I'll Make You Famous…




More Lindsay Lohan Instagram Weridness of the Day



I guess Lindsay Lohan has finally been quarantined by the center for disease control…you know thanks to her vagina being pretty fucking contaminated…

She’s working on a comeback in the weirdest of ways, but it is a comeback nevertheless…when really all she needs is a video of a dude coming on her back…to remind us what Lohan is, what she does and what she represents…

Remember, that even at her peak she was a shitty actor barely working, and instead was just noise and tabloid fodder, but I still believe she will one day win an Oscar…

Mainly becasue the Oscars are a fucking scam…that mean nothing and will do whatever it takes for ratings…

Here she is in some lingerie….

Posted in:Lindsay Lohan




Jessica Simpson’s Erotica Continues of the Day


Jessica Simpson is taking advantage of her serious weight loss that I assume was funded by Weight Watchers….and has become the face and body of her billion dollar clothing line…because I guess she can, but more importantly, like all fat chicks who have lost the weight and rediscovered their sex appeal, they want to get the word out there and have people jerk off to them like they were still in their 20s, because all the money in the world can’t buy that…but hours at the gym and not eating cake all day everyday can…

People relate to her…and now that she’s skinny, she’s all about being slutty and romantic, despite all the kids out of wedlock she’s had…we get it, she’s horny as fuck….and so in love…and it is ok because it is her husband….

And like she did with her 50 Shardes of Grey bullshit…here’s another one of her being manhandled…but I just find it weird…and awkward..even tacky…like a poster in a trailer park…which I guess is about right…considering…


Posted in:Jessica Simpson




JUlia Pereira’s in a Bikini of the Day


Her name is Julia Pereira. She’s a Brazilian model who hasn’t been tainted by the Victoria’s Secret empire that like the Portuguese explorers before them, raped and pillaged Brazil for all their natural resources, by distracting the locals with false promises of salvation like the Portuguese did with catholicism…only unlike catholicism…the Victoria’s Secret salvation kind of comes true, if fame, fortune and billionare husbands is what you’re into..

That said, Julia Pereira proves you don’t need Victoria’s Secret to be a Brazilian bikini model…you just need to look like this…and more importantly…to have bikinis…

Posted in:Julia Pereira




Burberry Goes Black of the Day



Naomi Campbell, Jourdan Dunn are the faces of a new Burberry campaign, because I guess Burberry has gone black…but will they go back?

I mean we know hip hop loves luxury goods, and people with money love hip hop and luxury goods, but the white trash in the trailer park racists…sure as hell won’t be outfitting their KKK meetings in Burberry hoods this year…I’ll tell you that much…

Posted in:Jourdan Dunn|Naomi Campbell




Catt Sadler’s Pubic Hair of the Day


Who the fuck is Catt Sadler…and why am I loving her landing strip? Probably because I love all landing strips…I am a bush loving, pubic hair loving, kind of guy and nothing upsets me more about a pussy than when I find out it has been shaved, because it shows that a girl is lazy, by pretending that she “loves having no hair”…when really she just loves not taking the time to shape her natural vagina accessory..and dudes who are against hair, are just brainwashed…because real dudes will fuck anything…hairy or not…

The good news is that porn, and fashion, and pretty much everything is bringing the bush back to me…so that I can be complete again…and really that’s all I want for my birthday…bush….

So I may not know what Catt Sadler is…but I know enough to like her…


Posted in:Catt Sadler




LeAnn Rimes in a Bikini Selfie of the Day


LeAnn Rimes is interesting, but not that interesting, because none of these girls are interesting, but she’s in a bathing suit, which is interesting, but not that interesting, it’s just entertaining to see a 30 something chick posting pics of herself in a bikini for dudes to jerk off to…especially one who was so devoted to the Church, the south, and making good old wholesome music while dressed like some like of Pilgrim or Mormon….

Only for her true homewrecking slut whore with fake tits turning all hollywood to overpower that country music bitch facade…and I am perfectly fine with the fall of a wholesome girl lie, for her true whore colors to shine through….because true whore colors are more fun.

I just find it funny that her people still buy into her bullshit..but I guess they buy into religion…and are loyal to that bullshit…so it makes sense…

Posted in:Leann Rimes




Courtney Stodden’s Cameltoe is the One that Got Away of the Day


Courtney Stodden is posing strategically – yet fully exposed…in a bikini – reminding me why I like Courtney Stodden.

She’s just this balance of fame whore, clown with silly circus sized tits, who pretends to be 18 or 19 and married to an old dude, when she’s really probably in her 40s, and the whole Courtney Stodden experience is just some marketing lie she came up with smoking cigarettes in the back room of the stripclub she probably worked at with her mom….

She has fallen off the map, out of the tabloids because he act wasn’t sustainable enough, she is the sex tape that never happened…but should of and probably wil…

But she hasn’t fallen out of my heart…..My one life regret in recent years was being invited to her Halloween party last year, and not going…

She’s an angel…

Posted in:Courtney Stodden




Frida Gustavsson Titties for Fashion of the Day


Her name is Frida, she is the Swedish model who I guess has worked with Victoria’s Secret, she’s only 22, which is a lot younger than me, and makes her hot…but she’s also over over 6 foot tall, and thus scary as fuck but perfect for runway shows, because people love tall as fuck models…

I guess if that didn’t work out for her, she could have always work at IKEA, taking cheap, practical designed things off high shelves for the motherfuckers who aren’t over 6 foot tall…

SHe’s naked for fashion, which is the only way I like fashion…and I guess she’s putting herself out there more and more to get more and more money and that work ethic is nice to see, it’s the reason I got to most strip clubs…

These shoot is pretty good, but I can never hate on nipples….so don’t take my word for it…I’m bias.

Posted in:Frida Gustavsson




Sophia Bush Weird Topless Pic of the Day


I am pretty sure you’ll love this Sophia Bush picture for three key reasons…

The first being that you’re a virgin loser weirdo with no social skills, who loved shows like Dawson’s Creek and One Tree Hill, which is what I think she was on…you know the grown ass man into Buffy the Vampire slayer…who still jerks off to Sarah Michelle Gellar…or whoever the fuck played Buffy the Vampire Slayer…because you have a hard time moving on…it’s part of your social retardation…

The second being that she’s posing like a sex doll, a little blow up action, and that’s the only sex you know…and female loving that you’ve had…

The third being that she’s topless, unless that upsets you because in your social retardation, you feel like she is somehow cheating on you, or showing a side of her slutty self that you didn’t know she had…making you see red….

All this to say, you’re fucking weird…and I’d rather she be showing her bush…

Posted in:Sophia Bush




Anne Hathaway Does Miley Cyrus of the Day

I am not sure if this is a fact…but I am pretty sure Anne Hathaway is the devil’s spawn, sent here to manipulate the world into her web of boring, uninteresting, not sexy, even dull, bullshit Oscar win because she campaigned right and because Hollywood is a vapid place where cutting off your hair is an actual sign of good acting…

This is for a Jimmy Fallon produced show, based on one of his games, because Jimmy Fallon has done the Tina Fey and is producing TV now…because polluting our lives nightly isn’t fucking enough …

ALl this to say…she’s the worst…and 4,000,000 people beat me to this video…because I am slow to the draw when it comes to Fallon, Anne Hathway being Miley…even if I like Granny Panties, on someone with Granny level sex appeal grinding and giving hte finger…cuz she’s edgy…

Posted in:Anne Hathaway