I'll Make You Famous…




Kylie Jenner is Fun of the Day

Here’s some snapchats and Kyle / Kendall Jenner because their mom is a whore madame and they are the whores for her brothel…and their dad is a whore..who turned himself into a whore…because he was jealous of the attention his whores were getting….Hollywood….

The best one is where dude calls her Kendall…and he says “What that Mouth Do”….this guy is a hero…who could probably get arrested as a sex offender because she’s underage…to which she tells him to fuck off…

The second best one is where she talks about her big teen tits being tape not implants…because all 17 year olds should be taping their tits to look like implants…it’s just the healthy thing for girls pretending to be 40…while looking 40…at 17…cuz they weren’t raised properly and were forced to fend for themselves amongst vapid cunts and a camera crew…leaves a negative impact on a person’s soul….

I don’t care for anything Kardashian, other than using them as an example for how society is fucked..becuase they exist…but the young one is entertaining…and I guess that’s good enough…even if it’s not good at all..it is bad…bad bad…but the lesbian choke out isn’t that bad…

Here’s a few others:

Here’s some pics…

Here is a paparazzi pic of a girl in a thong…they are saying is Kylie changing…


Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Rita Ora’s Intense Instagram of the Day


I guess this working as a Rihanna Impersonator isn’t working out as well for Rita Ora as she would like it to….because she’s still thirsty on social media, doing features on Madonna songs, like she’ll always be the back-up singer, or the girl who gets a verse on another person’s more successful song, and never the girl with a song of her own to career her into the future ass a respectable artist…but I would argue, when self producing pictures like this for attention, she’s already made it…or committed to not making it…depending on how you look at it and I choose to look at it from the asshole up.


Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




Miranda Kerr’s Got Some Legs of the Day


Miranda Kerr is showing off her sugar baby legs….because they are ridiculous and amazing…but most importantly…used by billionaires as a runway for their mouths while landing into her pussy…

I don’t think anyone blames her. All girls love money….and their level of hotness and relevance directly correlates to the richness level of the guys they are with…I mean to a certain extent…these girls are superficial so they go for the rich / good looking, not too old dudes…not necessarily the richest dudes…but you get what I am saying here…and that is even the local college girl is willing to get paid to fuck a dude for a Louis Vuitton purse…or her rent paid…Miranda Kerr just does it with billionaires, since she’s not a starving student but rather..a millionaire lingerie model…

Either way…legs…that have been rumored to have fucked Bieber…which is way less weird than being legs that married a gay Australian actor and having his kid….before getting fired from the one job she ever really had…that allowed her to sugar baby with confidence…like “I can afford my own life, I’m with him cuz I like him”…

Who cares.


Posted in:Miranda Kerr|SFW




Pippa Middleton in Bike Shorts of the Day

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Pippa Middleton 50

Pippa Middleton is in Bike shorts…which is a disappointment, not because of her uneventful ass, but because I had hope for her…I thought she’d go off the fucking rails in a jealous fit because her sister married into royalty and turned into a Princess and mother of the future King…pretty fucking substantial sugar baby hustle…seeing as the Royal family own something like 60 percent of the world’s land…including US and Canada….you know pretty fucking stupid rich and powerful…

I thought of her as a typical jealous sister, living in the shadow, using her vagina to break free and make some noise…But I didn’t factor in that she is probably hired by the Royal Family to behave, on payroll, made that it was in her best interest to behave, you know be bad otherwise a little “Princess Diana”…can happen to anyone reflects badly on the Royal Family…meaning these shorts are pretty much as good as it gets…and it’s not that good…it reminds me of dad’s on weekend in full race gear trying to escape their wives with the boys…


Posted in:Pippa Middleton|SFW




Chloe Grace Moretz VS Urinal of the Day


Chloe Grace Moretz is young and I guess part of the gender bending movement that’s been getting more and more popular….thanks to internet, tumblr, and the attention all these trans people are getitng for being gender obscure…

I don’t know what is happening, but I assume it is the hormones in the food…because I am ignorant and remember a time when trannies were just prostitutes for closet cases to meet in the gay part of town and in the back pages like they were Hugh Grant or Eddie Murphy, in seeking something different but not quite homo…and not every second kid at the high school prom…or maybe the world is just more tolerant…or maybe everyone was trannies when I was growning up…and we just didn’t know it…because society was mean…

I don’t really care about what gender anyone identifies with, probably because I don’t care for humanity enough to care about what some asshole things of his cock or asshole…if it is a pussy to him…it’s a pussy to him…and affects me in no way at all..I’m too busy self hating..

I will say that Chloe Grace Moretz is probably less about being a girl who can pee standing up without it going everywhere and making a mess…but more a “hey look at me I’m Caitlin Jenner”…mocking the movement…because…this seems very insensitive to trans girls who crave peeing in Urinals…

Posted in:Chloe Grace Moretz|SFW




Pheobe Price Ass Flash of the Day



Phoebe Price is a friend of mine….we email each other, which is far more pleasant than the death threats that I get from really strange people who either think I am a different Jesus Martinez, or very passionate about the celebrities and models you’d assume no one cares about, but who someone is willing to kill for, even though there are way better people to kill for a statement…I’m insignificant..but Phoebe Price isn’t…she’s a classy, and amazing, older woman…who still has it going on…she’s classy, and elegant, even when in her little paparazzi attention seeking hustle…because I think she’s trolling all of us, showing us how easy it is to be noticed and talked about despite not actually being famous…and when it involves her bare ass, that is a good ass, even when it is an old ass, I celebrate every pixel…that’s internet for every inch of this..because this is the interent…


Posted in:Phoebe Price




Emma Roberts Skinny Legs of the Day


Emma Roberts is being hated for the wrong reasons..people are trying to give her a hard time for having skinny legs, when skinny legs are one of the best things ever, you know something I want to sign up for an wear as a scar, I think it’s just skinny shaming from girls who can’t have skinny legs because they eat too many fucking donuts…in an era where everyone eats too many donuts…except maybe Emma Roberts…because she’s an actor, on TV, and no one wants to look at a fat chick on TV, except maybe fat chicks, because I guess Lena Dunham, Melissa McCarthy, Amy Schumer and Fat Amy from Pitch Perfect exist and are ridiculously celebrated and famous, because society hates skinny girls…bitches…

What it comes down to is that even if Emma Roberts is anorexic or on drugs, I think she’s pretty put together for someone who had a self involved father fucking hookers and drinking his career away…and a cunt Aunt she’ll never be as famous as…I mean…you’d expect most people in the situation to not work…when they can just live in the guest house and get high all day…

All this to say, skinny legs are hot….look at them…but then again…I used to jerk off to anorexia porn,..I liked the struggle of not eating more than emotional eating…it’s my right…


Posted in:Emma Roberts|SFW




Christina Milian in Underwear of the Day

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Christina Milian has it all figured out…

From being slutty in a music video…to marrying and getting knocked up by a music producer who put her name as a co-writer on some of his major pop songs.. creating a triple revenue stream for her from residuals on the song, alimony and child support…and she did it all while young enough to do it all over again at 38 or 39 when her kid turns 18 and she wants another 18 years of 20k a month child support…it’s clever and while she waits for it..she just keeps going to bikini pool parties in Vegas, like a good mother…trophy mother…attention seeking mother…

I get what she’s doijng…and when it looks like this, I’m down..but she rarely properly executes this whoring, for a girl with a TV show, on A Network TV, with a hit song, in the media, willing to get naked…she’s not very famous…

cm (1)

Posted in:Christina Milian|SFW




Hannah Ferguson in Galore of the Day


Hannah Ferguson is the 45 year old looking model, who I’ve been told is very nice, because I guess when you’re 45 and you’re finally making it in the world as a bikini model, you’ve seen some shit and have been through some shit and experiences that have allowed you to get to a place where people think she’s 24…

You know…one of those “if I’m really sweet and nice and fun, they won’t ask for ID, they’ll just want to take pics of me, and pretend my hard face is from sun damage, because I’m that committed to bikini modeling and my body is hot, that’s all they care about, just be pleasant, keep the smile on, don’t let them have any reason to doubt me”….

Or maybe I’m just an asshole…I mean I can assure you that she’ll think I’m an asshole..all while I think she’s got pretty great tits…

ALl this to say, another SI model, another girl not making money as a model, another sugar daddy happy to have another girl to choose from who will fit into his agenda and meet requirements needed for him to bring her to events….and/or knock her up…like they were Andy Roddick and the countless other daddies to these girls…something I’ll never be, but I would still pay 25k an hour to have them sit on my face…because why the fuck not…right…

Posted in:Hannah Ferguson|SFW




Taylor Swift’s Intense Instagram of the Day



Taylor Swift’s getting racy in her marketing…but I guess like LeeAnn Rimes before her taught us…you can be a homewrecking, fake titty, drunken or medicated slut, and people will still buy your Christmas album…

Country music fans are forgiving…they are people of the church, of Jesus, and as long as you’re not Black…or a Jew…but rather a good well rounded American Girl…who they grew up with…or who they watched grow up…they will always have your back…while famous dudes are cumming on your back..

You see, people like Taylor Swift…have managed to trick the world on multiple levels by speaking to their own insecurities and emotions when it comes to failed datings…she’s played the vulnerable victim just looking for love…when in reality shes just looking for a double penetration while eating out a model…and here she is posting slutty pics to instagram…as all girls do these days..and that I thank them for doing…because it helps me get through this meaningless life..

Posted in:SFW|Taylor Swift