I'll Make You Famous…




Charlie Riina in her Best Shoot to Date of the Day


Charlie Riina is a model from Canada and these are her best pictures to date. I first saw her in some ads promoting some bootleg water..made connection with her and have since had a glorious friendship….

She has since gone onto a few things…a lot of in international, but this work for Jonathan Leder, one of my favorite photographers, who has been doing this forever, long before instagram ripped off his style, is probably her most important…

I guess what I am trying to say is that she’s got some of the biggest boobs ever and I’m glad she’s busted them out and made them the celebrities the need to be….

So Jonathan Leder publishes boobs based on his shoots, if you like this GET THE BOOK

Here’s the video:


Posted in:Charlie Riina




Charlize Theron’s Panties for WSJ of the Day


I wonder what Charlize Theron’s dad would think of his 40 something year old daughter posing in her underwear on the cover of a magazine…if her mom hadn’t killed him back home in South Africa for being abusive…I guess we’ll never know…

The interesting thing in the Charlize Theron story I’ve heard is that she was about the throw in the towel on her Hollywood dreams, after her murdering mom forced her to America to live the dream that wasn’t working out, because she was broke as fuck…only to have been spotted in a bank cast in a movie and now an Academy Award winner who has had sex with Sean Penn and I’m sure many others…

I like that American dream when it ends up with old ladies who still look good because they aren’t American in panties on the cover of a Wall Street Journal magazine…

Posted in:Charlize Theron|SFW




Bella Thorne’s Towel Series for Mario Testino of the Day


Mario Testino is a top tier photographer, which to me doesn’t mean very much, because I think everyone is a photographer thanks to the iPhone and Instagram, but I guess some photographers are considered photographers and constantly get booked on the bigger budget photoshoots because they’ve tricked the right people into thinking they are geniuses or talented, which I guess is debatable, since everyone is a photographer, but more importantly because the best or highest paid “artists”…are usually the easiest to work with, or the best marketed, or the ones with the best agents, who know how to do the best self promotion…

Doesn’t matter, because Mario Testino figured it out, we can’t hate him for that…

In figuring it out, his personal art project is shooting the girls, usually A or B listers in their TOWELS on set, he’s done it with so many people, that girls think it is an honor to be asked, and I guess Bella Thorne is the latest…

Looks like she’s made it, or maybe we’re the ones who made it, because we get to watch the 40 year old pretending to be 18, on her journey of casual slutty, building her social media audience and taking over as an “actor”…when all the other instagram whores are just whores….


Here’s a video of her smoking blunts…

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Anna Faris in a Bikini of the Day

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Anna Faris is a lot of fun…she’s been married to the very famous Chris Pratt for a long time, she’s pushing 40 years old, but her body is rockin’ and she’s never offended me in her fame whoring, or celebrity. In fact in all her movies, from The House Bunny to The Hot Chick to Just Friends…she’s consistently done what she was supposed to do…

Maybe I haven’t spent enough time paying attention to this B-List at best actor, to really hate her and everything she does. I haven’t even checked her social media to really get aa sense of how horrible she is, but based on her fitness in a bikini…in these pics..she’s good…and I normally hate old girls, they die at 30 for me…


Posted in:Anna Faris|SFW




Kendall Jenner and her Groupie Park in Handicapped Spots of the Day

Kendall Jenner - Leaving a Yoga Studio in Hollywood (Spandex) - 26032016_007

I am not the kind of person who really cares about policing handicapped parking, but I still never park in handicapped parking, even though it’s convenient as fuck. I am the kind of guy who tries to convince anyone I know with an injury to get a Handicapped parking sign that we can color photocopy and put in all our cars so we will get the VIP parking people who can’t walk due to disease or injury, but more importantly Kendall Jenner and her groupie deserve….

You see, when you’re a self involved spoiled cunt, who thinks she’s too busy in life to waste driving around in circles looking for parking, especially when you’ve hired the paparazzi to come shoot you walk into Yoga because you’re doing a campaign for a fitness brand, and part of the millions, include an instagram pic and being seen by the paparazzi in it…

She could argue that she’s so famous that if she was walking a block or two, or paying the meter, she’d be ransacked…and give her a break, her mother is her pimp and her dad turned himself into her mom…she’s not from a well rounded place.

I would argue, that despite all that is working against her in her life of luxury, she’s a fucking cunt, overrated, not a model, and just a product pushing puppet on some AVON lady level being used by brands to increase sales…and not being used by brands because they think she has anything to offer…

The reality is, she’s the kind of girl who is so into herself, absorbed in her entitlement that she’d probably fight an actual handicapped person to get the spot…

Garbage, and she’s not even hot…and either is her groupie…the Baldwin shadow who follows her everywhere….

Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW




Christina Milian’s an Exhibitionist of the Day

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Love the “Believe” tattoo..I think it’s an inspirational quote worthy of being printed on wall art to hang in the living room of your housing project home, and/or Trailer Park Home…it’s just that classy…

I don’t care about Christina Milian or her attempt to take on social media, because she’s empty and feels like this is easy for her to take on, because you don’t even need to suck dick to make it happen, and suck dick she’s done, she’s even had a kid with famous producers to secure the good life…leaving her all the time in the world to roll around half naked on snapchat for her fans jerking off to her…it makes her feel like she’s still got it, even if she’s insignificant and all I know is that this is leading a great example for the kids…

This is a mom…with a hit song…and a job on TV…

Posted in:Christina Milian|SFW




Marissa Kité Lens Flare for Kesler Tran of the Day


Kesler Tran is a pretty well known or established LA photographer…who shoots every single model, instagram model and sugar baby he comes across and generally makes them look great…using aggressive filters and in this case serious LENS FLARES to give a solid feeling of “art”…or “high concept”…almost like it was shot on FILM only not at all..when in reality there is no such thing as art, it is just a good excuse to get girls to shoot with him….naked!!!

The reality is, the pics are good, the babe is a babe, the nakedness isn’t vulgar, yet still naked enough, and in an oversaturated market, where all pictures look the same, this is a bit different.

I am so torn with this internet model thing, because I come from an era where old out of touch execs choose who should matter, who gets seen, who gets paid and self promotion meant sucking up to them, often times literally, instead of the general public deciding, when in reality I should be all about this trend, because it allows me to decide which girls I consider fame whores, or talent, worthy of success as a model, and which girls I want to promote and work with because if you’re decent looking you should want to be a model, it’s easy work and leads to the good life surrounded by successful people…in amazing places…

So I make fun of it, I tease the girls participating in it, but I actually like the DIY approach and hustle, especially with nudity and this Marissa Kité is magical…a dream girl, a goddess who revolutionizes the model industry, a breath of fresh air, and angel, perfection possibly even too hot, maybe they need to throw mud on her or something, to make her relatable, otherwise, she’s barely human in her level of amazing, and I’m not just saying that because she’s been a STEP GIRL …or maybe I am …

Posted in:Marissa Kité




Melissa Joan Hart in a Red Bathing Suit of the Day


Melissa Joan Hart posted a picture of her in a red bathing suit…

Melissa Joan Hart is old as fuck, and apparently she’s doing this to celebrate her weight loss…but you wouldn’t know that, because no one follows Melissa Joan Hart…

I would argue that even when she was on TGIF programming on Sabrina the Teenage Witch, a show we can assume NETFLIX is bringing back, I preferred her Aunts, even the fat one to Melissa Joan Hart….the teen…VERY UNLIKE ME…but a testament of just how hot she was…or I guess wasn’t…

I mean even the puppet cat on the show was probably what I’d choose to fuck if it came down to the two of them….

So seeing her in a bathing suit now…does ZERO for me, but I assume you weirdos were into her, because you’re old dudes who visit blogs like this…which isn’t normal…you’re not normal…this isn’t NORMAL…why are we doing it..


Posted in:Melissa Joan Hart|SFW




Ashley Benson Tries to Get Fit of the Day

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Ashley Benson is everyones third favorite short legged, wide-hipped actress, who is extremely famous from being on a very popular show people watch religiously, called Pretty Little Liars, but that Ashley Benson calls her Lottery win, because it has set her up for life…assuming she’s not a vapid cunt who expects things to just happen for her because she’s Ashley Benson, which is probably the case, since all these girls are fucking brats…

Well, I’ve been calling her out for being on the cusp of hot, busty yes, but sloppy….saying with her money and the studio that produces the hit show money…she has no excuse to not be served or monitored by the team of nutritionists and trainers…there is no reason why she is banned from the craft services table, or that on her breaks she does squats versus watching snapchats…

Because she was not that fat, but just fat enough for me to say “she’s fat for Hollywood”…would take 2 weeks of starving herself to fix, and once fixed, she’ll book bigger things.

I am only trying to help, and I guess I’ve done my part because someone in her team is making her go to the gym, and she’s already looking better, she’s got a neck/chin, a thigh gap starting…things are lookin’ up this spring morning…

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Posted in:Ashley Benson|SFW




Jessica Alba’s Feet for the Foot Fetishists of the Day

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Jessica Alba may brand herself as “honest”, but the truth is she doesn’t brand herself anything, she’s got a team of people who have been running the show, and who have given her the right advice along the way so that she never got naked and ended up in porn where she probably at her core would have ended up, but luckily people needed the hot girl with average talent in average movies people would see, back when people went to movies…only to leverage that celebrity – after trapping her man with kids – into a productline for moms that pretends to be “healthy” or “organic”..or “all natural”…but arent…

Kinda like Jessica Alba….

Now she posted her feet on snapchat, because she knows the freaks and creeps are out there…she feeds into them…in a way where she pretends she isn’t, you know a little “here’s some jerk off material”…with more of a wink than actual words…

I’m onto you billionare Jessica Alba…..

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Bonus – here’s some Jessica Alba Tit Sweat…



Posted in:Jessica Alba|SFW