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Gapped Toothed Britney Spears Recycles her Beach Ass Picture of the Day

I am a believer in the Britney is dead conspiracy, where she’s just being kept alive because of her social media feed getting updated. I mean, sure, she may be in a basement cell somewhere, or in some institution, or dropped off in some remote island with no internet that she can’t escape from, but […]




Britney Spears Dance Specialist of the Day

Here’s a little Britney Spears, or the actress they’ve hired to play Britney’s body double for the sake of keeping her alive on social media, doing a little squat in the shit on your face dance position, before spazzing the fuck out, with possessed looking eyes, belly out, gyrating like a stripper on the wrong […]




Britney Spears Has a New Background Filter from her Prison of the Day

I am a believer that Britney Spears is dead, or that she’s being run by a body double, that gap in her tooth confuses me and with basic AI technology she is rich enough to afford, or her team keeping her alive is rich enough to afford, it’d be easy to keep her alive…. Her […]




Britney Spears Valentine’s Day Devil of the Day

I know that the Super Bowl happened, that Taylor Swift’s team won. I didn’t have money to bet on the game, I didn’t watch the game in some dive bar with degenerates and prostitutes like I would have liked to…..and ultimately, who gives a fuck about men running around in tights playing with balls and […]




Britney Spears Does a Demonic Dance of the Day

Here’s some Britney Spears looking like she’s possessed by demons. I figure it’s probably some side effects of the prescription pills she’s on, you know because they’ve decided she’s crazy after making her crazy. Since it’s the internet, I don’t really believe that this is actually Britney, but rather a Britney face filter on a […]




Britney Spears in a Thong of the Day

I don’t follow Britney Spears because social media is the devil that is trying to rape your soul and make you buy products that you don’t need… I have tried to follow Britney but she’s got a private account because she’s Britney Spears and why would she have a public account, despite her millions and […]




Britney Spears Crackhead Panty Dance of the Day

I guess Britney Spears has made her instagram private, because she wants to keep her community or content stream private for her officially followers of over 45 million people….you know an intimate group. I don’t follow Britney Spears because I don’t waste my time on social media, I am too cool to be that desperate […]




Britney Spears Brings Back her Blue Dress from March 31 of this Year of the Day

I like to believe in elaborate conspiracy theories, mainly because they all seem to end up coming true. One of my favorite conspiracies is that Britney Spears is dead, or locked in her basement, or institutionalized and the Britney Spears that we deal with is a body double, an actress, or even just an AI […]




Britney Spears Brings the Christmas Weirdness of the Day

It’s a Christmas Miracle because the ghost of Christmas past has graced us with some content uploads…. Britney Spears, or the artist that is currently cast to play Britney Spears because I like the Britney Spears is dead and this is all old content conspiracy….has delivered a mix of videos that make no sense in […]




Gap Toothed Britney Spears in the Pool of the Day

Gap Toothed Britney Spears is one of my favorite of the Britneys. I assume the actual Britney is dead, institutionalized and definitely not FREE, so this is one of the Britney Spears clones that they don’t explicitly tell us is a Britney Spears clone, but who they instead throw into the content feed and let […]