I'll Make You Famous…




Doutzen Kroes for Elle France of the Day


Doutzen Kroes is a mom of 2. Retired or Fired Victoria’s Secret model, because Victoria’s Secret realized they can get cheaper girls to model their shit….and I guess the shift from Victoria’s Secret has been a difficult one, you know letting go of the past when the past is all you know, and really the only reason your husband liked you in the first place, leaving her insecure when not half naked….

Luckily Elle France, and really anyone and everyone with a camera is here to make her feel validated…always willing to capture her, even in her retirement and irrelevance half naked…because that’s just the society we live in….

Posted in:Doutzen Kroes|SFW




Taylor Swift Tight Shirt Midriff of the Day

Taylor Swift is working this model thing pretty aggressive. I guess she’s tall and skinny and now that she’s confident, not awkward and hotter than most models she hangs with, I’m talking to you Karlie Kloss, realizes that she could have made it as a model, if she hadn’t created this billion dollar enterprise that is her personal brand and career…where she still gets in magazines and talked about, but has an actual purpose deeper rooted than being a model…because models have nothing to offer the world and are useless…while Taylor Swift brings the soundtrack….like a messenger pigeon…that you can either kill youself or dance to…and with each play..she gets paid…

She’s won at life and I guess now she’s just coasting…tight shirt titties and all…

Here she is with her cats…who she will miss on her Euro tour because the internet LOVES cats…

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Posted in:SFW|Taylor Swift




Ariana Grande Panty FLash of the Day


A pornstar once told me that Ariana Grande is a whore…

I have told this story before…

Let me repeat one more time….

A pornstar once told me that Ariana Grande is a whore…

She knew her on a personal level, they shared a few penis’s…she had the inside scoop….

So this see through to panties pic circulating tumblr should be spread vagina and throat fucking like the porn star…only Ariana Grande is a better marketer…apparently….making her a smart whore..something…I can fuck with…because if you’re gonna fuck everyone…make it count so that you don’t always have to fuck everyone…unless you want to fuck everyone…be strategic…which I guess is what Ariana Grande….

That said, she probably doesn’t have a very tight vagina, maybe the panties are a key element needed in this pic…to not scare us all off…

Posted in:Ariana Grande|SFW




Cara Delevingne Has Legs of the Day


Cara Delevingne is the lesbian model it girl turned actress who is rumored to not bei modeling anymore now that she’s in big movies…which makes sense, since modeling is a bigger joke than acting, especially when you’re not all that hot, but just in the right place at the right time, where the fashion industry took a liking to you, because you were rich and skinny and took a good picture…leading to a career of her own that makes her trust fund very manageable to live off of…and I don’t care either way…I’m just glad she’s got nice legs, because it helps me understand why she got so big, when so many better models who are actual models….like career models…didn’t…

Not that I care about Cara Delevinge..I’m just sayin’..


Posted in:Cara Delevingne|SFW




Melina Martin by Sigurd Grünberger for UK Glamour of the Day


Her name is Melina Martin. I’ve never heard of her, but she’s a pretty big moddel…with 100,000 fans on instagram…making me feel out of touch, since I’ve never heard of her, despite doing this daily, but 100,000 instagram people have…I’m so pathetic…I mean not that we needed Melina Martin or her nipples for fashion to determine that…I mean if I did know who she was I’d feel as pathetic…it’s a lose /lose situation…and I’m the top loser…which I guess in ways is winning at something. Go me!

No…go look at Melina Martin nipples for fashion..the way nipples are supposed to be used…

Posted in:Melina Martin|NSFW




Selena Gomez Picture of the DAy


I don’t know what this Selena Gomez is from. I don’t know if someoene photoshopped themselves into the frame in some kind of viral meme that makes her look like she’s getting fucked from behind…

But she looks like she’s getting fucked from behind…and I like that…even though I don’t care for Selena Gomez and already know she’s been fucked multiple times by people including Bieber…so it’s not like we’re dealing with a virgin here, it’s just nice to have the visual so we don’t have to do it ourselves…

Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Renee Sommerfeld for Maxim Australia of the Day


Her naame is Renee Sommerfeld….

She’s some Australian instagram sensation, for obvious reasons, rocking more than 1,000,000 followers, for obvious reasons…you see instagram likes hot chicks who post consistent naked or half naked pics in amazing settings…like the pool, or beach or whatever…because it stimulates their retard brains…

All of these girls are interchangeable, and really a product of the instagram popular page that doesn’t exist anymore, but that allowed them to find an audience…

I doubt any of them will amount to anything much, but I’m down with watching them at their peak, when almost irrelevant magazine do shoots on them….where they are half naked in said shoot…but mainly because I like Australian girls…and their tits…they are just hot, fun, slutty and drunk…and I connect with that…unfortunately, my genitals don’t…

Posted in:Renee Sommerfeld




Vanessa Hudgens is Braless in Leggings of the Day


Broadway superstar….Vanessa Hudgens….because I guess where else can you go from being a Disney bred singing and dancing freak if you don’t want to end up stripping or as a hooker who up-sells thanks to the Disney being on TV experience, I mean I’m sure lots of you would pay her 10,000 dollars to fuck at least once, 5 of you a week and she’s making 50,000 dollars a week, with only 5 hours or less of work…it’s honorable, but I guess not as good for her soul as a play in New York that represents real, actual acting…like it was a craft…even though it’s a scam and actors know it’s a scam…but live theater is a bit harder to pull off…

It doesn’t matter..what matters is that she’s braless, since no girls wear bras anymore, and not even the sluts, but the normals…that’s not to say Hudgens isn’t a slut, I mean she was producing selfie porn before the iphone was released…making her a bit of an OG, seasoned veteran to the shit…She is to selfie porn, what Pam Anderson is to sex tapes…a slut…so braless or not…whatever…but I’ll post anyway…I’m in too deep to turn back now..


Posted in:SFW|Vanessa Hudgens




Nicole Kidman and Naomi Watts Do Lesbianism for Australians who Pretend they Are Americans of the Day



Nicole Kidman and Naomi Watts were at some Women in Film event in Los Angeles, where I guess they both live, despite being Australians…they’ve assimilated nicely, I guess because they aren’t arab…or Indian…or colored in anyway, but rather white and aryan….perfect to assimilate and allow in to steal your acting jobs…making more money than most you Americans…living your Hollywood dream, that I guess isn’t very American at all, but a network of immigrants using Hollywood to brain wash the dumb as fuck public…

In confusing the public, while at a feminist celebration, even though film constantly celebrates women. I mean they make stupid money, they produce movies, they are involved in the scene and jerked off to by many, why do they need a women’s only event…seems pretty silly…but I guess I come from the school of being man, being told it’s a man’s world, yet I’m not worth 100 million dollars like these girls, what the fuck are they whining about…so fucking stupid..

It’s like, we used our slut to get rich…and now we are going to complain because the guys we slut to…who made us rich…got richer in the process…

While the rest of us live in debt…

Fuck you Naomi Watts and Nicole Kidman…and your fake, bullshit stance…and lesbianism…mocking lesbianism…but probably giving a glimpse into the casting couch when they were applying for the US Work Visas…


Posted in:Naomi Watts|Nicole Kidman|SFW




Tyra Banks #NoFilter of the DAy


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I don’t know about you, but I prefer when my #nofilter or “I Woke Up Like This”…is more of a parody, like bitch knows “I have a ton of fucking make-up on, and I’m posing hard, and I ran my shit through Face Tune, because everyone is ugly, and if you want to produce content for the web, make it nice to look at, since we see ugly all fucking day”…

It’s like, we don’t need to see the real Tyra….ever…especially when it looks like this…

I don’t mind her tits form the late 90s though..

Here’s what she had to say, while trying to make a statement, despite real fucking issues happening…

ou know how people say #nofilter but you know there’s a freakin’ filter on their pic? Or maybe there’s a smidge of retouching going on but they’re lying and saying it’s all raw & real? Well, this morn, I decided to give you a taste of the really real me. I wanted to smooth out my dark circles so badly!!! But I was like, “Naw, Ty. Show ’em the REAL you.” So…here I am. Raw. And there YOU are…looking at me, studying this picture. Maybe you’re thinking, “Whoa, she looks ROUGH.” And if you are, great! You deserve to see the REAL me. The REALLY real me.

Posted in:SFW|Tyra Banks