just bored at home – and rich and can do whatever she wants like play dress-up…

I like to think it’s just an excuse for her to grab and squeeze her tits like an old woman buying fruit in the grocery store…and erotic experience if you are a pervert.

Posted in:Katy Perry|SFW




Models in “How To Spend It” Magazine of the Day

Financial Times has a magazine called “How to Spend It”…which I guess is some luxury shopping magazine that shows you all the expensive things you can buy – when you’re a very successful investor thanks to Fianancial times, your trusty sidekick, in a corrupt, legal criminals, inflating the value of stocks to make everyone involved stupid rich at the expense of morons everywhere who don’t understand finance.

I was listening to something about how Tesla is valued at the same price as GM as a company, yet Tesla and their 120,000 dollar car sell the same amount of cars in one year, as GM does in 3 days…

Because it’s Tesla….Amber Heard’s Elon Musk…you don’t need to have the sales to prove the concept…you just have to have the billion dollars, press and concept to fool the idiots..

I heard that UBER loses 100 million dollars a year, every year, yet on paper is worth a ridiculous amount…because concept…it’s an app…people use it..

I heard that AirBNB….valued more than Marriott hotels, is also losing 100s of millions of dollars a year…

YET all these people involved are billionaires…living like billionaires and buying magazines called How to Spend it…cuz they have too much money and don’t know where to spend it…it just keeps multiplying you know…

The real purpose of the magazine is for the Sugar Babies to figure out how to spend the money, that they think their vaginas deserve, even though all but Amber Heard will be thrown the fuck out when they get too comfortable…because billionaires have options…unless the girl is good actor / manipulator..

These modes areAuguste Abeliunaite, Charlotte Wiggins and Xannie Cater shot by Andrew Yee.

Good times.

Posted in:Photos|SFW