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Britney Spears Hard Nipples Bring Out the Christmas Tree of the Day

Britney Spears is like Walmart, white trash and already got the Christmas decorations out since it’s November 1st and that’s the next holiday in line. I’m convinced that Britney is dead, or in an institution and all this Britney content is old bullshit shot years ago to keep her brand alive. Since she’s broke from […]




Britney Spears Half Naked and Humping the Air in Dance of the Day

I checked out Britney’s instagram, assuming she’d have some weird costume post up, I figure if you’re locked in your mansion with nothing else to do, coming up with some wild costumes, especially when marketed as a crazy person, would be the thing to do. The truth is that I am convinced the person on […]




Britney Spears Got Naked of the Day

They claim that Britney wrote a book, but Britney is clearly not well, dead, or institutionalized….so I don’t really think she wrote a book. Apparently, the people behind the book are actually her management and an LLC that her father is the director of, so seems like she’s not quite out of that conservatorship….and not […]




Britney Spears and her Stripper Pole Celebrate her Timberlake Abortion of the Day

Britney Spears is going viral, or I guess trending since she’s pretty much always viral thanks to being Britney Spears, one of the last great celebrities of our time. She’s not getting people excited or concerned about her knife tricks, playing her best dancing Puerto Rican gangster with his switchblade in West Side Story….theatre kid […]




The Britney Spears Viral Half Naked Knife Dance Continues of the Day

I guess I let all you losers down, because I didn’t jump on the Britney Spears dancing with knives video that’s become a meme. I figure, Britney Spears as a concept is pretty fucking depressing, because the girl still feels very much in captivity and I’m not even sure it is the girl, just some […]




Britney Spears Satanic Panty Dance of the Day

Here’s some Britney Spears doing some really weird hand signals, that I know if you were to google them, would be some satanic ritual bullshit, since all these idiots do these weird ceremonial satanic rituals like a bunch of fucking losers, because either they believe in Satan, are trained by people who believe in Satan, […]




Britney Spears Doesn’t Believe in Jesus of the Day

In a not so shocking development, since Britney Spears is an industry puppet and part of the whole Hollywood and Entertainment Industry’s Satanic Agenda….you know a blown out mind controlled puppet they used to push agendas despite it destroying her as a person…you know keeping her in captivity doing things she didn’t want to do […]




Britney Spears Red Lingerie Insanity of the Day

The recently GETTING divorced body double who is pretending to be Britney Spears so hard that we’ve all accepted that this is what an aged Britney would look like, gap tooth and all, is at it again… She’s stripped down for a dance video to push the narrative that she’s not actually dead, but rather […]




The Body Double Playing Britney Spears Makes an Omelette of the Day

Here’s a little fake Britney Spears cooking for instagram because she’s not only the world’s top pop star who is fading, but also an influencer, a person of interest and most importantly FREE to use her stove now that she’s no longer in a conservatorship with that on staff chef and other pesky rich person […]




Britney Spears Gets Licked and Topless of the Day

Britney Spears, or her body double, or her clone, or her AR filter have recently let her handler who played her husband go. They are calling it a divorce. I assume his contract was up and he has a better life to live as Britney’s ex, probably at the gay clubs or by the pool […]